每逢月的初一和十五,都是绿野镇的集市日,周边村庄的人们都会来加入熙熙攘攘的人群.霍元珍今天选择下山,主要是为了逛逛市场;他想在那里宣传自己.无奈地告别了林柔之后,霍远真直奔青野镇而去.当他到达时,已经是早上了,市场里热闹非凡,人来人往,生意兴隆.当人们看到霍元珍时,都带着一些厌恶的避开了他.霍元真,一个和尚,一直都是个英俊的年轻人,平时不会引起任何反感,但今天不同.他刚刚和人打了一架,身上浑身都是泥土,自然而然地,人们都想避开他.但霍远珍并不在意.俗话说,"重要的不是包装纸,而是馅料.即使他看起来衣衫褴褛,他也有实质内容,很快,人们就会心甘情愿地来找他.他环顾四周,试图找到一个好地方,当他走到街道中央时,他突然看到两个流浪的僧侣摆摊传道."同僧."霍元珍皱起眉头.这是少石山脚下,他已经认为这片地区是少林领土的一部分.让外人在这里传教,是对少林公然的不尊重.虽然少林现在已经不是很有名气了,但这种行为绝对不能容忍.然而,如何处理这种情况需要一些思考.两位僧侣孜孜不倦地讲道,但枯燥难懂的佛法教义并不是很吸引人.没有旁观者,只有一些人会停顿片刻,然后走开.随着太阳升得更高,两位修士一枚铜币都没有赚到.他们正开始担心,突然,另一位修士出现在他们面前.这个修道士很年轻,还不到二十岁,长得好看,虽然浑身脏兮兮的,但他似乎对他们不感兴趣.两位僧人交换了一下眼神,其中一人念诵了一尊佛号:"阿弥陀佛,请问这位同僧是来跟我们说话的吗?那个肮脏的和尚霍元真突然笑了起来,说道:"我已经听了一段时间了.你们俩在宣讲正宗的佛法时,似乎没有人欣赏它.听到那和尚不是来捣乱的,两个流浪的和尚松了一口气,其中一人说:"啊,确实,兄弟.世人无知,不懂禅宗的真正教义.我和哥哥在这里已经两个小时了,我们没有收到一枚铜币的布施.我们连下一顿饭都吃不饱.那个肮脏的和尚霍元珍走过来,说道:"兄弟们,成交怎么样?"你什么意思?"两位修士有些警惕."别担心,这是计划.我看你选的这个地方不错.我讲道,你们俩在一旁支持我怎么样?如果我们赚到铜币,我们就平分.你说呢?老和尚犹豫了片刻,说道:"兄弟,这似乎不公平.我们就站着拿走一半的硬币,这对你不公平.霍元真在心里点了点头.这两位修士似乎品行不错,大概没听说过少林寺.看来他需要调整自己的计划."好吧,我们先谈谈吧.也许我也赚不到任何铜币.霍元真随便坐下,两位修士不情愿地站在他身边.他们并不是真的相信——毕竟,他们已经研究佛法多年,没有人来听他们.比他们年轻的和尚可能知道什么,才会让人给他铜币呢?"你们有功吗?"霍远真问修士们."是的,"其中一个人递给他一个破损的锣,上面有一个洞."那就好."霍元珍接过那枚破锣,用力敲击.他一敲锣,周围的人就开始四处张望.通常,当僧侣或其他人在街上敲锣时,通常是为了某种表演或引起注意.人们总是对观看这样的表演感兴趣,他们很快就聚集了过来.Huo Yuanzhen didn't care; he continued striking the gong, and when a crowd had gathered, he stopped."Here, put this stool on the table."He placed a stool on a three-legged broken table and sat on it, looking down at the crowd.The two monks stood behind him, frowning slightly. This young monk seemed a little too flamboyant, totally against the humble spirit of Buddhism. Could he be an imposter pretending to beg for alms?"Fellow devotees, I wonder if you've ever heard of a certain person's story.""What kind of person?" someone asked."This person was young and handsome, and he and the emperor were sworn brothers, enjoying free meals for life. He rode a fine horse, wore luxury brands, ate from golden bowls, and traveled the world. Wherever he went, he was greeted with great enthusiasm. Women everywhere longed to spend the night with him, and men wanted to devour him. Yet, no man or woman ever succeeded.""Is this person a god?" someone asked, intrigued."No, but even the gods have to show him respect.""Who is this person? We've never heard of him."Huo Yuanzhen smiled slightly. It was working.He was actually referring to Tang Seng. When Huo Yuanzhen traveled through time, he suspected that his three brothers' names were inspired by the Journey to the West. But after some investigation, he realized that in this world, there was no such story, and no one knew about it. The names were just a coincidence.Since no one knew about it, it was easier for him to tell the story of Journey to the West. After all, it was still a Buddhist tale, and telling it would help Shaolin Temple gain some popularity.Once these people were drawn in, it would be easy to increase Shaolin's reputation through their interest."Brothers, fan me."It was quite hot, and Huo Yuanzhen didn't hesitate to order the two monks to fan him. Just standing there to collect coins wasn't enough."This story goes like this. Once upon a time, Guan Yu refused to pay for Zhang Fei's pork... wait, no, that's wrong. The story begins when the world was first formed, with the separation of yin and yang, and four great continents were created: Dongsheng Shenzhou, Xiniu Hezhou, Nanzhan Buzhou, and Beiju Luozhou. Our story starts in Dongsheng Shenzhou.""Where is Dongsheng Shenzhou?" someone asked.There was an immediate hush, as the crowd around them stopped the questioner. They had never heard such a strange story, and the nuisance had caused a disturbance."Good question. Dongsheng Shenzhou is vast. The land beneath our feet is part of Dongsheng Shenzhou."The two monks behind Huo Yuanzhen were also attracted by the story and slowed their actions as they listened."Don't stop, continue, continue."When Huo Yuanzhen looked back at the two monks, someone in the crowd reminded them.The two monks quickly resumed fanning him, eager to hear the story continue.Huo Yuanzhen cleared his throat and went on, "Dongsheng Shenzhou is near the ocean, and there is a mountain in the sea called Flower-Fruit Mountain. It is the ancestral vein of the ten states and the dragon vein of the three islands. On this mountain, there is a stone that absorbs the essence of heaven and earth, gathering the energy of the sun and moon. The wind and rain have caused the stone to grow larger..."As the sun slowly sank in the west, it was already approaching dusk.The two monks behind Huo Yuanzhen had grown tired, and without realizing it, they sat on the ground, listening intently to Huo Yuanzhen's tale."Bodhi Patriarch struck Monkey King's head three times, and Monkey King realized that he needed to go to his room at the third watch to receive the transmission of magical powers..."At this point, Huo Yuanzhen paused and looked around. Many people had already dispersed, but the crowd around him had grown larger. It seemed like nearly a thousand people had gathered."Alright, it's getting late. I must return to the mountain now. This is where I'll end the story.""Hey, Master, don't stop! What happens next?!" The crowd wasn't satisfied and clamored for more."Fellow devotees, it's not that I don't want to continue, but it's too late, and my brothers and I still haven't had our dinner. We don't have enough money for our next meal.""Ah, in that case, we can solve this."The audience was excited and didn't hold back. Many threw copper coins, some threw handfuls of them, and even a few wealthy people tossed out silver coins.Huo Yuanzhen gestured to the two monks to collect the coins quickly and said, "Since everyone is so generous, I will finish the full story for you. However, it's a very long tale. Even if I speak for three days and nights, I won't finish. If you're interested, please come to Shaolin Temple tomorrow morning, and I'll be waiting for you there."Although some people were dissatisfied, it was too late, and the crowd reluctantly began to disperse, still talking about the magical monkey.Finally, when most of the crowd had left, Huo Yuanzhen turned around and saw the two monks staring at the pile of copper coins and even some loose silver. Their hands were trembling with excitement.