Chereads / Harry Potter: Eclipse. / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6:

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6:

Waking up, Harry felt lighter - like he had been carrying a heavy burden all his life and never realised it. Opening his eyes, Harry took in his surroundings: he was no longer in the healing chamber but what appeared to be a bedroom. Cavern walls were illuminated by torches and a fireplace in the corner made the naturally dark room light.

"Welcome back young wizard," a voice Harry recognised as healer Maeve said, startling him.

"How long was I out?" Harry asked, his throat feeling raw and his voice coming out raspy.

"Only four hours," the goblin replied, coming closer to Harry. "I'm surprised to see you awake to be honest, you're a lot stronger than you think."

Harry found himself nodding slightly as he sat up slowly in bed. Running his hands through his shoulder length hair, Harry was startled after his brain suddenly processed this new information.

Maeve watched the wizard with faint humour as he seemed to jump awake and realise his physical changes. She also noted that he needed a throat soother.

"Would you like a mirror?" she asked, as she went through her supplies looking for the correct potion.

Harry nodded dumbly, taking the conjured mirror as it appeared. Looking at his reflection. he was shocked; the changes when looked at individually were not that great but on the whole? They made him look completely different. He was no longer a clone of James Potter - sure you could tell they were related, but it was not an overwhelming fact now like it once was.

His emerald green eyes were still a prominent feature, but they had lost their circular shape and were now more almond. His nose was smaller, more delicate, and his lips seemed to have filled out. His jawline lost some of its edge and his cheekbones were more pronounced. Most drastically gone was the famous Potter hair. Instead of a wild mane, his black hair fell to his shoulders in waves, still slightly wild but not unmanageable. He looked slightly feminine he idly thought as he traced his features with his hand before suddenly realising that he could see without his glasses.

Putting the mirror down after a few minutes of staring, Harry noticed healer Maeve had approached him, holding a potion in her hand. Wary because of all he had been put through Harry pondered if he would really need it, but decided to place his trust in the goblin that had healed him.

"For your throat," she explained when she caught him looking.

With a nod Harry took the offered potion and threw it back, experience telling him that it was better to swallow quickly. After a few seconds of letting the potion work, Harry hesitantly opened his mouth.

"Why would Dumbledore want to change how I looked?" he asked softly, not really expecting an answer.

"I doubt we will ever get a clear answer," a new voice answered. "At least, not in this life."

Harry turned and saw Chief Ragnok entering the room.

"You're looking much better now, Mr. Potter," he said.

"Thank you Chief Ragnok," Harry said honestly. "I feel much better."

"You will most likely experience a significant shift in your magic over the next few hours as your core resettles," Maeve said, shifting into healer mode, "you may experience difficulty controlling the level of power that you put into your spells until you get used to your new power levels. You should find that once all is settled you're able to cast more advanced spells without tiring and have greater amounts of magic to call upon."

"I see," Harry said.

"Do you feel able to continue our previous conversation Mr. Potter, or would you like time to get acquainted with your new body?" Ragnok asked after a pause.

Harry sighed and went to stand, surprised to find he was dressed in loose cotton trousers but immensely happy as he would have regretted flashing the goblin chief.

"I think it would be best to get everything out of the way as soon as possible. However, I would like a few moments to freshen myself up," Harry said.

Ragnok nodded his head in agreement. "Join me in the parlour when you're finished, it is just through this door," he said, indicating to said door.

Harry nodded and waited for the goblins to leave. Standing, Harry found that he had grown slightly and was now standing at around 5'9". His body, which had always been painfully thin, was still malnourished but shaped more willowy, his slight muscles making him lithe. Making his way to what he thought would be a bathroom, Harry turned on a tap and splashed some water on his new face, still fascinated by the changes. His body felt foreign to him and it was only his innate grace that was keeping him from falling over his feet as he got used to the changes.

Once he had washed up and taken care of his business, Harry returned to the room and found his former clothes had been placed on a dresser. Putting them on, Harry found that the fit was okay but not perfect. Seeing his wand next to the pile, he picked it up and concentrated on changing his clothes to fit him, trying not to be surprised when the spell happened before he had a chance to say the incantation. Straightening his spine Harry walked with purpose towards the parlour, hoping that the next order of business would be more pleasant than the last.


"I have taken the liberty of procuring a light meal for us," Ragnok said as Harry made his way into the room.

Harry nodded his head and tried to wrap his mind around the situation. From what he remembered, and it was surprisingly a lot, goblins were notoriously formal with wizards, therefore Harry was having difficulty determining how to act around the goblin chief.

"Thank you," he said simply, seating himself opposite Ragnok.

After a few moments of silence Harry decided to speak, foregoing the strict rules of propriety.

"Chief Ragnok, not that I am not grateful for your aid in ridding me of the numerous compulsions and charms placed on me, but I find myself lost as to what you gain from helping me. It is well known that the goblin race tries not to get involved with the affairs of wizards."

"You are correct, Mr. Potter," Ragnok said. "However, your situation is unique in that we both owe each other debts. The goblin nation owes you a debt for ridding this world of the insanity of Voldemort—"

At hearing this Harry's heart gave a painful twinge that he was barely able to mask.

"—and you yourself owe the goblin nation a debt for the release and destruction caused by the dragon Riari."

Harry pondered at this. "So you helped free me because I destroyed Voldemort?" he asked, ignoring the ache that grew.

"Freeing you was not our initial goal, in your current state Mr. Potter you are unable to meet the reparations required to you by the goblin nation. It was our goal to aid you in claiming your lordships so that you may make the necessary payments and gain your rightful place in society. Therefore, both of us would be free of any debt: we by helping you and you by paying us," Ragnok explained

"So what happened was merely a lucky coincidence?" Harry asked.

"I do not believe in luck, Mr. Potter," Ragnok stated.

"Either way you have aided me immensely," Harry said.

Ragnok nodded his head at this. Before they could continue a soft knock was heard coming from the door.

"Enter," called out Ragnok.