Harry nodded his head in thanks, before speaking again, "Then I thank you Bloodfang, for your help today. May your gold continue to grow."
The traditional goblin thank you surprised both Bloodfang and the surrounding guards. Harry hadn't even known that there were traditional greetings and customs for dealing with goblins until recently and hoped that the goblin race wouldn't hold his childhood ignorance against him.
Smiling toothily, Bloodfang nodded. "Thank you Mr. Potter and may your enemies cower at your name." With that done Bloodfang disappeared in the direction they had travelled. Before Harry had a chance to say anything to the guards, the doors to the room opened.
"Enter, Mr. Potter," a voice said.
Nodding to the guards in passing, Harry entered the office. Sitting behind a large desk was a richly dressed goblin who Harry had never before seen.
"Greetings Ragnok, chief of Gringotts," Harry said as he bowed slightly to the head goblin
Looking over his desk Ragnok was surprised at the image the young wizard presented. He could see through the magical glamour, as all goblins could; it was only blood glamours and polyjuice potions that caused them difficulty. Underneath it he thought the wizard appeared tired and surprisingly small - not necessarily in stature, but in presence. Beckoning him to sit, Ragnok spoke, "Greetings, Mr. Potter."
Sitting down in the chair, Harry waited for the goblin to speak. "It has recently come to our attention that you have yet to claim your lordship of both the Most Ancient and Noble houses of Potter and Black, alongside this you have not claimed the inheritances set away for you."
Harry felt his eyes widen. "I'm sorry for my ignorance Chief Ragnok, but I was unaware of any lordships or inheritances," Harry said. In a corner of his mind, Harry was extremely glad that the meeting didn't appear to be about the dragon or the break in.
Ragnok stared hard at the young wizard. "You mean to tell me your magical guardian did not tell you of your standing in our society?"
Harry let is confusion show and asked, "Magical guardian? I'm sorry, but I'm not aware of ever having a magical guardian. My parents as well as my godfather are dead."
"You're correct, of course, Mr. Potter, however up until your 17th birthday Albus Dumbledore was your magical guardian," Ragnok said.
"Dumbledore?" Harry questioned.
"Indeed," Ragnok said, "you say you're unaware of your inheritance and lordships?"
"That's correct," Harry said in a daze.
"Right Mr. Potter, if you would just wait here I will be back momentarily," Ragnok said, before he stood and made his way to the doors. Speaking in rapid gobbledegook, he ordered his guards to go and find a blood inheritance worker. Returning to his desk, he looked at the wizard.
"As you have had no counsel or preparation for your inheritance, I think it is best if you undergo a blood inheritance test, that way you can see proof of your station," Ragnok said.
Harry nodded, remembering what he had read recently about such tests, but unsure about the particulars. "Forgive me if I'm wrong, but won't such a test just show who I am?" Harry asked.
"Yes, that is indeed one of the tests qualities, however such a test will also show all inherited lordships or lordships gained through other means, any and all adoptions, magical qualities, abilities and bonds as well as vaults. It can also show any magical blocks, compulsions, and interferences such as potions as well as give the date any such potions or blocks were first administered," the goblin explained.
"I see," Harry said. Thinking about the potions Mrs. Weasley had given him for pain weeks ago, he decided that it wouldn't matter if they showed up as they were generic pain potions, however before he could ask the doors opened and an ancient looking goblin entered holding a piece of golden parchment. The goblin approached Ragnok and bowed low before speaking in rapid gobbledegook. Ragnok and the ancient one spoke quickly to each other before turning to Harry.
"Would you consent to doing such a test Mr. Potter?" The ancient one asked.
"Of course," Harry agreed.
"All you have to do is allow three drops of your blood to touch the parchment," Ragnok said, producing an ornate dagger from a draw in his desk and handing it to Harry.
Gripping the daggers gilded handle, Harry steeled himself before placing the tip against his thumb. He watched in fascination as blood welled from the wound. Holding his thumb above the parchment on the desk he quickly moved it after three drops fell.
The ancient goblin chanted then, the air filling with such thick magic it was almost tangible. As quickly as it started it was over and the goblin fell silent.
Looking at the parchment that seemed to glow momentarily, Harry watched as words appeared.
Ragnok was surprised at the ritual, usually such a test would not elicit such a magical reaction; therefore he waited with bated breath as the wizard picked up the parchment. He knew that whatever was on it would be interesting to say the least.
Harry stared at the parchment, shocked and enraged beyond reason as he read the surprisingly long list.
Harrison James Potter-Black
July 31st 1980, Godric's Hollow England
James Fleamont Potter (Birth father)
Lily Juliana Potter nee Evans (Birth mother)
Sirius Orion Black (Blood adopted Father, August 1st 1980)
Lord of the Ancient and Noble Family Potter (birth)
Lord of the Ancient and Noble Family Black (blood adoption)
Lord of the Ancient and Noble Family Gryffindor (birth)
Lord of the Ancient and Noble Family Peverell (birth)
Lord of the Ancient and Noble Family Slytherin (conquest)
Master of Death
Potter Trust Vault - 8,340 Galleons, 103 Sickles, 13 Knuts
Potter Family Vaults - 12,435,739 Galleons, 649 Sickles, 450 Knuts; 134 magical artefacts and 840 books
Black Family Vaults - 69,546,039 Galleons, 750 sickles, 236 Knuts; 457 magical artefacts and 1476 books
Gryffindor Family Vaults - 9,346,013 Galleons, 648 sickles, 18 Knuts; 1643 magical artefacts and 1734 books
Peverell Family Vaults - 81,746,301 Galleons, 134 sickles, 298 Knuts; 1006 magical artefacts and 1920 books
Slytherin Family Vaults - 846,187 Galleons, 924 sickles, 752 Knuts; 2457 magical artefacts and 3276 books
Mortemis Vault - 3 magical artefacts and 1 book
Magical abilities and blocks:
Core magic β Dark (70% blocked, Albus Dumbledore, November 1st 1981)
Parseltongue (Failed Block, Albus Dumbledore, November 1st 1981)
Wandless magic (Blocked, Albus Dumbledore, November 1st 1981)
Wordless magic (Blocked, Albus Dumbledore, November 1st 1981)
Magic sensitivity (Blocked, Albus Dumbledore, November 1st 1981)
Eidetic memory (Blocked, Albus Dumbledore, November 1st 1981)
Hereditary blood magics (Blocked, Albus Dumbledore, November 1st 1981)
House Number 14, Gordrics Hollow, England
Potter Manor, Oxfordshire, England
Villa du Solei, St Tropez, France
Marauders Den, Devon, England
Hideaway Cottage, Edinburgh, Scotland
12 Grimmauld Place, London, England
Black Manor, Wiltshire, England
Castle Black, St. Petersburg, Russia
Eagles nest, Isle of Skye, Scotland
Magical bonds:
Soul bond - Tom Marvolo Riddle (Blocked, Albus Dumbledore, November 1st 1981; Twice Nullified, Tom Marvolo Riddle, October 31st 1981 and May 2nd 1998)
Godfather bond - (Blocked, Albus Dumbledore, November 1st 1981; Nullified, June 18th 1996)
Magical compulsions:
Blood Glamour (Albus Dumbledore, November 1st 1981)
Loyalty Keyed to Albus Dumbledore (Albus Dumbledore, July 31st 1991)
Loyalty Keyed to Gryffindor House (Albus Dumbledore, July 31st 1991)
Loyalty Keyed to the Order of the Phoenix (Albus Dumbledore, July 31st 1991)
Loyalty Keyed to Ronald Weasley (Albus Dumbledore, July 31st 1991)
Loyalty Keyed to Ginevra Weasley (Albus Dumbledore, July 31st 1991)
Loyalty Keyed to Molly Weasley (Albus Dumbledore, July 31st 1991)
Distrust Keyed to Slytherin House (Albus Dumbledore, July 31st 1991)
Distrust Keyed to Severus Snape (Albus Dumbledore, July 31st 1991)
Distrust Keyed to Dark Magic (Albus Dumbledore, July 31st 1991)
Shame Compulsion Keyed to Home Life (Albus Dumbledore, July 31st 1991)
Recklessness Charm (Albus Dumbledore, September 1st 1991)
Anti-authority Charm (Albus Dumbledore, September 1st 1991)
Selflessness Charm (Albus Dumbledore, September 1st 1991)
Distrust Keyed to Draco Malfoy (Albus Dumbledore, September 3rd 1991)
Loyalty Keyed to Hermione Granger (Albus Dumbledore, October 31st 1991)
Love Potion Keyed to Ginevra Weasley (Albus Dumbledore, Molly Weasley, Ginevra Weasley, September 1st 1995)