Geoffrey's green eyes stared into nothingness while his fingers pounded frantically on the couch's armrest. He was waiting for Tiana's return, pacing the living room restlessly.
She had left the mansion hurriedly a few hours earlier, saying she had a family emergency. He had to insist before she told him of her sick brother falling into a medical crisis.
The silence in the house bothered him and he berated himself for not going with her instead of waiting anxiously as he was doing now.
He stopped in the middle of his stride when he heard the front door open. He called out immediately, "Tiana?"
She answered, "Yes, it's me," and closed the door.
Geoffrey swiveled his head in her direction. "You're late. Is your brother okay?"
Tiana approached, gathering herself quickly. She had entered looking stressed and worn out but she didn't want to worry Geoffrey, who she knew might sense her distress. With an artificial smile, she apologized for the delay.
Geoffrey scowled. He could sense that something was off, even without sight, and despite her effort to hide it. Her tone wavered slightly, and he could sense the weariness in her voice. In a soft voice, he inquired again, "How is Larry?"
After a brief moment of hesitation, Tiana answered, "He's doing better. He'll be discharged shortly, according to the physicians."
Geoffrey let out a breath, his face flushed with relief. He whispered, "Good," but his face darkened once more. "So why do you sound so….strange?"
Tiana tensed. "Strange? I have no idea what you mean."
Unconvinced, Geoffrey crossed his arms. "Tiana." He spoke firmly. "Even though I'm blind, I can tell you're lying. There is something that is upsetting you."
Tiana laughed awkwardly and waved him away. "You're hallucinating, Geoff. I'm alright."
She started walking inside but before she could get away, he grabbed her wrist with his outstretched arm. "Am I? Come along with me then."
Before she could object, he ushered her up the stairs into his bedroom.
As soon as they were inside, Geoffrey released her hand and moved to his bedside table. He took out a lacquered wooden box from a little drawer.
Tiana gave it a questioning look. "What is that?"
He turned and extended the box toward her. "Open it."
After a moment of hesitation, she gingerly lifted the lid. A beautiful silver necklace with a pendant shaped like a tiny phoenix in flight was within, lying on deep red velvet. In the faint light of the chamber, tiny jewels glinted along its wings. Tiana let out a gasp. "This is...this is pricey, Geoff!"
Geoffrey leaned on the dresser and shrugged. "Pretty people own pretty things."
Tiana stared at him, unable to speak. She wasn't sure whether she was in awe by the present or the casual comment. She felt thankful and her exhaustion wore away gradually. She asked playfully, "What are you doing to me?"
He grinned a little. "Need I explain?" He asked playfully too, cocking his head to the side.
Taking a deep breath, her tone became serious. "This is really nice Geoff. But I can't take it. It's excessive—"
His fingers touched hers as he reached out and placed the box in her palm, ignoring her objection. "I want you to have it." After hovering his fingertips for a moment, he took a step back.
Tiana felt a range of emotions as she stared at the box in her palm. "I'm at a loss for words."
Geoffrey said, "Then, don't say anything."
There was silence between them for a moment, there was an unsaid tension in the air. Then, as though sensing things were going too far, Geoffrey turned away. "You ought to get some rest. It has been a long day for you."
Tiana nodded slowly. She said, "Thank you, Geoff," and then slipped from the room.
Catherine drove toward the outskirts of town, her knuckles whitened as she clutched the steering wheel.
Ashley had given her an address quite a distance from town, one that was obviously meant to be isolated.
Emotions were raging in her head. Heartbreak, rage, and betrayal. Danny was a liar, a schemer, a man with blood on his hands. as she had recently found out, but now cheating? Skulking around with another lady, the daughter of a congressman no less.
She drove up in front of a simple, yet opulent villa tucked away in the shade of tall trees. It was the type of place where secrets were kept hidden through rental. Indeed, Danny knew how to hide his flight.
Catherine didn't think twice. She got down and walked stealthily to the front door. Luckily, it wasn't locked. She pushed open the door and entered.
Except for the faint buzz of distant conversations, the house was dimly lit and silent. The strewn clothes on the floor, a trail flowing up a huge staircase, caught her keen attention.
Disgust made her stomach turn. Her heart pounded against her ribs as she ascended the stairs noiselessly. Then, she heard them, when she got to the second floor—- Danny's voice, low and silky. The horribly delicious sound of Cecilia's laughing. Catherine traced the voices up the stairs, pausing just in front of the bedroom door, which was slightly open. Everything was audible to her.
Danny boasted, "Once I fully control Smith Laboratories, nothing will stand in our way."
Cecilia laughed. "What about Catherine?" Danny snorted. "She fulfilled her role. I played her just as I had planned, but she thought she was really smart. I will divorce her as soon as the agreement is finalized."
The blood in Catherine's body became cold. She pulled the door open with a quick motion, her fingers shaking.
Even though the scene in front of her was exactly what she expected, it still made her gasp. Danny was leaning back on the soft pillows without a shirt. Cecilia curled up against him, covered in satin sheets. When they saw her, they both froze. There was an oppressive hush in the room. A menacing sneer curved Catherine's lips, her icy gaze alternating between Cecilia and Danny.
With the weight of betrayal bearing down on them like an anvil, the air crackled with tension. Cecilia's cheeks paled as she gripped the covers closer to her exposed skin. Danny fumbled for words; his count
enance changed from one of disbelief to one of frustration. "Catherine," he began in a strained voice, "I can explain—"