Clinging to the covers, Cecilia went pale. However, Catherine didn't give her a look. She had her husband in her direct line of sight. There was anger in her eyes and it was vengeance-filled. She interrupted him with a sour laugh. "What? I would really like to hear this explanation, Danny. It should be interesting." She folded her arms. "Go on, tell me how you ended up in a hideaway with your mistress by accident."
With a sigh, Danny combed through his unkempt hair. "That's not what you believe."
Catherine had a poisonous smile. "Oh? Are you saying I'm blind and this is not what I think it is? That I didn't just hear you planning to divorce me and take over Smith Laboratories?" She laughed sourly. "Tell me, my dear husband. Was this why you killed my sister and her husband? To take over their company? To use and dump me?"
Shocked at Catherine's utterances, Cecelia sprang to her feet and asked Danny, "What is she talking about? What is this talk about you killing people?"
"Pay her no mind, Cecilia; she is obviously delusional. I have no idea what she is talking about." Danny lied through his teeth. Cecelia must not find out about his actions, or he will lose his big catch and backup plan after destroying Catherine's family.
Enraged, Catherine moved swiftly and landed a hot slap across Danny's face. She spit in his face and shouted, "You should be ashamed of yourself, you sorry excuse of a husband! How dare you play dumb after taking everything from me?!"
Danny held his face but restrained from hitting her. He didn't want physical evidence of assault now that everything was out in the open. He used emotional blackmail and shouted at her instead, "Get a grip of yourself and get the help you need instead of policing me around like a child! I wouldn't be here if you did well as my wife, would I!?"
Catherine started to say something, but Cecilia interrupted her, "Catherine, I know this looks bad, and I'm sorry, but it is what it is. Marriages fail all the time, and I believe it is better to be divorced than be in a loveless marriage, don't you think so?"
Catherine moved away from Danny and walked towards her, her eyes sharp as a blade. "Loveless marriage? Was that the bullshit he hooked you on? What a pitiful excuse for a woman to sneak around with a married man." She growled, taking a step closer.
Cecilia's mouth clenched. "Accept it, Danny doesn't love you anymore, He—"
Catherine lunged at her before she could finish. She grabbed Cecilia's hair, yanking it here and there while Cecelia struggled and yelled from the pain. Danny tried to come in between them but Catherine used her heels to land him a hard kick in the groin. He doubled over from the pain.
As she staggered back and clawed at Catherine's hands, Cecilia let out a piercing shriek. "You dirty wretch who destroys homes!" Catherine's anger boiled over as she spat.
With a painful groan, Danny leaped to his feet; he grabbed Catherine's arm and attempted to pry her away. "Stop this madness, Catherine!"
Catherine was far from finished, though. After pushing Cecilia back onto the bed, she took out her cell phone from her purse. "You two degenerates, you're going to pay for this! I have proof," she swore. "Images. Communications. Everything. And you know what? She held up the phone with a sly smile. I'm making it public."
Cecilia's pupils widened in terror as she froze. Danny's mouth clenched. "You wouldn't."
Catherine grinned more broadly. "Give me a try."
Cecilia began to breathe irregularly. Her voice was shaking as she replied, "You don't understand what this will do to me. My father is well-known. I'm a candidate for office. If this is discovered—"
With a mocking twist of her head, Catherine remarked, "Oh, I understand perfectly. It will be so satisfying, because of this."
Seeing that Catherine wasn't ready to listen, Cecilia sprang for the phone, and her dread intensified. "No! Give it to me!"
Catherine stepped back and easily avoided her. She mocked, "In your dreams."
Cecilia, however, was desperate. She grasped the phone with both hands and pulled as hard as she could. Catherine pulled away. "You desperate witch, let go!"
The two women started struggling for the phone; they staggered out of the room, slamming against the walls as they made their way to the hallway. Danny's expression was furious as he went after them, but there was nothing he could do. His affair with Cecilia must not be made public or it would be the end for both of them. Mr MacPherson would take a hit as well.
Catherine tried to pry the phone free by twisting it in her hands, but Cecilia held on more firmly, driving her fingernails into Catherine's wrist.
Cecilia gave Catherine a desperate, vicious shove, pushing her hard. Catherine stumbled on her heel. Her fists thrashed as she struggled for balance as her body wrenched back. However, there was nothing to cling to. Her body slammed against the stair railing as she fell backward. The world became hazy. The sudden drop made Catherine's heart wrench. Then thud!
She fell. She flipped and twisted like a rag doll as she rolled down the steps. Her limbs jerked at strange angles, and her skull smashed on the steps.
Her impact on the bottom landing was nauseating. Then there was stillness.
Danny's breath was stuck in his throat as he stood still at the top of the stairs. Cecilia stared in horror as she gripped the banister.
Catherine lay still at the foot of the steps. Her body remained motionless as blood gathered beneath her skull.
Danny's lips parted as he moved forward cautiously, his hands shaking. "Catherine?" No answer. He swallowed hard, the color fading from his face.
Cecilia inhaled nervously. "I—I didn't mean—" With horror and wrath flashing in his eyes, Danny spun on her. "She's dead. We have to leave here now, or we become murderers."
Cecilia held her head and screamed in frustration. How did she become a murderer overnight? She didn't mean to kill her at all.
Danny held her hand and shoved her toward the exit. "I know you didn't intend to kill her, but it is what it is. We need to fix this place and leave immediately."
Cecelia threw herself on the floor and sobbed quietly. "What have I done? What if this gets out to the public? What if it is investigated and the truth comes out?"
Danny moved in closer and crouched beside her. He spoke in a more controlled, quieter tone, "If you follow my lead, we'll use this situation to our advantage but if you continue to fidget and sob like a child, you're going to be done for before this day is over
At his statement, Cecilia shuddered but she quickly collected herself and braved up. She wasn't about to lose everything and also destroy her father over this. "What do we do, though? How do we take care of this?"
Danny's eyes were calculating as he glanced down at Catherine's body and then back up. "I'll call my trusted assistant; together, we will dispose of her body, clean out this place, and pretend as if nothing happened."
Cecilia looked on in despair as Danny grabbed his phone, knowing that she might have just sealed her doom. She didn't have a choice, though, but to trust Danny. The thought of their actions getting discovered despite Danny's effort to keep it hidden suddenly hit her, and she gasped for hair. She asked bitterly, "What if her body is discovered, Danny?"
Danny looked at her, an evil smirk formed on his lips as he shrugged and said, "Even better."