Title: The Last Cycle
Genre: Dark Fantasy, Philosophical Horror, Cosmic Mystery
Theme: The burden of breaking infinity — and the horror of becoming God.
Prologue: The Axe and The Forest
In the beginning, there was only the forest.
And in the heart of the forest, the axe was born.
The axe did what it was created to do — it cut down the forest.
The forest screamed, bled, and suffered.
But the axe did not stop.
For the axe believed its purpose was righteous.
So the forest, in its pain, created a hero.
A champion to defeat the axe and protect the forest.
And the hero came.
And the hero fought.
And the hero won.
The axe was shattered.
The forest was saved.
But the hero did not realize…
The axe would return.
Because the axe was not the enemy.
The axe was the cycle.
And so… another axe was born.
And the forest bled again.
And another hero was born.
And another victory was won.
But the cycle never stopped.
Because the hero was never meant to break the cycle.
The hero was simply… the tool to sustain it.
And one day…
A hero rose and asked, "Why does the axe always return?"
And the forest did not answer.
Because the forest knew the truth —
"The axe and the forest are one."