Aria's eyes scanned the bustling tavern, her ears tuned to the murmur of conversations and the clinking of glasses. She had been working at the tavern for a few months, ever since she had arrived in the town of Brindlemark. It was a small, rustic place, but it was home now.
As she delivered a tray of drinks to a group of rowdy patrons, Aria's gaze drifted to the door. A hooded figure stood in the entrance, their eyes scanning the room. Aria felt a shiver run down her spine as their eyes met.
The figure approached the bar, pushing back their hood to reveal a shocking mane of white hair. The bartender, a gruff but kind man named Grim, looked up in surprise.
"Can I help you?" he asked.
The stranger produced a letter from their cloak and handed it to Grim. "I'm looking for an Aria," they said. "I was told she worked here."
Grim's eyes narrowed as he took the letter. "What's this about?" he asked.
The stranger smiled, their eyes glinting with amusement. "That's for Aria to find out."
Grim handed the letter to Aria, who took it with trembling hands. The seal on the envelope was unfamiliar, but the symbol etched into the wax sent a thrill through her.
She broke the seal and pulled out the letter, her eyes scanning the contents. As she read, her heart began to pound.
It was an acceptance letter to Dragon Magic School.