Chapter 2 - First Quests

As Severus saw his status and thinking. A notification appeared in front of him.

[ Quest : Sneak into library and Find the disillusionment charm book ]

[ Requirements :

- Successful sneak into library

- Find the disillusionment charm book ]

[ Time limit : Tonight ]

[ Rewards : +5 stats, Gamer Exclusive skill - Observe ]

[ Quest : Sneaky Cat ]

[ Requirements :

- Sneak into library without getting caught

- Learn the disillusionment charm successfully

- Sneak back to the infirmary ]

[ Time limit : Tonight ]

[ Rewards : +5 stats, +100 GP, Shop unlock ]

Severus looked at the sky that darkened and then gazed at the clock. 9PM, it's past dinner time. Luckily Madam Pomfrey brought him some food and after he ate it, she poured another potion into his mouth before leaving. As the door closed Severus took deep breaths. He knew madam Pomfrey won't leave until it's past 10:30 from her office.

And then there will be filch roaming around. Midnight is the best time for him, since after 11, the torches will be dimmed down automatically in the castle. So Severus waited looking at the ceiling, he didn't even sleep. Finally when it's half past 11, he decided observe the situation outside. Stepping out he saw no one and the doors of madam Pomfrey's office locked.

She already paid a visit to him before closing her office. As Severus carefully walked through the corridors of the Hogwarts castle, he felt the cold air touching his body and shivered. He is really weak, carefully trotting to the hallways and making sure no one else is there while casting nox on the torches to temporarily dim them more along with silencing charm on his shoes, he moved to the library.

Anyone can know the books will scream here, but he knew a secret from Slytherins, Slytherin students sneaked into forbidden section everyday to read from restricted sections. Their death Horace Slughorn, used his magic to lock the entrance every night to prevent this. So if someone tries to sneak past from the entrance, a scream will resound throughout Slytherin Dormitories.

Because of this, if anyone sneak past the entrance whole Slytherin will wake as has to face the hat fuk glared along with the punishment from Slughorn. So they stopped their night tours and many Slytherins suffered in the hands of potter gang during their night tours. Those four somehow knew their locations and pranks them heavily. More like bullying them rather than pranking.

Naturally potter gang will suffer too. One time 5 Slytherins sneaked past just to teach this guy a lesson and made him run as they blasted him while th using all kinds of curses. In Slytherin, all purebloods are united. So potter and his gang became helpless and can only target those who are alone. Like Severus Snape, who is isolated in Slytherin.

Due to his incompetence to face other Slytherins, Potter and his gang targetted the isolated or alone Slytherin students for revenge to shrug off his embarassing retreat where they're covered in green paint and green hair. Yep, this isn't mentioned in canon. But James Potter is not only bully, at this time of school, he is also coward who flaunts his wealth and uses the influence of potter family.

As Severus moved through the book shelves searching for the disillusionment charm. Half an hour later he found it, but at this time foot steps are heard in the library along with a voice," Snmnivelllus? Wherrre arre youuu? ". Yeah, he hates those calls where he is called like a prey.

At this time a ding sounded in his head making Severus look at the book in shock.

[ Quest complete : sneak into library and find the disillusionment charm book ]

[ Insufficient intelligence to convert the book into a skill (Required intelligence : 20) ]

Severus didn't hesitate. He claimed the stats and put the 5 into intelligence. The book in his hand, Disillusionment: an art of invisibility and illusion is gone. It turned into dust while a skill appeared in his column. Yes, a skill rather than a spell. It's the combination of disillusionment, deletrius, silencio and odaris terminus.

It's called - Stealth. Like stealth in solo leveling. It's erased any signs of skill user like sound, his body scent and signs of his movement. Even the homunoculus charm is unable to detect it. Meaning the marauder's map is ineffective against him while he using this skill. But it consumed ridiculous amount of mana. 100 mana to activate and 10 mana for every minutes it's on.

That means he has like 5 minutes to escape. As Snape activated the stealth skill, a shout appeared," what? James, that vanished from the map. Snivellus isn't here anymore "," what are you saying Sirius? Let me see ". Severus felt the mana consumption on his body and left.

He bolted to the infirmary in 5 minutes and immediately opened the doors. Closing th doors his stealth vanished as his mana is exhausted. he felt his body is weak due to consuming all mana. Severus fell on the bed and slept like that. He failed to notice the notification of mission completion.

The next day he woke up and hit ready while Pomfrey scolded him for getting ready without asking her whether he can leave. After checking him. She sent him away from the infirmary. When Severus arrived at the great hall, many are whispering behind his back and some even pointed their fingers at him.

Slytherins are basically glaring at him. As for Griffyndoors, they're all laughing at him. Lily looked at him expressionlessly while he didn't even glance at her after taking a look. He walked to the Slytherin table and ignored all the scoldings he received. He is focussing on the mission rewards.

[ Observe lv 1 ]

[ Effects : allows to view information on the target whether living or non-living ]

He cast observe around on his targets.

[ Lucius Malfoy lv 9 ]

[ James Potter lv 9 ]

[ Sirius black lv 8 ]

[ Remus lupin lv 10 ]

[ Peter Pettigrew lv 7 ]





Many students are above level 5. As for professors, only their names appeared and not their levels. He didn't even glance at Dumbledore when he saw he can't even guage professors.