Blair's legs barely had rest. Standing outside the huge gates of the penthouse house, she did not need to be told who it belonged to. It was the only house in that part of the city with a golden stave gate. A penthouse with a novel of horror tales. *Kabir Marge* a man to be feared by all. She had heard of him but never wished to cross paths with the devil.
His word was law, his justice jungle, and his oppressors had never lived to tell stories of his methods. Deep down, Blair was tempted, but not enough to sell her soul to the devil. The youngest billionaire in town, but certainly not the kindest. Stepping into a quiet cafe, she sat down, letting her body calm down from the hurts underneath her feet. A waitress walked over with a cup of coffee, placing it on the table.
"No, I'm sorry, I did not order anything," she said, but the waitress put the coffee on the table with a smile. "I know, someone paid for you," her eyes redirected to a couple's table, and there sat Sofia and Ethan like the perfect couple with a wide grin. "Drink up; we know you can't afford it," Sofia taunted. Blair clenched her fist so hard her knuckles turned white from anger.
"Come on, dont be shy... We know you need it. A poor person like you can't afford coffee in such a fancy café," she added. Ethan smiled, holding Sofia closer. "As my ex-wife, this is the least I can do for you," Blair found herself at a loss for words.
Her frame trembled, but like a strike of lightning, she stood up, grabbed the cup of coffee, and poured it on the perfect couple. Sofia gasped, standing to her feet, while Ethan stood up, grabbing her by the hair. "You ratchet thing, how dare you... Your life put together won't buy her outfit," he cursed.
Blair gritted her teeth from the pain as he dragged her out, throwing her onto the hard floor. She held her hands protectively against her stomach, shielding her child. Her nose bled and her head pounded; her eyes brimmed with unshed tears, but the anger within her only grew.
"You're lucky you didn't injure our baby." Ethan spat bitterly, his hands around Sofia, protected like an egg. He was protecting her baby, but what about theirs? She dared not ask; it was clear. Standing up, she didn't dare to think of the consequences of her resolution. Her mind was made up, and the deal was all she wanted. Stepping into the Marge penthouse, he watched from the balcony, knowing as if he had known the outcome before it happened.
"Name it, she faced him, her eyes staring into his anger and pain suching through them. "I will do anything if you can guarantee my child's,safety" the man chuckled. He had been expecting it
"Your condition is not the best, but I shall provide you with top care and the best doctors. All I need is for you to be my wife." Blair smiled tightly, that she could do it. She walked over, extending her hand for a shake, and they nodded at each other.
"Sign this," he tossed a paper to her, which she quickly glanced through before signing; there was nothing abnormal in it, and all seemed well. To many, this would be a pot of gold, but to her it was a pot of blood, and she had made a deal with the devil.