Izuku Midoriya was quirkless, or so everyone thought. He kept telling them that he felt a strange power within him but, as there was no visible signs of it, they assumed he was lying. Izuku though, he never gave up, he tried everything to harness that power, he tried chanting spells, like in those fantasy manga, tried channeling it through his body like Haki in one piece and so much more. Yes, he liked pre-quirk era anime, which was exactly the reason that he finally discovered the true power of his own. He was watching Naruto, when he tried forming the same hand seals as the characters on screen, the seals for the transformation jutsu. He did the hand signs and channeled the energy through them and- in a puff of smoke, he looked like his mother, which he could see in his mirror. His mouth was agape and he cancelled the energy flow, reverting back to his original appearance. Had he finally found what worked to harness his power? Was that power he felt inside him actually chakra? First, he had to test out whether it worked with other jutsu too… he searched the internet for more hand sign combinations. When he found the one for the shadow clone jutsu, he did the signs and with a puff, there were two of him. He looked at his clone with wonder before cancelling the jutsu. Chakra flowed back inside him and he grinned wildly. He turned off his computer and ran towards his mother's room, "Mom! Mom!"
"What is it, Izuku?", she asked, opening the door. Inko Midoriya was a plump and short woman with big, round eyes and long, green hair.
"Look!", he did the hand signs and -in a puff of smoke- he turned into Kacchan, "I told you I had a quirk. The energy I felt… it was chakra!"
"That is amazing honey, but what is… chakra?"
"Oh, its a term from an old pre-quirk era anime, it is an energy that can be harnessed through the use of hand seals to do a variety of things", He jumped up, excited, which looked very weird, as he was still Kacchan, the grumpy kid would never jump around like that, "I still have nine months to master my quirk… I will have to train my body… maybe martial arts too?"
"Calm down, Izuku, first, let us go register your quirk"
They went to the quirk registration office and registered his quirk as 'chakra', an emitter type quirk.
The next day, at school, he walked up to Kacchan, "Kacchan, Kacchan, I have a quirk!"
"Go lie to one of the extra's, you can't fool me, shity deku, you are a fucking useless, defenseless deku, now scram!", he scoffed, turning back to his 'friends'.
"No- I'm serious! Let me show-"
Kacchan landed a right hook in his gut, "lie to me one more time, shitty deku and I'll fucking end you"
Izuku's spark of excitement vanished. That wasn't his friend, his Kacchan, anymore, this was just a bully. He had thought now that he had a quirk, things would be different but now he saw that that was wishful thinking.
Over the next nine months, Izuku did everything in his power to train, he went to the gym, a dojo and quirk training facilities regularly. He got stronger, more skilled and he memorized a lot more jutsu. His chakra pool was big before but- as he used it over and over again, it grew even bigger. He also practiced chakra control exercises. He could now walk on walls and stand on the surface of water, though walking on it was still challenging. Before he knew it, the time for the UA entrance exam came and he stood before the gates of UA. He took a step… and immediately stumbled, falling down. He closed his eyes, waiting for the impact but it never came. Opening his eyes, he saw a brown haired girl, with pink cheeks and a round face smiling at him, "sorry for using my quirk on you but I figured you didn't want to fall on your face before the exams"
He was floating in mid air. He felt weightless,
The girl positioned him upright and pressed her fingertips together, "release"
Gravity returned to him and he stood once more, "T- thanks", he muttered out as the girl nodded, walking away. He yelled after her, "I d- didn't catch your name?"
"Uraraka", she smiled, "and you?"
"M- midoriya", he croaked out.
"Nice to meet you Midoriya, though we should probably get to the exam halls now, the theoretical exams start in twenty minutes"
"Y- yeah right…"
He walked into the exam hall. Mr Principal, the pro Hero serving at UA's principal(a strange mouse-bear-monkey thing with a scar over his eye and pristine white fur) greeted them, speaking into his microphone, "What am I? A bear, a mouse? Why, I am the principal of UA! Welcome students to be! I see there are a lot of you, as there always are, how wonderful. The exam has easy to understand rules, the whole exam takes three hours and thirty minutes, one hour then a fifteen minute break before the next set of papers is handed out then another hour for you to finish that, another fifteen minute break and finally, a third set of papers for you to finish in an hour. Don't be alarmed if you can't get through most of the questions, this test was designed to only be fully completed by people with intelligence boosting quirks, like me", he chuckled, "The paper will be handed out shortly, good luck"
He wasn't kidding when he said that only those with intelligence quirks would be able to finish everything, Izuku may be smarter than most but he still only finished just below half of the questions.
"Woah, my brain feels as if it was cooked", one of the examinee's said, holding his head in his hands.
"Yeah, I get what you mean", another nodded, "that was brutal"
They weren't given much time to relax however, as they were briefed on the practical exam by present mic, "You guys will be sent into Urban battle centers where you will fight robots, there are three robots worth points, one pointers, two pointers and three pointers, your objective is to destroy as many of them as you can. There is also-"
A examinee raised his hand, he was tall, with blue hair and glasses on his face "Yes examinee 1127?"
"You said that there were three robots but this pamphlet here shows four pictures. If this was a mistake, that is most unbefitting of a school as prestigious as UA!"
"Thank you for your question, Examinee 1127. There are indeed four robots but- as I was about to say, the fourth robot is worth zero points, it's more of an obstacle to be avoided, rather than defeated", Present Mic explained.
"Thank you for the clarification", he sat back down.
"Attacking another examinee will result in immediate disqualification. Now, on your files, you will find which urban center you were assigned to, the busses will take you there", Present Mic finished.
Bakugo, who was sitting right next to Izuku, looked over, "we are in different centres. I guess they don't want friends helping each other… a pity, I was looking forward to fucking crushing you"
Izuku just gulped, glad he wasn't in the same area as Bakugo. The threat of disqualification might deter him from hurting him but he didn't want to take any chances.
They were loaded into the buses. Inside, he saw Uraraka again, "Hey Uraraka, how is it going?"
"Oh- Midoriya! I'm doing good, a bit nervous but that is to be expected, right?"
"Yeah, I'm nervous too but also excited, good luck out there and thanks again for saving me back there"
"You too and of course I helped you, I want to be a hero after all!"
The bus stopped and the examinee's got out.
The gate to the urban battle center was as big as the building inside. Izuku was stretching in front of it, when the gate opened, "Go!", it came over the speakers. When no one moved, Present Mic's voice boomed again, "what are you waiting for? There are no countdowns in a real battle!"
A split second later, everyone rushed in. Izuku weaved the signs, "Multi shadow clone jutsu!", creating two clones, each of the Izuku's going in a different direction. The real Izuku quickly found himself face to face with the first robot. He weaved the signs, "Fire release, great fireball!"
A ball of red hot flame shot out of his mouth as he exhaled, burning the one point robot in front of him before he moved on to the next.
In the observation room, the teachers were watching the different battle areas with great interest, "we have a promising batch this year, a good mix of power and skill. Some rely on pure power, others use their quirks to gather information and others yet go out of their way to help others instead of gathering points. Those who combine all three of these things will have the greatest chance to succeed. Any fan favorites yet?", Nezu asked, looking around the room.
"There are a few", Aizawa said, pulling up screens 10, 15, 5, 32 and 21, showing three different examinees, "This one, a flashy quirk and quite the temper, he is on a path of destruction. We might need to quell his violent tendencies but otherwise, he has great potential"
Nezu pulled up his file, "Katsuki Bakugo, quirk: Explosion. It let's him ignite the nitroglycerin like sweat at his palms. Comes from Aldera junior high. Good scores in the standardized tests, popular and strong. Current point total: 71 villain points"
"Then on screen 15 we have Neito Monoma, quirk: Copy, allows him to copy any quirk of a person he's touched for ten minutes, comes from Coruscant middle school, decent scores and a slight tendency to antagonise others. Current point total: 28 villain points and 22 hero points", Nezu explained before pulling up monitor 5, 32 and 21, showing a student at three different places at once, "and finally, Izuku Midoriya, quirk chakra: Allows him to control a mysterious energy within his body, channeling it through hand seals to achieve different effects. Best test scores out of the three and- oh- he only awakened his quirk nine months ago. Current point total: 47 villain points and 15 hero points"
"Only nine months and he is already so proficient with it?", Midnight liked her lips, "I can't wait for him to grow up… a bit plain looking but he will be a great hero someday"
"Midnight, no thirsting after the students, remember?", Aizawa glared at her.
"Yeah, I know, I know", she pouted, turning back to the screens.
"Let's see how they handle this!", Nezu pushed a big red button, releasing the zero point robot.
Back in the area, Izuku was shocking a two pointer when the earth rumbled, "an earthquake?"
The buildings shook and the examinee's saw what was approaching, a robot bigger than the buildings, "That is the zero pointer? Fuck, we need to get out of here"
Everyone ran. Izuku also wanted to run but then, he heard a shot of pain. Looking back, he saw Uraraka pinned under some debris, "Shit, she is stuck… what to do? No time to think about it, I need to save her"
He dispelled his shadow clones, he would need every bit of chakra he could get. He body flickered close to the zero pointer. He gathered chakra in his hand and formed a rasengan, empowering it with fire elemental chakra. He threw it at the zero pointer, right in it's joint. The giant robot fell off balance, crushing a building or two. He would be up again pretty soon but it gave him enough time to get the rubble off of Uraraka, "can you walk?"
"I don't think so, my ankle!"
Her foot was angled at an unnatural angle and he muttered, "Shit", getting her up on his shoulder and body flickering away.
"And that is the end of your time!" Present Mic's voice boomed a minute later. Recovery girl, a short, old lady with a needle cane came walking over and healed Uraraka and any other injured examinee's.