A week later, the letter from UA came, Izuku's hands were shaking as he slowly and methodically opened the envelope. What he found inside was a small, metal disk, which landed on the table. The disk spewed forth a hologram of… All Might?
"Hello, young Midoriya, it is I, All Might! Yes, I will be teaching heroics the following year! But you don't want to hear that, do you? You want to hear about whether or not you got in, well, you scored well in the theoretical exam, fifth place to be exact and you have gotten 50 villain points, which alone would've gotten you in but then there is also a hidden mechanic! A school for heroes can't ignore heroic acts after all, these are hero points, of which you got 45, landing you in first place. I welcome you, because this is now your hero academia!"
The message ended and Izuku's mother charged in, "what did it say? Did you get in?"
"I did", he whispered, it still felt so surreal to him. First place? That meant he was better than Bakugo…
It didn't take long for the start of the school year to arrive. Izuku was standing before the gates of UA, wearing the UA uniform. He was officially a UA student! It felt so… strange. He had dreamt of this day for years and now, it was here. Izuku walked through the building, trying to find the 1A classroom. The layout was quite confusing but eventually, he found the giant door with a big 1A on it and opened it. Inside, there were a few students already there, the blue haired kid from the exam, a girl with a black ponytail and a few others.
"Ah- you are the first place student", the blue haired boy said, moving up to him, "You are much superior to me, you realized the hidden objective of the exam! I am Tenya Iida"
"W- what? o- oh, the rescue points, I didn't-"
"The fuck you are doing here, Deku?!", Bakugo's voice came from behind him and he spun around, standing there was Katsuki Bakugo, in UA uniform. Izuku flinched, he had hoped Bakugo wasn't in his class but he didn't have that much luck, it seemed, "Whose cock did you suck to get into the fucking hero course?! A quirkless loser like you should've never-"
"What crass language!", Iida was appalled, "and what do you mean quirkless, Deku isn't quirkless!"
"Erm- that's not my name", Izuku squeaked out.
"It isn't? But this boy just called you that… did he perhaps mistake you for someone else?"
"I didn't mistake no one and deku is definitely fucking quirkless, that little shit", Bakugo spat with venom.
"I- I'm not", Izuku whispered.
"Speak the fuck up, Deku!"
Izuku was trembling but then, he took a deep breath and- with all his might brought out a sentence that wasn't stuttering, "I'm not quirkless! I tried to tell you nine months ago but you didn't listen to me"
"Eh? You've been hiding your useless quirk from me, you fucking nerd?", Bakugo threatened him with his explosive quirk but this time, Izuku didn't back down, "No! I had only recently learned what my quirk is and yet you didn't want to 'waste your time' with quirkless little Deku but guess what, Bakugo, I'm not a Deku anymore, I surpassed you in the entrance exam!"
"As entertaining as this is to watch, we better get this day started", came a voice from behind Bakugo. There stood a rough looking man with long, black hair, a scruffy beard, wearing baggy, black clothing, a pair of yellow goggles and a scarf around his neck, "You took 31 seconds to quiet down, that is way too long, do better next time. I am Shota Aizawa, I'll be your homeroom teacher", he pulled out a gym uniform from UA, pointing to a training ground out the window "You should have one of these on your desk in your size, put them on and meet me at the training ground over there"
"But what about Orientation?", asked Uraraka.
"We at UA pride ourselves with the fact that the teachers are free to choose how to teach their class. Believe me, you won't be missing much. Orientation is a formality. Now, go get changed!"
The students picked up their uniforms and ran to the locker rooms, changing out of their normal uniforms and into their gym uniforms. As they got changed, they each introduced themselves, though there wasn't enough time to learn any more than their names.
Out on the training ground, Aizawa sensei was waiting impatiently, "Finally, you are here, you have to work on changing faster, as a hero, every second counts. Now, you have all been doing standardized tests for a few years now, though they still refuse to allow the usage of quirks. That is idiotic, thus, I will now check out your limits with your quirks. Midoriya, what was your softball throw in middle school?"
"11 meters, I think?"
"Now try with your quirk. The only rule is, you can't leave this circle"
"Okay", he took the ball and began weaving signs, "Wind release: Gale Palm!"
A bout of wind shot after the ball and it flew into the distance. Aizawa smiled, showing them the screen of his measurement device, 603.4 meters.
"600 meters?!"
"Deku, you bitch…"
"We can use our quirks as much as we like?"
"This is gonna be so fun!"
That was the wrong thing to say, as Aizawa snapped, "Fun? You think this will all be games and fun? Are villain attacks fun? What about natural disasters? Why not make it a little more interesting. The person who comes dead last is expelled, effective immediately"
"Expelled? You can't do that!"
"Yeah, we just got here, you can't expel us like that!"
"I can and I will", he smiled coldly.
They did the tests. With the help of his jutsu, Izuku reached first place, just barely better than the white and red haired Todoroki.
In the end, Aizawa said, "By the way, I was kidding about the whole expelling you stuff, it was a logical ruse to get you to perform at your best"
"I already assumed so", Yaoyorozu, the pony tailed girl said.
"And you didn't tell us?!"
"I thought it was obvious?"
Later, Iida and Uraraka were walking with Izuku out the building, "You said 'Deku' isn't your actual name, why does Bakugo call you that then?"
"It is a way to make fun of me, it means worthless or useless", he looked down sad, "but I'm not weak anymore, I will no longer be pushed around by him"
"Oh- I thought it actually sounded pretty cool, like Dekiru, as in 'you can do it', y'know?", Uraraka said.
"If only it were like that… Deku is a name that has haunted me for years, I won't be defined by it any longer!"