Chereads / Wheel Of Advancement / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: Church

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: Church

They stepped into the cathedral, Carl's eyes widened in awe. The interior was cavernous, with vaulted ceilings that seemed to stretch up to the heavens. The air was thick with the scent of incense and old stone.

Despite the grandeur of the architecture, the cathedral felt eerily empty, much like the churches Carl had visited back in his own world. The silence was oppressive, punctuated only by the soft creaking of the old wooden pews.

Carl's gaze wandered to the walls, where vivid murals depicted the story of the God of Fate. The artwork was breathtaking, with intricate details and colors that seemed to leap off the stone.

The murals told a story of the God of Fate's devotion to humanity. The first panel showed the god protecting humans from some ancient calamity, his divine power radiating outward like a shield. The next panel depicted the god forging the Wheel of Advancement, his hands moving with purpose as he shaped the artifact.

The third panel showed the god standing before the Wheel, his eyes closed in contemplation. The final panel, however, was the most striking: it showed the god sacrificing himself for humanity, his body broken and battered as he lay before the Wheel.

Carl's eyes lingered on the final panel, feeling a shiver run down his spine. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of deity would sacrifice themselves for their followers. Another's Jesus wannabe?

As he turned away from the murals, Carl noticed a figure kneeling at the altar. The priest, dressed in simple yet elegant robes, was praying before a magnificent statue of the Wheel of Advancement. The statue was crafted from a glittering white marble, its surface adorned with intricate carvings that seemed to shimmer in the dim light.

Carl followed Lord Harrington as they walked down the aisle, their footsteps echoing off the stone walls. The priest, still kneeling before the statue of the Wheel of Advancement, slowly rose to his feet as they approached.

He was an elderly man with a kind face and piercing brown eyes. His robes were simple yet elegant, with intricate embroidery around the hem. He regarded Carl with a warm smile.

"Ah, Harrington, what brings you here Twig of Lord? And who this Noble Young man?" the priest said, his voice gentle and soothing.

"Nice to meet you Fath-, Lor-, Mister? My name is Carl."

"Oh where's my manners, asking someone without introduce myself first. I am Father Michael, the bishop of this cathedral. Just call me Sir is fine."

Priest Michael's eyes sparkled with curiosity as he gazed at Carl.

Lord Harrington cleared his throat, his expression serious. "Priest Michael, I've brought Mr. Carl here today to discuss his... condition. You may not know, he possesses a Faith Core, a blessing from the God of Fate himself."

Father Michael's eyes widened in surprise, and he took a step closer to Carl. "A Faith Core, you say? That's indeed a remarkable gift, Mr. Carl. We can be considered collague now."


Priest Michael's eyes shone with excitement as he gazed at Carl. "With a Faith Core, Mr. Carl, you have been given a great privilege. You are eligible to join the most prestigious organization in our country, the Order of the Faith. The Order is the highest authority in the land, guiding our nation and its people according to the principles of the Church. We are the government and spokesperson of God"

Lord Harrington nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Mr. Carl. The Church plays a vital role in our country. As a member, you will have access to knowledge, resources, and power beyond your wildest dreams."

However, Priest Michael's expression turned serious. "But, Mr. Carl, before you can become an official member of the Order, you must undergo rigorous training and education. You have much to learn about superpower, its history, and the principles of the Faith."

"Are there's some kind of limitations like I need to give all of mine to God and not get married for the rest of my life?"

Carl concerned.

" There's no such practice in God of Fate church. You can marry anyone as long she's a human... You can even bed half-blood If you want, but you can't marry half-blood because that's would tarnish the glory of our human lineage."

Priest Michael amused with Carl question. But seeing Carl probably in early 20s, it's natural.

As Lord Harrington departed, Father Michael smiled warmly at Carl. "Now, Mr. Carl, let me show you around your new home. You'll be living here at the church, and I think you'll find it quite comfortable."

Carl nodded, following Father Michael as he led him on a tour of the church's facilities. They walked through the grand cathedral, its stained glass windows casting colorful patterns on the stone floor.

As they made their way to the back of the church, Carl noticed a series of doors that led to a separate wing. "What's this?" he asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

"Ah, this is our living quarter," Father Michael explained. "We have rooms for the priests, novices, nun's. You'll find your quarters quite cozy, I think."

Carl's eyes widened as he took in the simple yet comfortable rooms. He had expected something much more austere.

Father Michael continued the tour, leading Carl to a separate building on the side of the church. "This is our orphanage and school," he said, his eyes shining with pride. "We care for children who have lost their parents, and provide them with an education. It's a vital part of our mission here at the church."

Father Michael continued to show Carl around the church, introducing him to various priests, nuns, and other members of the community. They walked through the gardens, the library, and even the kitchen, where a delicious meal was being prepared.

As the tour came to an end, Father Michael smiled warmly at Carl. "I think that's enough for today, Mr. Carl. You must be tired from your journey. Your formal education will begin tomorrow, but for now, take some time to rest and settle in."

With that, Father Michael bid Carl farewell, leaving him alone in his quarters. Carl looked around the simple but comfortable room, feeling a sense of disorientation. It all felt so surreal, like a dream that he couldn't wake up from.

He lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling as his mind wandered back to his life on Earth. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was all just a wild fantasy, and that when he woke up, he'd find himself back in his dorm room, surrounded by familiar sights and sounds.

But as he drifted off to sleep, he couldn't shake the feeling that this new reality was all too real.

Carl woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside his window. He stretched, feeling a mix of emotions, relief and sadness. Relief that he had made it through the night, and sadness that he was still here, in this strange new world.

He sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes. It wasn't a dream, then. He was really here, in a world where superpower were real. He thought about his life back on Earth, his friends, his family... everything he had left behind.

Carl swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up. He looked around his small room, taking in the simple furnishings. It was a far cry from his dorm room, but it was his home now.

He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the day ahead. His education was about to begin.

Carl goes to library place where he's lesson held, a grand room filled with shelves upon shelves of ancient tomes. The air was thick with the scent of old parchment and dust. Priest Michael was already seated at a large wooden desk, a warm smile on his face.

"Ah, Mr. Carl, good morning," Priest Michael said, rising from his seat. "I trust you slept well?"

Carl nodded, exchanging a few pleasantries with the priest before they settled down to business.

"So, Mr. Carl," Priest Michael began, "tell me, what do you know of our world?"

Carl hesitated, feeling a flush rise to his cheeks. "To be honest, Sir, I don't know anything."

Priest Michael chuckled. "Well, we shall have to remedy that, won't we? Let us begin with something simple. Geography."

The priest handed Carl a thick leather-bound book. Carl took it, feeling a sense of trepidation. As he opened the book, he realized that he couldn't even read the text. The words were unfamiliar, the alphabet strange.

Priest Michael smiled kindly. "Ah, I forgot. You wouldn't know our script, would you? Very well, let us start with the basics. Learning to read and write."

Carl groaned inwardly. Learning a new language was not his idea of fun. But he was determined to adapt.

Fortunately, the writing system was similar to the Latin alphabet, using symbols to represent consonant and vowel sounds. However, there were more letters - 6 vowels and 24 consonants, totaling 30 letters.

As Carl began to learn the new script, he discovered that the writing system was actually simpler than English. Every word was true to its symbol, with no silent letters or confusing spellings.

With Priest Michael's patient guidance, Carl slowly began to grasp the basics of the new language. It was a start, at least.