Carl settled into a comfortable routine over the week. Every morning, he would head to the library, where he would spend hours poring over dusty tomes and practicing his reading and writing skills. Priest Michael had given him a few texts to start with, and Carl was determined to master them.
As the days passed, Carl's progress was remarkable. He began to recognize words and phrases with ease, and his handwriting improved dramatically. Priest Michael would often look over his shoulder, offering words of encouragement and guidance.
But Carl's days weren't just filled with study. He also started helping out around the church, assisting with tasks such as cleaning, cooking, and tending to the gardens. He enjoyed the physical labor, finding it a welcome respite from the mental demands of learning.
Every day Carl also spared with Priest Michael. Giving him many fighting experience he didn't have. They spar until his core exhausted. He progress from only able to use one move against priest to he can fight few round. This because he didn't use his power much, Carl start to learn how to brawl with his fist.
The church's members were warm and welcoming, and they soon grew fond of Carl's eager and helpful nature. They would often smile and nod in approval as he went about his chores, and some even began to teach him simple prayers and hymns.
He had come a long way since his arrival at the church, and he knew that he owed it all to Priest Michael's guidance and support.
But despite the comfort and routine of his new life, Carl couldn't shake the feeling that he missing his home. He felt a growing sense of restlessness, a sense that he was not meant to be here.
Carl stood before Priest Michael, his curiosity piqued. "Today's routine is different, isn't it?" he asked, sensing that something important was about to happen.
Priest Michael nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, Carl. Today marks exactly one week since you arrived in this world. And with that, comes a new opportunity for growth."
He paused, studying Carl's face before continuing. "The Wheels of Advancement is not a one-time artifact, but rather a means to grow and develop bit by bit. You can summon it once a week, and each time, you'll have the chance to acquire new abilities or enhance existing ones."
Carl's eyes widened with excitement. "That's amazing!"
Priest Michael's expression turned cautionary. "However, there's a warning I must give you. If, during the summoning, you see a slice with a question mark on it, do not spin the wheel. Postpone the summoning and undo it immediately."
Carl's brow furrowed in concern. "What does the question mark mean?"
Priest Michael's voice was grave. "It means that the outcome is uncertain, and the risk is too great. Consequences is very dire if you got questions slice, and it's better to err on the side of caution. Don't worry there's a way to open the question mark even those options appears. You only need gain sufficient knowledge about what may it is then it's going to be unlocked."
Carl nodded, determination etched on his face. "I understand. I'll be careful."
With that, Priest Michael smiled and placed a hand on Carl's shoulder. "I know you will, Carl. Now, let's proceed with the summoning. Are you ready?"
Carl once again chant.
Carl's eyes sparkled with excitement as he gazed at the Wheel of Advancement. The five slices seemed to glow with an otherworldly energy, each one representing a different path for him to take.
"Flesh Core," and "Energy Core," were familiar options, but the three new slices caught his attention. "Priest," "Paladin" and "Missionary" seemed to radiate an aura of power and mystery.
"What are these new options?" Carl asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.
Priest Michael's eyes twinkled with knowledge. "Ah, those are Mythical Professions. They offer more abilities and powers than the Core options, but they require a Core as a source of energy."
Carl's brow furrowed in thought. "So, they're like advanced versions of the Cores?"
Priest Michael nodded. "No, they like extension of Core. It's essential to have a solid foundation before pursuing a Mythical Profession. I recommend acquiring two or three Cores before attempting to obtain a Mythical Profession."
Carl's mind whirled with the possibilities. Having a Mythical Profession sounded incredibly appealing, but he also understood the importance of building a strong foundation.
"What happens if I choose a Mythical Profession without enough Cores?" Carl asked, his voice laced with caution.
Priest Michael's expression turned serious. "It's not recommended, Carl. Without sufficient energy from the Cores, a Mythical Profession cannot be efficiently utilized. It's crucial to prioritize your growth and development before pursuing such a powerful option. Well it's not like you can choose do you."
Carl then willed the wheel to spin. Once again the Wheel of Advancement spin so fast, all the slice's became blurry. The spinning wheel stop at energy core.
"I got new core. Energy core."
As the wheel came to a stop, Carl felt a surge of energy course through his body. The air around him seemed to vibrate with an otherworldly power, and he could feel his cells shifting and adapting to the new energy.
Priest Michael watched, a hint of a smile on his face. "The Energy Core," he murmured. "A powerful addition to your abilities, Carl."
As the priest spoke, Carl's body began to glow with a soft, yellow light. The light intensified, and Carl felt his soul stirring, as if a new presence was awakening within him.
The light reached a crescendo, and then, in an instant, it vanished. Carl stood panting, his heart racing with excitement. He could feel the new Energy Core pulsing within him, its power coursing through his veins like liquid fire.
Priest Michael nodded in approval. "Well done, Carl. You now possess two Cores: the Faith Core and the Energy Core. Your abilities will continue to grow and evolve as you master these new energies."
Carl's eyes shone with wonder as he explored the newfound power within him. He could feel the Energy Core humming, its energy waiting to be unleashed.
As a double core holder, Carl's energy capacity had increased exponentially, jumping from if his energy capacity digitize with 100, with double core he have 1000. This massive boost in energy capacity granted him access to a wide range of powerful abilities, all stemming from his newfound control over various forms of energy.
With his Energy Core, Carl could manipulate kinetic energy, allowing him to accelerate or decelerate objects at will. He could also control gravitational energy, granting him the ability to manipulate the gravity, right now he can double or halving the gravity.
But that was not all - Carl's Energy Core also gave him dominion over other forms of energy, including thermal, electrical, and even chemical potential energy. This meant that he could, for example, ignite a fuse to detonate a gunpowder charge, or accelerate chemical reactions to create powerful explosions.
The possibilities were endless, and Carl's mind reeled with the implications of his new powers. He realized that the only limit to his abilities was his own understanding of physics and the fundamental laws of the universe.
As he explored the depths of his Energy Core's capabilities, Carl began to grasp the true extent of his powers. He could create powerful blasts of energy, manipulate the motion of objects, and even bend the gravity.
As Carl's energy capacity increased with the addition of the Energy Core, his abilities from the Faith Core also underwent a significant enhancement. The small miracles he was once capable of were now amplified, allowing him to perform more substantial and impressive feats.
He could now heal wounds more effectively, purify contaminated water and air, and even imbue objects with temporary protective properties. His presence seemed to radiate a warm, comforting energy that could calm the minds and soothe the spirits of those around him.
However, despite the significant boost to his abilities, Carl still couldn't manipulate the fate of others. The fundamental limitations of the Faith Core remained in place, ensuring that he couldn't alter the course of events that were meant to unfold.
Carl can't wait another week to come, he eager want to spin again. At same time, Carl feel worried. One thing he learned at his old home, always careful with free stuff.