Chereads / secretary Ann / Chapter 6 - the king's presence

Chapter 6 - the king's presence

" like I was speechless when the man invited me over for an interview " Ann said, she's sitting beside Henry.

" So when is the interview?" He asked

" Tomorrow by 10am" she replied.

" You better do your best, I'd feel disappointed if you dont get the job this time around " he spoke.

" Trust me, I'm going to do my possible best " she assured.

Her phone started ringing, an unknown number.

* Hello who's on the line?" She asked.

* It's Micky of course " the caller responded.

" I'll be back " she said to Henry before walking away,

* What happened to your phone why did you call me with a strange number and who owns this number?" She asked.

* I told you to send me some money, why the hell haven't you sent it?" Micky asked ignoring her questions.

" Like seriously, what do you take me for, A bank or what?" Ann asked.

" Taking care of me is your responsibility so why the hell are you trying to act negligent?" Mickey asked.

" Yay speak to me with some respect I'm your older sister " Ann yelled.

" Then act like one and send me the money I asked for, My hostel fees has expire, I need money to get food and clothes " she complained.

" And you think I'd Send it to you if you continue disrespecting me huh?" Ann asked.

" You gat no option in this you have to send me the money, today is Wednesday, ensure you send it before the week runs out" she said and disconnect the call.

' Like seriously?'

" Yay you little brat how dare you hang up on me!" She yelled.

" Her discourtesy is becoming unbearable" she grumbled as she entered their apartment.

" What happened?" Hailey asked, she's sitting on the couch with Tracy.

" It's Mickey, she called saying she needed some money" Ann replied.

" Then send it to her?" Tracy said.

" Giving her the money is not the problem I'll surely get a new job soon and I'd get paid but her discourtesy is getting worse, like she talks to me as if I'm her servant" she groaned.

" You know she's a kid...

" Don't even cover up for her" Ann cut Hailey off before walking into the room.

Ever since they lost their parents, she has been the one catering for both hers and Mickey's need.

It hasn't been easy for her cuz she keeps getting fired but she's really trying her best and all she wants is for Mickey to be at least grateful.

Bernard High « Mickey's hostel»

" What did your big sis said?" Gina one of her roommate asked.

" She didn't say anything positive, that sister of mine is a psycho I guess she lost her job that's why she has been unable to send the money, please bear with me" she pleaded.

" She better sends it by this weekend or we'd make you walk round the school naked okay " Yvonne the second roommate said and puff the smoke from the cigarette in her face, Mickey nodded.

" I soaked some of my panties in the bathroom , go wash them up " Gina hit her head slightly.

" Let's go get some fresh air" Yvonne said to Gina and they both walk out of the room.

" Argh,! Why is life this cruel to her, they sold her phone few days back cuz she couldn't provide the money they asked for, she's the one paying for the hostel fee and also buying clothes for them, their parents are rich though but they're bent on frustrating the hell outta her life, this is more than bullying I swear.

NEXT DAY « Hill Way High »

* Omg isn't that Lk?*

* Like for fucking real it's our Mr perfect*

* Damn he looks hot*

* Fuck I'm dripping wet*

* It's him for life*

* Louis King!!!!!!* The students shouted, they're staring at him through their glass mirror, if they could burst out of it they would have done that already.

' I'm forever the outstanding guy' he smirked as he continued walking down the hallway.

Teachers aren't exempted

" Will I continue walking down this hallway, I don't even know where the meeting is being held, that little brat didn't give me full discription" he muttered.

" Hey!" He called a teacher who just came out from one of the class room, she turned it's Tracy.

Her lips parted as she stared at him in total admiration.

" Where is the meeting taking place?" He asked but guess she's lost in an unknown world so she probably didn't hear him.

" Like seriously?"

" Big bro" Cassie called grabbing Louis hands, Tracy jolted back to life.

" Where the hell have you been?" Louis asked as they both walk away.

" I was in class, I got to know you've arrived through the students unending screams and murmurs" she replied.

" I always stands out everywhere I go" he bragged.

" Oh don't even start, by the way that's my teacher, the one I showed you the other day with her beautiful backside" she winked at him.

" She's too dumb for my liking " he shook his head.

" Like seriously, she's the prettiest, most inte....

." I'm not interested thank you" he cut her off.

" Gosh! What kind of a human is he"she grumbled walking behind him.

** Meeting Room**

Kathy, Mary and the principal are already present.

' Yes ! He came' Kathy thought with great excitement on seeing Louis.

" You're all welcome" Mr Owen welcomed after Louis and Cassie took their sits.

" I'm sure you both are aware of the reason why I summoned you" he started and Kathy nodded..

" I didn't get the full details, I only heard she fought with someone" Louis said plainly.

Cassie tried pinching him but he held her hands on time.

" You know how precious my skin is to me and I don't wanna see a slight bruise on it" he said before dropping her hands.

" Since you didn't get full details, I'll summarize for you, they fought over a spot in the cafeteria, Cassie claimed the spot belongs to her friend and her while Mary argued that she didn't bring any spot from home" he summarized.

" She purposely sat there to get on my nerve" Cassie spoke.

" Not like your names were written there " Mary argued.

" Who attacked first?"Louis asked.

" I did " Cassie answered honestly.

" But it was after she dragged my dad into it" she added.

" Why did you involve her dad?" Kathy faced Mary.

" I only said she didn't bring the spot from her dad's house not like I Insulted him " Mary defended.

" Even though, you were not suppose to say that, it was supposed to end between you two" Kathy cautioned.

" Are you insinuating that I'm at fault here or what?" Mary asked.

" There's a penalty for fighting right?" Louis intervened.

" Yes " Mr Owen answered..

" You should have punished them straight away instead of summoning us " he said and Cassie faced him.

" To my suggestion, Cassie shouldn't be punished" Kathy spoke and everyone faced her.

" Mary shouldn't have involved her dad in the first place, that's disrespectful of her" she added

" Like seriously?,' Mary faced her.

" And Mary shouldn't have sat on that spot after knowing it's Cassie's favourite place " she gave further reasons.

" Anyways I only summoned you guys here to witness my last warning to them, if they ever fight, they'll be suspended " Mr Owen stated.

" You heard him right?" Louis faced Cassie and she nodded.

" Cassie you're to come to school early tomorrow to clean the laboratory while Mary you're to wash the security's latrine " he assigned.

" Like what the hell!" Mary groaned.

" And at the point I bring the meeting to an end" he declared and Louis stood up.

He left together Cassie and Mr Owen also went out.

" What was the meaning of those shits you said?" Mary faced Kathy angrily.

" I didn't do anything, I only said you shouldn't have involved her dad" Kathy replied.

" As Cassie's what, her avata?" She asked angrily.

" It would have been better if you didn't say anything till the end of the meeting at least I wouldn't have been assigned to wash the security's latrine, gosh, I can't even imagine it" she groaned.

" Yay I'm your older sister and you don't yell at me, is this what I get for attending the meeting?" Kathy yelled.

" I regret begging you to attend this meeting" she cussed before storming out.

" Kids of nowadays " Kathy shook her head.

" Anyways kudos Kathy that was a great act" she smiled