Chereads / secretary Ann / Chapter 7 - scarlet's scheme

Chapter 7 - scarlet's scheme

Did you notice that Mary's sister was taking sides with me?" Cassie asked while walking down the hallway with Louis.

" Yes I did and I'm sure that was to impress me" he shrugged.

" Why do you think everyone is trying to impress you?" Cassie asked.

" Cuz I'm perfect" he replied simply.

" Cassie how did it go?" Berry asked coming to view.

" Big bro Louis" she hugged him slightly and the students who are watching from their classes started murmuring.

* Like did she just hug him?*

* She's so lucky*

* Damn I wanna be friends with Cassie*

* I'm jealous*

* The feeling is killing me*

" How have you been?" Louis asked after they broke the hug.

" I've been fine" she replied

" Hope you're concentrating on your studies and not fighting around like someone I know" he taunted and Cassie eyed him.

" Trust me I'm a good girl" Berry assured

" Continue being good and take care" he caressed her hair before walking away.

*Gosh* The students gasped and continue murmuring.

" How did it go?" Berry asked Cassie.

" Wow I finally became visible, I thought all you could see was big bro Louis" she scoffed.

" C'mon girl it's been long I saw him, I needed to greet him" Berry pouted.

" Then continue greeting him" she said walking away.

" You're jealous" Berry chuckled going after her.

" You can say whatever you like " Cassie swayed her hair backward.

" At least tell me how the meeting ended, my ears are craving to hear " Berry said eagerly.

" We'd get suspended If we fight again,I was assigned to clean the laboratory first thing in the morning while Mary is to wash the security's latrine" Cassie narrated and Berry burst out a heavy laughter.

" Damn, that's too much for the poor girl, I'm pitying her already " she laughed harder.

" Serves her right, next time she'll keep off from my lane and there was also something that happened in there" she stopped walking and faced Berry.

" What?" Berry asked.

" Mary's sister was taking side with me and putting all the blames on her " she spilled.

" Seriously?" Berry asked.

" Yes I guess that was why I didn't get a severe punishment " she replied.

"And you won't believe what Louis said, he was like, 'she did it to impress me' " she mimicked and Berry laughed.

" I'm in support with him, like your bro is everyone's spec" she said.

" Forgot you guys are birds of the same feathers" she scoffed and continue walking away.

" C'mon girl it's the truth" Berry followed her.


It's 10:30 already, Ann rushed into the restaurant breathing hard, the devil is at work, like why the hell would she sleep over on a day like this if it isn't the devil's hand work.

" I just pray he hasn't left" she prayed eye searching for a man on suit.

She sighted one sitting alone, with a glass of water on his table and he is checking his wrist watch.

" It's definitely him" she approached the table.

" Good day sir" she greeted sitting on the other chair.

" You're late" Steven who turned out to be the man said.

" I'm sorry I slept over" she replied honestly.

" Like for real?" He asked.

" Yeah" she nodded.

Her boldness in admitting the truth is quite shocking cuz nowadays no one will tell you the truth they'd give silly excuses.

" Anyways do you remember me?" He asked and she shook her head.

' like what the heck, we met yesterday, she has short memory or what?' Steven thought.

" Have we met before?" She asked staring at him closely.

" Never mind" he shrugged.

" You already wasted much time, let's go straight to business, how many years experience do you have as a secretary?" He asked.

" I haven't worked as one before, I only got employed in eateries, I have many years experience on that" she answered

How is he going to tackle this, she has no single experience and that disqualifies her already but she's the one fit for the position considering the kind of person Louis is.

" Ok then, you're to resume tomorrow at Lk mobile, here is your entry card" he gave her a card before standing up.

" Just like that?" She asked and he nodded.

" I'll be on my way, see you tomorrow at 8am prompt, don't sleep over this time around or you'd lose your job before you even start " he instructed before leaving.

" This will be recorded as the shortest interview in the whole world" she said and check the card her eyes widen when she saw the name of the company she also remembered his words and gasped

*Ok then, you're to resume tomorrow at Lk mobile, here is your entry card*

" Gosh I just got a job at Lk mobile!!" She screamed catching everyone's attention and they stare at her awkwardly like is she normal?

" Hailey needs to hear this" she rushed out of the restaurant

Happy Restaurant

" Hailey " she screamed rushing to her at the counter.

" Yah why are you screaming my name?" Hailey asked.

" I just hit a jackpot" she said.

" What jackpot, you saw dollars on the floor?" She asked.

" C'mon girl you stuck at guessing" she shook her head.

" Then tell me" Hailey urged.

" I just got a job" she spilled.

" Was that why you screamed my name?" She asked.

" It's not just a job but it's at Lk mobile" she added and Hailey laughed.

"You're so funny, you and I know that cant be possible" she doubted.

" This is my entry card, I'll be resuming tomorrow" she showed her the card.

" So it's true, I'm not dreaming " Hailey said staring at the card closely.

" Wow this is miracle, I'm so happy for you" she added..

" I doubt that" Ann shook her head

" If you're truly happy for me you would have served me something yummy to eat" she added.

" If that's why you came here you better start going home " Hailey said

" This is unfair" she pouted.

" Make it fair by going home" she said nudging at her to use the exit door.

LK Mobile« Louis'office »

" What took you so long in the interview?" Louis asked Steven who's standing in front of him.

" It was traffic" he lied.

" So how did it go?" He inquired.

" It went well, she'll be resuming tomorrow?" He answered

" Are you sure she can do the job?" He asked and he nodded.

" So what are my schedule for today?" He asked

" There are files from the states, I did some reviews on them but I need to submit them to you for proper review" he replied.

" Then go get them" he instructed.

" I'll be back" he left and Louis' phone started ringing..

" Why is she calling me when she knows I'd be busy at work?" He complained and answered anyways.

* Good day Mom*. He greeted.

" You'd be less busy later today right?" Rita asked.

* Why are you asking?" He asked back.

* I want us to meet for dinner tonight* she replied.

" You can go out on a dinner date with dad..

" He's busy and won't be home on time today" she cut in.

" Then go with Cassie" he suggested

" She has test tomorrow and needs to study*

* Gosh Mom I don't have time for dinner* he grumbled.

* You have to come that's final, I'll text the location and table number to you" she said before hanging up.

" Gosh this woman" he groaned.


" You guys Will be meeting again tonight, try your whole best to convince him into dating you okay " Rita said to Scarlett after hanging up the call. They're at a restaurant.

" Thank you so much ma, I'll do my best," she assured.

" Ok then keep me updated, I'll be on my way " Rita stood up and left.

" We'll be meeting again Mr narcissist " Scarlet smirked..

" What are you doing here , I thought you said you'll be meeting with your friends from the States?" Kathy asked standing in front of her.

" What are you doing here as well, you're supposed to be in Mary's school for the meeting " Scarlett replied.

" I'm done with the meeting, I was on my way home but I stopped by for lunch and was shocked to see you with Mrs King" she answered.

" You can have your lunch I'm off" Scarlet stood up.

" Yay what did you guys discuss?" Kathy held her back..

" That's none of your business " she freed herself from Kathy's grip before walking away..

" Like seriously, is that attitude for me?" Kathy asked no one in particular.

« Later in the day»

" Gosh Mom is bent on frustrating my life, having dinner here with her as her what, lover boy huh?" Louis grumbled walking to the table number Rita sent to him.

On getting there he met Scarlet and everything became clear, his Mom tricked him.

" Good evening" Scarlet greeted with a smile.

" I'm here anyways" he breathe out and took the sit opposite her.

" So You connived with my mom to trick me here huh?" He asked..

" Not actually, she suggested we should meet again and get to know each other more better" she replied.

" What's there to know, I already told you we aren't compatible, I'm way out of you league" he bragged.

" Yay I'm not classless, I'm hot, I got everything needed in a woman, men are dying to date me, I'm pretty " Scarlett yelled out in frustration.

" Your beauty doesn't trip me, let's end this childish game here, don't ever meet with my mom to trick me or you'd see the other side of me" he warned before standing up, he adjusted his suit and walk away.

" Aaarggh?!!!" Scarlet screamed.