"Why is it always these buildings?" Ethan asked himself as he stared up a huge luxury apartment building that was intimidating to look at from the ground.
"There's nothing I can do about it now, I already accepted the delivery" Ethan thought to himself as he entered the front lobby.
Ethan worked as a delivery man for some newfangled delivery app that was gaining traction in the city of Carten where Ethan lived.
Ethan walked past the front desk and walked up to an elevator that was situated right next to a stairwell.
"I'm sorry sir but those elevators are for residents only" the front desk clerk said with a hollow smile.
What? What kind of stupid rule is that?" Is what Ethan wanted to say. Instead he nodded his head and began his walk up the stairs.
"First the rain, and after that it was line at the restaurant and now this" Ethan mumbled to himself as his wet pants slapped the stairs as he walked.
Ethan walked into the 13th floor of the building while looking for the apartment he was delivering to.
"Finally" Ethan said as he knocked onto the door of apartment C183.
"There you are, what took you so long? I placed my order half an hour ago" The middle aged man who answered the door grumbled.
"There was a lin-" As Ethan was explaining his tardiness the customer grabbed the food and slammed the door in his face.
Ethan stood at the door with a dumbstruck look on his face still reeling from the shock of the complete asshole he just encountered.
"Leave before I call security" The man said looking through the peephole at Ethan.
As Ethan walked away his mine began to swirl with thoughts. "Why? Why is it always me? Every single time I do something with my life I just end up getting kicked in the ass by life" Ethan thought to himself as he walked out into the stairwell.
As he began his walk down the stairs his wet pants started to get caught up under his feet but he was to pissed to notice until it was to late.
Ethan suddenly slipped as he pants where wrapped around his feet as they made contact with the stairs.
Ethan's world suddenly froze as he felt his body in midair. "This is how I die, alone in the stairwell of a fucking apartment building stairwell" Ethan knew in his heart that this would be the end of him.
Before he could fully embrace his fate something appeared before his eyes. A strange golden bow that seemed to levitate next to his suspended body.
Before he could fully make out the words on the box his world resumed and his head made contact with the stairs and Ethan blacked out.