Chereads / The Outergod's Avatar / Chapter 3 - Unnatural Existence

Chapter 3 - Unnatural Existence

At this point Ezra bit his lip defiantly, 

"Isn't that what was required of me, does it really matter why I did it. I killed myself and now I am here. I took the leap of faith so I deserve to be a hero. I had faith in the unknown, isn't that what matters most?" 

The god blinked closing his eyes for more than a few seconds.

"I don't know where you found that prayer but as the First light, I cannot summon someone as unworthy as you to be a hero,"

Ezra's heart sank as he heard those words, the realization that he had possibly wasted his life was a heavy one.

As despair began creeping in he could only mumble, "but the lett-"

The god sighed,

"I already told you a benevolent god such as I would never require your measley life. A hero can only be someone who has no desire for power, you on the other hand are unfit to even be in my presence,"

He paused then continued

"I can see your true nature, you have no motivation and simply wasted your life away, you selfishly leeched of your father for years, and then you leave him without a second thought, I must say of all of the beings created you, mortal, are the biggest disgrace"

Tears rolled down Ezra's face as he realized maybe killing himself wasn't the best choice,

"I'm sorry please, please send me back,"

The First light chuckled mockingly, "send you back, your soul does not even deserve to be reborn,"

"I barnish you from all existance"

With a wave of his hand Ezra vanished from his presence.

He appeared nowhere, he had no physical body, he couldn't see anything, hear anything or feel anything. It was worse than death, because he still retained his consciousness in this pure eternal darkness.

"So this is how it ends, this is how everything ends. This should be a befitting end for someone like me, since everything he had said was true. I don't deserve to be a hero. All I ever did was made things difficult for the people I cared about, I was selfish and I didn't even consider how my father would feel before taking my life,"

"maybe I wasn't thinking straight, yeah, I was probably possessed by something because who in their right mind would put their faith in the unknown"

All he could do was rant, but unknown to him something or someone was listening, and the entity replied.

"Only a true believer, would put their faith in the unknown,"

"Who's there?!"

"Someone who would appreciate your desire for power, only if you would serve me devotedly, now tell me do you want to live again?"

Ezra didn't even consider it for a moment "yes I do"


The First Light sat on his throne pondering on what had just happened. That prayer indeed had his true name but how did a mere mortal from a godless world know his true name, and then there was the symbol on the wax seal. 

He could sense a faint residue of an enchantment, probably by an outer god, but to do that no matter how weak of an enchantment it was, would be near impossible, especially in a world that far from divinity.

'I can't think of any chaos god with that level of power, even most true god wouldn't have that kind of influence in a world that far from divinity, not to talk of a god outside of existence,'

If so then who could it be.


As Ezra opened his eyes he saw the most horrifying creature he had ever encountered.

There was an eye, shut close floating in the endless space, with what looked like shapeless shadow like tentacles moving everywhere else. It was large, extremely large, bigger than any building, ship or any other man made object Ezra had ever seen, in fact he could say it was even bigger than the moon.

It was a collosal thing and it's size was beyond comprehension as it seemed to fill the horizon. It looked like it was sleeping yet it's unnatural presence was pushing Ezra to the brink of madness.

"What have I done… I have made a deal with the devil"

But contrary to his thoughts, the being spoke to him with no malice,

"fear not, my true form must be difficult even for a summoned soul like yours, this is purely my fault, I should have prepared for your arrival,"

It spoke in an apologetic manner before changing the endless space into a small throne room.

Flame touches hanging on the wall and a throne made of bones and skulls.

Sitted comfortably was a man in an all black suit, with sleek black well gel hair. He looked like a movie star with a deep aura of mystery hanging around him.

"is this better?" HE asked with a confident friendly smile.

"Y-yes" Ezra mumbled, at this point he was just tired of everything, who could have thought dying could be so stressful

In Ezra's mind this being was similar to the god he had just met but yet different. He felt unnatural but he couldn't tell why. But even after seeing his true form he didn't feel as scared as to when he spoke with the First Light, maybe it was because the worst had already happened.

The being was visibly joyful as it spoke, with a bright smile.

"Firstly I'd like to thank you for accepting my offer, I'm sure you understand the requirements of our contract?"

Ezra's face contoured slightly.

"No, not exactly," 

"Okay then I'll be a kind master and explain it to you, from this moment on your soul belongs to me, you shall serve me and in return I shall give you another life and that shall be your fate for all eternity, do you understand my words?"