Ezra understood what was happening, it really was one of those deal with devil situations he had always heard about in stories back on earth, and if there was one thing those stories always emphasize, is that, it was never a good idea no matter how desperate you are.
"I understand you, but I'm not so desperate that I'll sell my soul to the devil," He boldly replied. It took a lot of guts to speak to this infinite being but what was the worst it could do, kill him?
'I have already been banished from existence, I doubt there's anything worse than that'.
The great being chuckled
"The devil? I feel so insulted being compared to such an impotent being, the one you mortals refer to as the devil is nothing but a mere joke compared to me so don't worry kid, I'm not the devil… but if you think about it I might actually be quite worse" he playfully scratched his chin.
Ezra's eyebrows pressed down.
"Kid? I'm not a kid, I'll be turning 30 in two months and besides, why would I want to serve someone who is worse than the devil?"
The man laughed heartily, even his laughter was majestic.
"30 years, that is no different than a mere second to my existence. I have existed since before the formation of the world you lived in, and even before the start of the universe at large, so to me you might have just been born,"
"And let me tell you, it's not like you have a choice in this, you either serve me or I send you back to where I found you," he ended that last statement with a dark seriousness.
Ezra could only despair at the reality of his situation, he imagined an eternity of consciousness in the darkness.
"O-okay" he nodded defeatedly, at this point there was hardly anything he could do.
"If you don't mind me asking, who exactly are you?"
The great being sighed.
"My name? I have never told a mortal my true name before"
He paused as if considering it for a few seconds,
"okay, I am the one who dreams in the endless darkness, Oroborn,"
"Now no more questions, I worked very hard to get you here so you have to get to work immediately,"
Ezra still had so many questions but now he had even more. What did this figure mean by 'I worked very hard to get you here' it didn't look that difficult, or maybe he wasn't talking about our first encounter. At this moment Ezra recalled the uncanny wax seal he had seen on the letter that was delivered to his house.
'wait, what if he planned this whole thing just to get me here?'
Ezra felt his chest tighten, 'that would mean my death was influenced by him, but why would he send me to that other god instead of just bringing me here directly?'
These were important questions that Ezra had no answers to but were still important questions never the less.
Oroborn stretched out his two hands, while wearing a serious face. It seemed like whatever he was about to do was extremely difficult, even for him.
"If you stay here any longer it will be difficult for me to send you through. I can't send your body back into existence but sending only your soul should be possible,"
Ezra opened his mouth to speak but Oroborn interrupted.
"Don't worry all your questions will be answered in due time, Good luck my champion," his voice sounding ominous yet soothing.
A deep purple bubble covered Ezra and then sunk into the ground, continuously falling at super speed. He could only imagine the life he was about to embark on.
His eyes snapped open. The ceiling blurred into focus. His fingers twitched against the sheets, damp with sweat.
Was he dreaming? No—the air filling his lungs was real. The ache in his limbs, the chill in the room. It was all real.
He exhaled shakily, then inhaled again, slower this time. The world settled. His heart still raced, but he was here. Awake. Alive.
'Where is here, exactly?'
He sat on the king size bed to see a woman with light blue hair sitting on the ground, with her head resting on the bed. She had probably been waiting for him to wake up and had fallen asleep.
'she is… beautiful'
Was the only thing Ezra could think of as he saw her peaceful face and he wasn't exaggerating. Even with the small scar on the lower part of her chin, she was like a perfectly sculpted piece of art, with heart shaped lips and a small well defined nose.
The vibration from the movements on the bed got to her and she squinted her eyes before jerking from her sleep and grabbing the spear that rested beside her, defensively.
"Y-you are awake?!"
As if she was unable to believe it, she stared at him for a few more seconds.
"Praise the goddess"
She dived Ezra with a hug, which was followed by a heartfelt sob. Her weight rested on his shoulders with her plumpy chest pressed against his.
Ezra sat there confused, he had never seen this woman before so he had no idea who she was, but judging by her reaction she definitely knew him well.
He didn't know where he was but only by his first glance he could tell this was not earth. Firstly because of the woman's attire.
She was dressed as a guard from one of those medieval fantasy books he read, and the room too was also arranged in that setting, with candles providing light and a table at the edge of the room.
But that wasn't the only thing that made him suspect he was no more on earth, from the corner of his eyes he could see out the window, and there, looming in the sky was three giant moons, one red, one white and one slightly blue.
This definitely wasn't earth.