I suppose I should introduce myself. My name us Lydia. I have three older brothers. My parents had me quite late in their lives. You wouldnt expect agents to risk a family. Thats right, you heard me, my parents are agents for a top secret agency. My brothers also work for them from time to time. They wont allow me to come near the job. Something about me only being eighteen. The only bright side is I get all the latest news before anyone else. Though I would have to add my brothers best friend is another reason I want to join. His name is Ryan and he is drool worthy. He works out four times a day. I still remember meeting him at five and thinking that he would be the Ken to my Barbie. Now I know I will never be anything but his best friends baby sister. I knew I had a crush on him, when he came up to me and asked me if I was okay and I started choking again. His hotness aside, I am hoping to get a job with the agency and maybe go on a mission or two. Of course my dad would have a say over who would come with, where and how long the mission would last. I was always a daddies little girl growing up. He felt bad that he missed my birth. My brothers were all there. Nate is the oldest and looks like my dad with his dark brown hair but with grey eyes, he is as serious as my mom though, he is six years older than me. Next we have Gabriel or Gabe for short, he is my mom in male form, soft blonde hair that comes to his shoulders and baby blue eyes, he is a fun loving goof ball with anger issues, he is four years older than me. My last brother is Daniel or Danny, he is only two years older than me, we were more often attached at the hip until grade school then he got a girlfriend and I was no longer cool to hang out with. He like Nate and me look like dad but with mom's eyes. He is a weird mix of my mom's personality and my dad's. Maybe I should try convince my dad to let me go with Zack on a mission again and hopefully this time he says yes. I mean I havent seen him since he got back from some job somewhere in Europe. Wish me luck. First I need to convince him he needs me with him. He can be very stobborn when he feels protective, and he tends to be extremely protective of me. I call for Nate and Nate responds back asking why I am yelling. I ask him if he knows where Zack is and he just smiled and said he is where I always find him, our rock by the river. I thanked Nate and run outside. I should explain the rock and how it came to be our spot. One year I was dating this guy that was really bad for me and Zack found the rock on one of our hikes and whenever we felt down or anything we would go there for privacy.I used to go there to hide away from my boyfriend who was abusive. I called his name and when I was finally next to him, he turned and smiled like He just won the lottery. He was gone for a month. He turned to look at me and said the only way he would agree to me jouning him is if I agree go follow his instruction to a T. I thought it was unfair, he told me that it was bad enough my dad wanted go shoot him. He was talking and all I could see was his mouth moving and no sound. I jumped on him. He caught me as if I weighed nothing. I turned to walk home to have a talk with my parents. Dad looking in the frigde and mom busy cooking food. Dad knew I wanted something. He just knew what was coming and he knew there was no stopping me.