I knew I should of tried harder. Everyone else knew, has always known. I left on that mission being unsure about my friendship with Lydia. I have never been so close to telling someone I love them then that day. Yours truely is in love with the world's most beautiful, stubborn, smart lady ever. She had to have grown a bit since I saw her last which was seven months ago. A very long Seven ago. I needed to leave the house. I picked up my jacket and walked out of the house. At twenty two, he already ownes his own house and had a good paying job. He wanted Lydia next to him for the rest of his life. She would never agree, especially after the hard time she had with the ex. I walked slowly making my way to the spot. Our spot, I found it about a year ago, invited her once I saw what the ex did. I was not prepared for the sight of a blue eye and that was the last time he ever did that to anyone. I finally got to the spot and just stood there watching the water and wishing for a sign that would tell me which way to take. I knew what she wanted just like I knew what would happen. We all kept Lyds sheltered and now it was time. She was eighteen and needes to go on her first mission. I would go with her, no one can protect my Lyds like I can. I already spoke to the higher ups and to her dad. He looked defeated and as if I had told him the world was ending. In a way it was. Missions were harsh and changed a person. Its why I must go, to protect her from herself and what is out there. My love for her will have to be enough to stop what I know will happen. Her dad along with her brothers all made me promise to look after her outside the compound. I turned around and smiled. i knew she was there, just like I knew we were meant to be together on this mission and in this life. I can see it now. Three little boys and a little girl on the way. Us still doing missions and looking after the family. She knew about the mission, she knew that I was her partner for this mission. My Love was smart. I could hear her talking and hoped she did not ask me something. She took my hand and we walked back. i was always happy when she would touch me. This time it was different, this time she was legally an adult. Her dad looked at me and nodded his head and I knew it was his acceptance and permission to persue his little princess. Lyds had no clue but I did ans I felt so much Joy at having permission to date her during and after the mission. For those who dont know dating during and after a mission is considered an engagement. Lydia was mine and would always be mine. Her brothers have already sorted everything else but we will see what they came up with. Lydia left my side to go give her mom a hug and a kiss leaving me to talk to her dad. all he said to me was protect her and make sure she understands what this actually means. I said I would after all she was mine to protect just like she always was and always would be. I could not wait for this to start and us to leave.