- 90 min later – in the school corridors
'Shit, it's only the first class of today, and I'm already feeling like passing out.'
''Hey, did you copy everything?''
''Seriously, Mathew?! I should be the one asking you that; look at my state, man.''
''Yeah, you're right, but I should at least ask, right? Maybe you are just built different like that.''
''You're in perfect condition, soo... why didn't you?''
''Got distracted by staring at Amanda's ass.''
''Typical. Why don't you just go and talk to her?''
''Really? Do you think I have a chance?''
''Suuuuure, the only thing you need to do is spontaneously become 1 foot taller, pull a reverse Michael Backingson, and change your name to Tyrone, after you're done, I guarantee you she will fall in love in no time.''
''That's my opinion too, so... I'll just sit my ass here and stare at her ass while doing nothing.''
''Pa-the-tic. Anyways, what's the next class?''
''Heeey, look, Pete is here.''
''Morning, Ethan. Morning, Mathew. What did I miss?''
''Apparently my fight against Tyson and Amanda's ass''
''No, no... you came just in time to appreciate the beauty of Amanda's ass... next class is math; only Ethan pays attention to that.''
''May God have mercy on your poor soul, Mathew, and Ethan. I didn't even notice you looked different until you mentioned fighting Tyson.''
'Damn, that was a good one.'
''Pfff, fuck you, Pete.''
''Hahaha, I fear I'm already too far gone for God's grace, Pete, but you can include me in your prayers if you want to.''
''Anyway, I saw the video of your stream yesterday. What weapon was that?''
''Rotten wand, you get near the gnome territory by trading shit with a weird bug.''
''How the fuck did you discover something like that?''
''Someone in my stream told me, I think this was added in the wiki a few days ago.''
''Got it, I want to try that build later when I have the time; it looks fun… By the way, are you going to my house this Saturday? We'll be commemorating my gold medal with a barbecue party.''
''But the tournament was like a month ago, right?''
''Yes, but my mom and my sensei decided to wait until I got my black belt to do one single party with everyone.''
''Oooh... I'm sorry, but I can't; I need to stream.''
''My mom will be sad to hear that.''
''I bet she will, but don't worry, I'll visit her on Sunday and take her out to eat and drink some wine, but until then, just tell her that her man is working hard to secure a better future for the family.''
''Dude, you're underage; you can't drink wine… besides I'm sure she knows that Greg is a hard-working man with a bright future ahead of him.''
''Greg Who's that? My name is Ethan! Ethan! Did you perhaps hit your head in your training?''
''Greg is the CEO of Fifth Nineteen Constructions; it's a French company; goodle it.''
*tap, tap, tap
- cinquante dix neuf -
'Damn, I walk into it; he's good.'
''Tsk, you prick. I'm going to talk about that with your mom tonight.''
''I bet you will… Pff—haha haha.''
- step step step -
- 90 min later -
- step, step, step
''Dude, why is she coming here? Do you think she noticed?''
Lifting my head up, I saw Amanda, a tall Latina with long black hair, thick legs, and a small waist, walking in our direction.
''Dunno, don't care.''
''Same, just want to sleep; if you will bitch about her every time she moves around the class, you should move seats or we'll have a problem.''
''Oh yeah, tough guy, and what are you gonna do about it?''
''Tell her how creepy you are.''
''You wouldn't dare.''
''Oh, I would.''
''You two stop with the bullshit; hey, Ethan, look at this cute cat video my sister sent me.''
''OOOWN how precious! Look at his little paws! Where did she find it? I want one sooooo baad...''
''Riiight, me too. One day I'll definitely have one or two, maaybe even three.''
-step, step -
''Hi,ii, did one of you guys copy what pages the homework is?''
''Hi Amanda, I did; here, take a picture.''
''Thanks Ethan, do you perhaps also have last class chemistry notations? ''
''Yep, take it.''
''I know I'm pushing a little bit, but if it isn't too much to ask, do you also have the last class geography notation?''
''I don't do geography; ask Pete.''
Amanda gave Pete a puppy look, which made Mathew curse himself for not taking geography classes, which he actually hated.
''I do have it, but not here today with me, so unless you wait until next week…''
''But next class we have to deliver the resume, right?''
'This bitch...'
''Yes, it's next week.''
''Can't you deliver it to me?''
'Deliver it? Really? Did she really mean what I think she means? To PETE of all people?'
''Deliver what exactly?''
''Your notations, the resume… I live near this school neighborhood so you can just send it to me or deliver it your self''
'OH WOW! The double down! I think I'm even waking up now. Where's the popcorn when you need it?'
Looking at Mathew's struggling face, it was hard not to laugh, but what was even worse was Pete's poker face that I knew all too well; he was fighting his internal demons to respond to her as a decent human being instead of a violent silverback gorilla.
The thing about Pete is… he absolutely hates lazy people.
'WAIT, what if… Damn it, what a genius idea! It's a shame I won't be able to participate.'
Giving a little touch on Pete's shoulders, I whispered my devilish plans in his ears, and by the subtle smile he got on his face I knew he loved it.
''I can't deliver it to you, but this Saturday I'll throw a party at my house. If you want to, you can go, and then I'll give you the notes there.''
''Are there people from our class going? I don't know too many people outside our year, and I don't like to be in a room where I don't know anyone. ''
''Yes, there will be quite a good amount of people from our school; Jenifer and Stacy from the geography class will go as well.''
''Oh, okay then, see you Saturday.''
- step, step, step ... -
Both I and Pete threw a very smug smile at Mathew, who was trying hard to comprehend the situation he was in.
''Looks like someone got a huuuuge push in his love life, I would say destiny even.''