Day 1600
It has been 1600 days since that incident . Apparently the game's server were now a part of dark web and 'bad people' would now force 'innocent people' in this game everday . Everyday new players were logged in and were forced to survive in this hell. Death in game meant death in real as well . And those dark web enthusiasts would chat and place bet on players too. We were now streamers(unwantingly)and they were viewers . I still don't know what had happened to our incompetent governments, they must have been the viewers themselves.
I must say I was quite happy with my progress , I survived for so long after all.A miracle, Zodus says, though he'd never admit it. I still remember that day when I ran and ran till I reached a jungle near a city surrounded by walls . Like that of a certain anime .
"I choose to place my dungeon core here"
"Choose the type of dungeon you want bitch. Three choices : a labyrinth , a tower and or a typical one ."
" Tell me more about these choices"
"... please?"
"Moan for me real quick"
"Please my life depends on it"
"Forget it"
Yeah , after the cyber attacks , we players could no longer change any settings , meaning my Zodus was now a bitch.
"As my personal AI you have to tell me"
"As my personal AI you have to tell me"
I think Zodus was trying to repeat my sentence in a mocking tone but since those words came written on a floating virtual screen , I couldn't really feel the emotions .
"Forget it , I choose tower"
Than a flamboyant tower materialised in front of me. . It was 10 floors high , made of white marble with intricate carvings on it .
"Bad choice bitch , now your life depends on it and you decide to choose a tower which is bound to attract ever fucking being who lays his eyes on it "
"Why a bad choice, I thought these choices were purely aesthetic, I didn't know they were going to decide my hardships"
"You fucking autistic pussy , take it seriously this is your real world now , I am a AI for fuck's sake and I think better than you"
So apparently the extremely intelligent game devs decided to give three paths to dungeon masters : a labyrinth which was going to be underground attracting least attention , a normal horizontally expanding dungeon which would attract some attention and a tower which would attract every fucking being . It was a choice which indirectly decided the hardness level for your gameplay! Fucking intelligent devs.
The gates of the tower opened and I went inside them , inside it their was black space everywhere with a blue portal in front of me , I went inside it and found myself in dungeon master room . With a chair for me sit , a blue crystalline polygonal dungeon core floating on a plate-looking altar and old ,moist stone walls all around me . "What is up with that portal"
"That portal will judge the entering individuals level and teleport them to that floor accordingly and since you are the master of this dungeon , you were teleported to dungeon master room . Not that you were going to go on any floor since they aren't any as of yet."
"No slurs?"
"You fucking piece of shit . I decide to help you and you want to hear slurs . Are you a fucking masochist , want me to bang your girl. Oh wait a minute you don't pull any girls "
"That hurt". I was almost about to cry . This ai cared about me and told me about portal without any slurs . Much better than my father or any friend I have ever been with .
"So where are the options for me to edit this dungeon"
"Raise your level first"
"What?" What kind of game was it?
"Didn't I got exp for placing the dungeon , fulfilling my quest?"
"Yeah you did which game you 99 exp, 1 exp short"
"The game calculates how and what actions you take through advanced AI calculation and than awards you exp based on it"
"Oh I see"
"Yeah you don't have skills to edit dungeon as of yet nor do you have any money"
"Money, why money and how do I acquire it ?"
" You need it to do anything in this dungeon .Just steal it , since you are a weak puny human with no fighting class , that is your best bet"
"Won't I get flagged by NPCs and not be allowed in cities"
"We are talking about your life here! Your dungeon master class is a money intensive class , it needs shit ton of money to function ! Bitch why did you choose it ?" .
He cares so much about me! Tears were forming in my eyes because of getting this attention 1st time in my life.
"Well won't killing monsters give me that ?"
"No monsters drop 'crystals' and exp based on their tier and you need money"
"Than what use does those crystals have?"
"With crystals you do things that a dungeon master will never be able to. Now fucking get moving and earn some paper bitch. Kill some monsters for exp . Set up a floor as fast as you can because you don't have a single floor yet and if enemies came they will be straight up teleported to this room where if they break the dungeon core…. You die!"
"Can't I just close the tower doors."
"Rules of a dungeon : Never Reject a Visitor "
"Holy shit should have told me earlier"
As I was about to move out, a fucking frog beast the size of two footballs teleported in this room.
"Ahhh!! How did it get here"
"It entered through the portal"
"Help me Zodus"
"Fight bitch that shits F- tier"
I got scared because now my life really depended on it . Normally I wouldn't have , remember I already played soul clash.
I than had a great battle with it and almost died , but in the end I won by smashing my own dungeon core on its body .
"You used your own soul as a club,for God' sake"
"What I didn't had a choice . I don't have any weapon with me , how was I suppose to kill it"
"Your core hp?"
I checked hp of my dungeon core." HP: 1250/3000"
"Whew it survived"
"You bitch Survived!"
"Yeah but atleast I leveled up!"
"Ding level reached 2
New skills unlocked : Terrain shop, monsters shop, floor shop"
And those terrains and shops needed money , so I ran outside to find an unsuspecting NPC who was on his way to city and stole his money with my wits and by outrunning him .
And than I bought it , my 1st floor, for it the 1st terrain and on it the 1st batch of monsters!