Chapter 3 - Film Crew

Today I can proudly say that I hate this life.Not that I was weak and desperately surviving . Ok I was weak…in a way but the reason I hated my life was that I was bored ..and socially isolated….and depressed literally . I have been managing my dungeon for 1600 days most of which were spent alone .

"I am depressed"

"Yes you are"

"How do you know"

"It shows as an ailment in your system status . Effects :Stamina Debuff"

"Suggest me a fix"

"Go join a job. A job is supposed to be a major gaming element in Eldoria. It will help you raise your status , make connections and chances for discovering new cards increase exponentially. You just have been lucky in gaining all those 'class-cards' without a job . Go get a job"

"Alright I will get a job , than what job should I get"

"Hmm a good job , why don't you become a professor at the Royal academy , their you will be able to make a lot of connections with NPCs and story quests are bound to present themselves to you . "

"Story quests like werewolves ?"

"Yes and You may also get some good 'class cards' ."

"Yeah you are right and I can easily pretend to be a well-educated and well versed In different arts professor "


"Lords present yourselves"I shouted and then my 16 'dungeon lords' presented themselves in front of me . Each of a diffrent species and summoned due to my special combination of class cards.

I looked at the uranium-glowing-green-colour goblin with tribal tattoos on his shoulder wearing human Nike shorts " Change my look, I want to look like I belong to a Nobel household because I am going to apply for the position of professor at the Royal Academy"

"Yes my lord as you command" and than floating dark green glowing runes appeared in the air around me and my character and clothes changes from looking like a homeless person(my personal favourite just because of comfort) to an elegant looking Nobel wearing coats and pants with glasses with good hair to pair with. "Welp I look hot as hell , with my muscular body and glasses , girls are sure to swoon over me ."

"You mean minor girls at the academy"

"You are right"


"I am joking" I raised by hands as if protesting .

"Do you like it my master"

"I really do" The goblin guy had the class: Runic expert  + make up artist ". He was part of my 'film crew'.

" Dragoon , I don't want to be discovered especially by those werewolves so cast a spell erasing my smell"

"Yes my master" said a pink-scaled dragon wearing small round glasses of her eyes.

Magic circles appeared around me and my smell and feel changed.

"I have changed your mana signatures , smell, and presence . I have made it so you feel dominating to others and your signatures feel as if on steroids"

"Thank you" what was the magic signature thing I didn't knew , I never felt them but I was just going to roll with it . She had the class :mage + scientist "

"Very well than off to academy I go " I was about to step out of the tower when one all of my lords stopped me urging them to teleport me.

"I keep forgetting about it" there was a reason I kept forgetting him and not merely for comical reasons .

A vampire knight stepped in front and swinged his sword down at the air , tearing a portal through space ," Step through this master"

"Alright bye bye"

"Master before you go let us create a fake background for you to ease your walkthrough in the academy"

"Oh yes you are right"

It was my script writer . She was a werewolf with black fur currently in her human form , also wearing glasses . She had the class beast-master + script writer . She than handed me a paper which I had Zodus analyse it storing the information given in it .

I stepped through the portal saying bye bye and "off to the academy I go "

I stepped out through the portal in front of the gate of the Royal Academy.

After stepping out from the portal I was bombarded with weird looks . People kept looking in my direction which my weak socially anxious heart couldn't take .

'Please stop looking at me I can't take it'.

"Hey look that regal looking person just stepped out through a portal!"

"A portal you mean a grand mage teleported him here"

"Or he could himself be a grand mage"

"No he looks too young"

"But what could be the reason for him coming here"

People literally started kneeling down whenever my eyes matched theirs .

"Please don't lower yourselves , I am merely here to apply for the position of professor at the academy , that portal was created by my family ancestor , no need to get scared and riled up"

One of them whispered to his son "Keep your head low, he is merely pretending to be soft but wouldn't appreciate it you were to raise your head.These nobels have a really fragile ego."

'I can hear you' I could hear them because of my keen werewolf senses.