Chapter 2 - The Arrival

December 4, 1917 

Henry was asleep when the train arrived in Nova Scotia. It was 4am so they slept in the train station because they didn't want to wake up Henry's uncle. "Hey Dad, when can we leave for Uncle Larry's?" 

"In around 4 hours, try to get some sleep." 

"Ok Dad." They all drifted off to sleep. 

It was 8am and the Peterson family woke up to the sound of the trains. It was a small train station and there were tons of people leaving and arriving. "Hey Dad, if you thought the other train station had a lot of people then look around, there's probably double as many people here." 

"Yeah son, we all should hold hands so we don't get lost.

Lesa, you hold Henry's hand and so will I." Henry's mom and dad were rushing to get out of the station and on their way. His dad Bill was anxious to see the city of Halifax. "Come on, we don't want to miss our ride to Uncle Larry's!"

They got to Uncle Larry's apartment building and went inside. It was a very nice place, everything was sparkly and clean. They saw three doors, one for the stairs and the other two were bathrooms. Henry bolted for one of the bathrooms. He hadn't used the washroom in about eight hours. When Henry was finished they started to climb up the stairs. It was only two stories tall so it wasn't that hard, even though Henry made it seem that way.

"Mom, how many more stairs?" he whined.

"Henry! We haven't even made it halfway, it's not that hard." 


"Henry, don't yell. Your uncle lives on the 2nd floor, room 12. He may still be sleeping so don't make a big noise when we arrive." The Petersons opened Uncle Larry's door and saw him standing there waiting for them. Larry was a skinny man with a small goatee. He never got too mad and he barely yelled. He was very chill.