Chapter 4 - To Larry’s Job

December 6, 1917

Henry woke everyone up at 7:00am on December 6, 1917. He was so excited to explore the city. "Uncle Larry, what are we having for breakfast?" "We're having oatmeal." 


"Yes, oatmeal. We need to ration our food because of the war. Who knows how long it will last." Then Larry looked at his watch and said, "Oh look at the time, it's 7:15 AM, go get your parents, it's time to eat." 

They all sat down for breakfast and started talking. "So Larry, how long is the ride to get to the school?" 

"Around 15-20 minutes." 

"Ok, I didn't want you to be late." exclaimed Henry. 

"How is your oatmeal tasting Henry?" 

"Better than yours." 

"Henry, we all know your mother's cooking is bad but the best thing to do is keep it to yourself." 

"Stop it you two, my cooking isn't that bad." They all laughed except for Lesa. They finished eating and brushed their teeth. It was 7:45 and they were running late. 

"Come on Petersons I need this job!"

"We're coming!" They ran out the door as fast as possible. Larry stuck his hand out and yelled "taxi!" Seconds later a horse and buggy was at their assistance. They jumped in and it started moving! The Petersons oohed and aahed at the sites while Larry looked at his watch every 5 seconds. They finally got to the school at 8:05 and Larry was 5 minutes late. Larry told them where the candy shop was and they were on their way. Around 30 minutes later when they were almost at the candy shop they heard an extremely loud boat horn and then 2 more. They ran to see what was happening and they saw two boats were going right towards each other! Neither of them were stopping. Everyone ran towards the site to see what was happening while the Petersons stood there in shock. "Dad what's happening?"

"Larry used to be a harbor pilot. I think we need to go find him."