Hello Game Operators,
For all my life I have only known one thing, and that is that when you are desperate, you will do anything in your power to survive.
Me and my younger brother have been doing just that since as far back as I can remember. We grew up, and still are, in a pretty bad situation. I have not had a day of relaxation since the day I was born, it has only been go, go, go. There is no wasted energy in my family, each waking breath is a productive one. I feel like I am starting to burn out from this way of living, I am just so tired.
After my father left, and my mother died, I have taken up not only taking care of myself, but the pathetic excuse for a house we live in as well as my adorable little brother. I feel as though I can't keep everything together for any longer and everything might fall into shambles; more than they ever have before.
Therefore, I am sick of this life. I'm sick of worrying for my brother all the time. I am sick of always being scared that we will run out of money. I'm sick that I have to write a letter to the people who may as well have put us in this situation in the first place, but I just don't care anymore. As I said before, desperation has led me to do anything to survive, and I think that this is one of the clear cut ways in doing so.
Even though I do not like the Group or anything you people stand for. I am putting my pride aside to please allow me to be a part of your game.
So, please let me prove myself and show that my desperation will bring me far in this game.
Thank you dearly and screw you kindly,