In the early morning while walking across the streets of Blakely Road, Ted feels a good, pleasing mind filled with joy and begins his day, opening his Book shop and welcoming customers. The bookshop will usually be filled with the readers who have their taste with Shakespearean Literature. The scents from the old books spread across the shop leaving the tradition of the love in the older period. Serving the people with his Romeo and Juliet, Antony and Cleopatra to that crowd, Shakespeare is trying to make that love is undeniable and can be found with everyone. The books got drenched with the cries of the people who read these and its due to the undying love expressed in them. Ted felt proud because of what he does this to the people and is too fond of his job. It is an old bookstore where the readers can rent out the old books across diversified genres, but it's mostly based on the Old English era.
 It was a rainy day, and he was arranging the books in the shelf, he found a letter inside Hamlet which showcased a brown old aged less glowing paper, capturing the name of Ted where he finds his name in the To and the lovely message showing "Thanks a lot for showing me what makes a real love through your books". It doesn't specify the name of the person who wrote this but it showcased Love from you Literary Friend. Ted was overwhelmed because of the letter which he got and later continued his work.
 Some other day, while he was busy in placing the books in the shelves, he had seen a similar letter with a piece of love to Ted and dried pieces of Dandelions. Ted is so excited and wished to see the person who has sent this and tried to find out whom she is. Days passed, and such letters were found with the dried flowers and her choice of book is Macbeth now where she mentioned that she got his attention in her life unknowingly during her early teen. This disturbed the mind of Ted and he tried to find her recollecting all his memories from every neuron of his brain. He felt so tired and anxious because of her thoughts.
 Every day it continues, and he couldn't figure it out who keeps these in the books which are rented out. Her writings were found with the dried flowers which includes Violets, daisies, marigold and pansy which represented the love potion by Shakespeare in his A Midsummer Night's dream. The flowers depicted the theme of her letter. Most of the letter she wrote does contain few sentences which carried a feel of sad and agony.