Their deep love made Elliot's spirit not to leave and she was made to roam around him and later she stayed in his bookstore. After knowing this now he groaned with pain and everybody around could hear his pain. Perhaps she lives in the old hamlet book which stays in the shelf. Ted called her and she took her form by spreading the dust across and he was stunned after seeing her beautiful face after these huge years. They both cried and shared the moments which they had in the past. They hugged and exchanged the convo on their love and how much she missed and her last painful minutes on this earth. He cried after hearing her pain and both expressed their love, and he asked for the reason why she had done this.
She replied that I didn't express my love like you did, so I tried to explain my love and now I did it and now I can leave this world where my soul can roam freely and thanks to Shakespeare as through his works, I expressed my love. He could understand the true meaning of love from her.
As Ted held the last letter, the scent of old paper and dried violets spread through the air. The ink glimmered softly to show one last message, "Love does not grow old with time. It remains in the words that we have spoken, in the pages that we have turned together. Seek me out where the nightingale sings—where we once talked in poetry beneath the cathedral's watchful eyes."
A tide of memories swept before him. That night, attracted by something he couldn't quite define, Ted went to the old cathedral of their university. When he entered into the cathedral, he could see the moonlight coming through the old windows and for an instant, he caught a glimpse of her—standing there, reciting Sonnet 116 just like she did it years ago.
And then, she gone. But Ted knew now—some love stories don't require an ending. They exist in the words left behind. With a soft smile, he breathed into the empty cathedral, "Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments."
And when he came out from the cathedral, he saw that she vanished and mingled with the air.
He expressed
"My soul rejuvenated when she came in
Imprinted deep within my core
She vanished swiftly
Like a fleeting shadow at dusk
Which made me to wait and to praise
For years and years to protect her imprint
Until she comes in
The wait could last long and
I swear that if I didn't get a chance
To place her and to have a last talk,
I will dissolve into ash, thin and weightless
And as ash I'll weave into her breath, a silent echo of my Love."