Dear Reader,
If you are reading this, I have finally departed from this world. My name is Leonel and I was a lawyer in life. Let this be a confession for my part in ending the lives of four men by the names of James, Oliver, Matthew, and Kane for their role in the heinous crime of rape and murder of three innocent young women in my neighborhood. I have detailed the evidence in this letter along with my final will and testament.
~Leonel Dusk
Keeping the pen down Leonel looked through the file one final time. This was it; he had kept this secret long enough anyway. Not that it mattered anymore if anyone knew of his deeds, he was going to be dead in less than a day. Leonel has been terminally sick for a long time now, and death was now a comforting thought, like returning to the arms of an old lover.
Leonel kept the documents on the table and returned to his bed. He was finally tired of waiting for death to claim him, his pain had grown too much too soon, and no cure was to be found. Going out on his own terms was preferable to this half-life he has been living. So, he lay down and as the last action of his current life swallowed the cyanide.
And so came to an end the life of Leonel Dusk, a good lawyer, a great son, and an excellent friend.
Now begins the life of Leonel Note, may he start afresh and his purpose be glorious.