Chapter 2 - Ch-1

Waking up was a strange experience, especially considering the fact that I had just ingested enough cyanide to down a man twice my size. The absence of pain in my body was the first indication of something being wrong, the second being my inability to use any of my senses clearly. My attempts to shout out resulted in naught but unintelligible sounds, my mouth seemingly unable to make coherent words anymore. In hindsight, I should have realized the truth of my rebirth quicker, but in my defense, no rational person would actually make that leap of logic in my specific circumstances.

By the time I gained enough clarity in my baby brain to analyze the situation further, I had been handed to someone I assumed to be my mother in this life. I could tell you that it was a heartfelt moment with me instantly forging a familial bond with this woman who brought me into this world, but that would be a lie. As I looked into her wide blue eyes, all I could see was apprehension mixed with a healthy amount of fear. This was not the look a new mother was supposed to have, it bore a closer resemblance to someone in a life-and-death situation and by the pity pretty much radiating out of the nurse beside her, I am afraid I was not that far off the mark.

I would later find out that the woman who gave birth to me was the wife of the village healer, which normally should have been a great thing if not for the fact that he was dead. Her father on the other hand, was just a farmer, just as Newton was just a physics professor. He owned several plots of land in the area and was perhaps the largest landowner in the Meria region, a small part of the kingdom of Asi. When my mother was of marriageable age my dear granddad thought he finally had a chance for forming a connection with the heir of the Baron ruling over the Meria region. Unfortunately for him, fate and mom had other plans. Unfortunately for me, with the death of my dad, granddaddy now has custody over both.

To be honest, the situation was not as bad as my mother thought. She was fussing over me like I was the most fragile thing to exist when I met dear old grandpops for the first time. The old man had the same blue eyes as my mother but lacked any sort of warmth in them. He looked at me not like his grandson but instead as a commodity for him to profit off. If not for the fact that I had zero motor control to speak of, I would have probably bitten the man.

Now this is the moment in the story where I am supposed to tell you that he made some choice remarks about me and my mother and that they had a big face-off where he would tell her to get rid of me or he will disown her as well and that she would refuse while showcasing the immense love of a mother. Well… this ain't that kind of story buddy. He just looked at me and kept me gently back in the arms of my mother.

This will be a good time to bring to your attention dear observers that I have yet to mention any actual dialogues. This is not due to any lack of speech on the part of the people around me but is simply the result of my inability to actually understand anything they say.

My mom did visibly relax after my granddaddy handed me back to her, so at least we won't have to live on the streets.

Well, thus began my new life. I can only hope it has a better end than my last.