"Let's break up"a boy said.
Quincy watch her 10th boyfriend breaking up with her after 3 days of dating.
"Jeremy! Wait"Quincy called but the boy walks away.
"At least he should have tell me the reason why he's breaking up with me!"she thought angry
It's not like Quincy is play girl. No, all her boyfriends break up with her on third day of dating without appropriate reason. Quincy kick the stone angry
"Am I too ugly!"she shouted
People passing by just looked at her weirdly
She apologised bowing her head respectively
And her phone ranged
"Killian he broke up with me!"Quincy cried loudly like little child.
"Didn't I told you he was just scumbag
Killian replied.
"Where are you?"he asked
"At the bus station"she replied wiping her tears
"Okay I'll come take you"he said and hung up the phone. Quincy sat down tired and she brings her mirror to look at her face
"But am still pretty
She thought admiring her face and a car pull over
"Get in"Killian said opening car door.
Quincy entered and Killian looked at her puffy eyes.
"You were crying?"
"No I wasn't"she replied hid her face.
Killian chuckled.
"Where?"he asked
Let's go clubbing I need to clear my head "she replied and Killian drives to their usual club. Black Fox club house.
Killian park his car outside of Black Fox club.
"If you tell mom I'll kill you!"Quincy threat
"Yes Mama Flower my mouth is closed"Killian said dramatically closing his mouth like zip.
"Let's party!"
Quincy jump like little kangaroo while entering into the club and Killian followed behind. With his hands on his pockets
She then went to the bartender for a drink. While Killian excuse himself.
And she spotted Jeremy with another girl?
"That motherfûcker!"she mumbled angry and take bottle of vodka going straight to table were Jeremy was.
"This for breaking up with me"she said and smashed the bottle in his head .
"Agh!"Jeremy cried in agony holding his head.
"I'll kill you today!"she yelled and wants to jump at him again ....
"She's going to kill him"some people whispered. While Killian was busy making out with some girl at the corner.
"Someone call cops, she's mad!"
Killian didn't bother he going to look at the scene instead he continues kissing the bïtch while caressing her breast underneath her blouse.
"I'll kill you "he heard Quincy's voice and then he broke the kiss.
"What's wrong!"the girl asked in seductively voice. But Killian just push her away going to the main bar.
The girl scoff going away.
Luckily someone was able to pull Quincy away from Jeremy.
"Are you ok!"the guy asked but Quincy scoff pushing him away.
"You're all fûcking the same"she said drunkly walking away and the guy was bout to hold her when Killian beat him to it by holding her to himself .
"She's with me"he said holding her to himself. "Thanks for helping her"he said and the guy just nod going back to his friends.
Killian chuckled as he picked up Quincy on his arms going out of the club. She's deadly drunk and keep saying unhearble word.
Killian place her on his car but she end up getting down from it and slept on floor.
"Auntie will kill me if she sees her like this"he thought picking her again putting her back into the car.
Killian place Quincy on his bed and went down stairs.
He start drinking vodka which was in his fridge.
Within minutes he finishes whole bottle.
"Fûck!"he groaned walking drunkly back upstairs to his room.
He found Quincy sleeping soundly and he bend down beside her caressing her hair.
Quincy open her eyes slowly drunkly and saw Killian looking at her .
"Mama flower can we play house?"he asked with a pout.
"But am sleepy "she replied
"Come on Mama Flower just this time "he said drunkly with puppy eyes
"Just this time "she said and Killian immediately sat on bed facing her.
He lift up her blouse but Quincy stops him.
"I thought you said only house?"she asked drunkly.
"Don't forget whenever we play house am always your child "he said.
"But...."she didn't finish her word when Killian put her boobs in his mouth sūcking her like little child.
"Agh!.... stop we can't keep doing this "she winched trying to push him but Killian pinned her hands together. "Come on Mama Flower"he said slowly pressing her other breast.
Tiredly Quincy falls sleep but Killian didn't stop instead he suck up her neck leaving a hickey before falling asleep too holding her closely.
Quincy woke up feeling suffocated like someone is pressing her face to something. She slowly opens her eyes and found Killian holding her tightly. Her face pressing on his hard chest.
"Hey man we're going to be late for class "she said waking up Killian while sitting up. And she felt sharp pain on her chest, she look down and saw many bite marks on her chest.
"He did it again, Jerome will kill me if he found out"she thought and look down at Killian and push him away.
Killian groaned softly opening his eyes . "Ouch!"he groaned standing up from the floor.
Quincy angry glare at him without saying anything before going out.
"Wait Mama Flower....."he runs after her.
Outside he found Quincy entering into her brother's car. Jerome
He was bout to call her again when Jerome glare at him before closing up the car door.
Killian slowly went back to his house as Jerome drive away.
"Did you two fight?"Jerome asked.
"No!"she replied looking down playing with her fingers. And Jerome notice hickey on her neck.
"Do you still do your stupid play house?"he asked. But Quincy didn't say anything. "I asked you fûcking question!"he yelled . Quincy flich scaredly
"You're grown up stop doing your nonsense play, what if it you end up something you will regret later "Jerome said holding the steel wheel tightly trying to calm himself down.
"Am sorry!"she mumbles with glassy eyes as tears escape from her eyes.
Jerome stare at her in disbelief.
"You're such baby, what do you want to eat. You're friend called said your classes are starting at 10"he said turning the car in their street.
Jerome pull the car to the parking rot. And Quincy silently get down with bags of chocolate Jerome bought on their way.
"The driver Will drop you off when it's time"he said still not getting down from the car.
"Where are you going?"Quincy asked
"Company"he replied
"What bout mom and dad?"she asked
"They have gone on trip last night, they try to wait for you but Killian called said you're sleeping over his house"Jerome replied
"Okay see you then"she said and went Into the house while Jerome drive out of the house.
Killian throw his phone angry to the wall. He has been trying to call Quincy but she isn't answering.
He opens up his laptop turning up on particular video.
He saw Quincy laying on her bed her phone on bedstand.
After staring at her he close up the laptop. Before going to the bathroom.
Killian park his car and spot Quincy going into the lecture room. He wants to go after her but his friends stops him.
"Man how can you ditch us yesterday?"Grey asked.
"I was busy with something"Killian replied look for Quincy but she was already gone .
"Have you got into fight with Killian?"Sandra asked
"No"Quincy replied resting her head on the desk.
"If it was me being his childhood friend I could have make sure to have him at least once"Sandra said dreamily
"You don't know how annoying he can be"Quincy replied.
"Even that he's still hot if he ask me out, I'll say yes within seconds"Sandra said. "There he is"she said pointing at Killian who was coming towards their desk.
"Hi Killian "Sandra said in flirty voice. Killian just smile at her before dragging Quincy out of class.
Quincy remove her hand and glare at him.
"What do you want"She asked
"Are you avoiding me?"he ask staring at her.
"Am not, Jerome said we shouldn't be doing that so am trying to keep my distance "she replied and wants to walk away but Killian hug her from behind.
"Are you going to stop being friend with me?"he asked still hugging her but she didn't answer instead she removes his hands around her.
"No am still your best friend but I think he's right, do you think you're girlfriend is gonna be ok with it?, what bout if I have boyfriend. Do you think he will be okay with you leaving hickey on me"she asked staring at him.
"Fine I'll stop but don't stop being friend with me"he said pitifully s and Quincy becomes emotional at him and he hug him.
"Let's go class are going to Start soon"she said discharging from the hug. She smile at him before going out.
Killian punch the wall angry before going out too
After the classes were over Quincy sat on car park waiting for her driver. As for Killian he's know where to be found.
"Are you ok?"a guy asked sitting beside her. Quincy recognise him immediately,he was the same guy who was trying to separate her from Jeremy yesterday.
"Am okay"she replied awkwardly and then she noticed wound on his forehead which was cause by her.
"Are you ok"she asked worriedly
"Ooh! this I treat it yesterday am okay now"he said. "By the way am Jace"he said with smile.
"Quincy. But let me at least treat you for drink?"Quincy asked.
"Sure if you insist"Jace said and Quincy's car pull over.
"Uhh can I have your number?"he ask bringing out his phone
"Sure"she replied typing her number on his phone.
"See you then"he said waving her as her driver drives off.
Jace drive to his house smiling sheeply. He found his father also coming back from work.
"You look happy what happened?"his father asked playfully.
"Guess what she agreed to go out with me "Jace said.
His father laughed.
"Good luck big boy, make sure to make your crush like you back "he said going upstairs.
Quincy sat down on her bed looking for clothes she's supposed to wear. It's almost 6pm and they agree to meet by 6:30.
"What should I wear"she thought staring at the clothes. Her phone ranged it was message from Jace.
Jace:"Let's meet at Starbucks"
Quincy:"Sure I'll there"
she replied.
She chose red dress and put it on dressing table before going to the bathroom.
She bath quickly and sat on dressing table. She stare at the makeup and put it small amount and wore the dress with black flat shoe.
"Beautiful"she thought admiring herself on mirror as she went downstairs.
Jace:"Am already at Starbucks"
Jace sent another message
Quincy:"I'll be there soon"
She replied looking around for Jerome but he wasn't back
"I'll be back before 8"she thought opening the door. But she found Killian soaked with blood sitting weakly on floor.
"Kil what...."she didn't finish her word when Killian hug her tightly.
"It hurts"he said weakly
"What happened to you?"she asked
"Someone thought I was dating his girlfriend and he sent goons to beat me up"Killian said as Quincy help him sitting on couch.
"Wait here I'll get first aid"she said went to her room dropping her phone beside him.
After she disappeared from upstairs.. Killian pick up her phone and block Jace's number and drop the phone before Quincy comes back.