Quincy comes back with first aid kit box and sat beside Killian.
"Ouch!... easy"Killian groaned in pain as Quincy treats his room.
"You never learn how many times did I told you to stop chasing already taken girls?"she asked stopping treating his wounds and look at him
"I wasn't"he replied
"Yeah whatever"Quincy said taking the first aid box back to her room.
She comes back with handbag ready to go out but she saw Killian shaking like drenched chicken on couch.
"Ummmm ..... I'll be back by 8 can you be ok"Quincy asked.
"Don't go am not feeling well "he said taking Quincy's hand to feel his body temperature .
"Are burning up"she asked after feeling his temperature. Killian nods
"But I have date with Jace"she thought worriedly. "What if he's waiting"
She looks around for her phone but she couldn't find it.
"Okay I'll stay"she said sitting down beside him. Killian place his head on her lap. Quincy starts playing with his hair while Killian close his eyes sleeping.
Jace looks at his watch. The time was almost half past 7 but Quincy was nowhere to be seen.
He tries to call her phone but it was unreachable. And his father called.
Jace's father: how is it?
Jace: she didn't come maybe something comes up
Jace's father:ohh it's okay just try ask her tomorrow
He said and disconnected the call
"Sir what do you want to order?"the waitress asked
"No am going "Jace replied standing up from the chair. Going out of the Starbucks.
Jerome park his car,it was around 9pm when he reached home. And he suddenly got notification on his phone,he stare at it and frown formed on his face before putting his phone back into his pocket before entering into the mansion.
On reaching in the sitting he found TV still on,he look around and saw Quincy sleeping with Killian head on her lap.
"These kids"he thought going upstairs and two minutes later he comes back with blankets covered Both of them.
Tiredly he went back to his room.
Jerome stand under the shower for minutes and he then thinks bout the notification he saw on his phone.
He punch the wall angry.
"It better not be true or I'll kill him by myself"he thought going out of shower towel wrap around him waist going to his room .
Killian wakes up around 5 am and he didn't bother to wake Quincy, he blankly stare at her before walking off since what he comes for was done.
By 7 Quincy wakes up and realised that Killian was already gone. And she saw her phone on couch.
"Shit Jace!"she thought picking it up but strangely she didn't found any missed calls from Jace.
Quincy gets down from the car same with Jace.
She quickly walk over to him.
"Ummm.... I want to apologize for not showing up yesterday evening I was one suggest that date"she said
Jace smiled.
"It's ok we can still go on another date right?"he said
"Sure I'll give you my address"Quincy replied.
"Let's go class are starting soon"Jace said. And went to class together.
On there way Quincy saw Killian with his friends. And she wants to talk to him since they are having different classes all.
"You can go see you in class "Quincy said going towards Killian's direction.
"Ohh sure"Jace replied going way.
Quincy was bout call out Killian's name when she heard his friends talking about he.
"Man why do you keep pretending to be friends with that nerd childhood friend of yours?"Grey asked.
Strangely Killian didn't say anything he laughed.
"Don't have choice am like her babysitter"Killian jokingly said
His friends burst out laughing, Quincy couldn't take it anymore she turns back leaves quitely.
Since coming from Killian Quincy has been in moodly quite.
"It's lunch time wanna go to cafeteria?"Jace asked
"Sure"she replied packing her books on her locker while Jace wait for her.
"Let's go"Quincy said after finishing packing her books.
"What are you waiting?"Andrew one Killian asked
"Quincy haven't brought my food"Killian replied look at doorway but there's no sign of Quincy.
"Just go take your food yourself before lunchtime is over"Grey said eating his food .
"Isn't that her?"Andrew asked pointing at Quincy who just entered into the cafeteria with Jace smiling.
Killian frown .
"Looks like she isn't available"Grey teased. Killian clenche his fits looking at Quincy and Jace who walk past them and Quincy without sparing glance at him.
Jace found good spot and they sat down but it wasn't far from Killian's table.
"What do you want to eat?"Jace asked
"Orange juice and cheese burger"Quincy replied with small smile.
"Okay let me get the order"he said. And was about to go when Killian walks towards them.
"We need to talk"Killian said grabbing Quincy's hand, Jace wants to step in but Quincy stop him.
"Don't want to"Quincy replied removing her hand but Killian grabbed her again. This time Jace removes Killian's hand
"She said she doesn't want"he said glaring at Killian.
Killian chuckled looking at Jace with killer look.
"Am talking to my my friend you have no fuvking rights to say anything!"Killian said grabbing Jace's t-shirt.
"Stop it!"Quincy yelled pulling Jace away from Killian. While all other attention was on them. Some girls were hating Quincy for making two hotties fight over her.
Especially Bianca the school bïtch.
"Gosh! That's why I hate that duckling "Bianca hissed looking at the scene Infront her .
"Don't know why they're fighting over her just look at those nerdy face, she's so ugly "Yuna one of Bianca's dogs commented
Angry Bianca went out of the cafeteria and her minions followed her..
"Are you siding him?"Killian asked looking at Quincy helping Jace.
"Grow up!,we all adults so stop being my babysitter!"Quincy said angry dragging Jace out with her .
Killian chuckled angry roughing his hair before storming out too.
Unexpectedly the lectures were having emergency meeting so the class was having 2 hours free period.
"Guys it's period free!"Grey yelled and the whole class screams happily except for Jace and Quincy.
Bianca stands up proudly.
"No one is going out,we are going to play game"she said as Yuna bring 20 litres of urine.
"Everyone knows TRUTH OR DARE, it's simple if on failed do what she or he is told they are supposed to drink this. It's animal urine"Bianca explained and whole class make up a circle.
Quincy sat next to Jace while Killian was next to his friends.
Yuna take glass bottle and spin it stops at Bianca.
"Truth or dare?"she asked
"Dare"Bianca replied bondly
"I dare you to kiss Killian for 3 minutes"Yuna said.
Bianca smiles proudly standing up cat walking towards Killian.
She sat on his lap and whispered.
"Sorry it's dare"she whispered and kiss Killian the students cheered at them. Killian kiss her back but his whole eyes were at Quincy who looks unbothered.
"Time up!"Yuna said and Bianca angry broke the kiss going back to her sit.
Killian wip off his lips and found Quincy looking at him.
Yuna spin the bottle and this time it stops at Quincy.
" Truth or dare "Yuna asked
"Dare "Quincy replied unbothered but Killian looks at her in shock
"I dare you to go out with most handsome boy here"she said
"Okay "Quincy replied and turn to Jace.
"Would you please go out with me?"she asked.
Small hint of blush appeared on Jace's face
"Yes "he replied and and Quincy smiled.
Killian storms out angry kicking things on his way away. Bianca followed and the game continues.