Elizabeth POV. 6 hours prior
I put the black wig on over my silver hair. Put electric blue contact lenses to cover up. My gray eyes to hide my identity from any prying eyes.
I walked down the street. Bag over one shoulder as I neared my destination, knowing this was what I had to you. A man at the front gate went over my I d and said, "Go on, and you'll have to check in when you get to the front desk." i then proceeded to the building. Then I walked into the navy headquarters. Detroit Michigan. fake ID in hand and paperwork in order. I knew what I had to do. That poor girl had no idea what was coming for her, but then again. Heroes are made not born, and I need a hero, after all. I'm the villain ofther story. I walked down the hall in silence. Thinking to myself, the only man I ever truly loved had one saying that I'd never gotten till now. "Every villain needs a hero. And every hero needs a villain. Sometimes, they're the same person. Other times, they're 2 different people, but they're always the same in the end." I kept walking.
20 seconds to go time. That's when the small explosive that was placed in the pipe days ago would go off causing an issue in the floor my job was just to reroute the poor girl into the hallway where the rift would open. I reached into my pocket activating the device that would open the rift.It takes 2 minutes to activate it open.Just long enough for her to slip in and me to close it behind her. I could see max at the end of the hallway janitors' uniform on and mop bucket at the ready. I counted down in my head 5432 Bang. Water and waste come pouring out of the wall.
Max is instantly hard at work. Cleaning up the mass 1 minute 30 seconds. Before the girl walked down the hallway. I instantly recognized my target as she approached. The long silver hair was a dead giveaway as she approached. I said ma'am. I'm sorry you're gonna have to go another way. There's been a disturbance in the hallway. She took a deep breath and said fine turned and walked down the hallway where the rift was waiting. I opened it and then closed it behind her. I then turned around to realize Max had already finished the cleaning. He nodded to me and then turned to make his exit. Then, I also made my exit walking down the street. I pulled the contact lenses out of my eyes. Ripped the wig off and threw him in a trash can as I walked away. ID as well, knowing as they no longer had any use or value to me. I walked up to my shiny Corvette.Parked a block and a half a way. I climbed into the driver's seat.Fired it up and drove off. I activated the.
Key in the car that allowed me to jump back to April 17th, 1956.
Where I then pulled up in front of a small Italian restaurant outside Detroit Michigan.
I parked the car then, walked into the front door of the restaurant, looked at the waitress on duty, and said, "I need to speak to the owner of this establishment immediately." It is time sensitive information. And I've got something he's gonna want to see.
She looked at me and said. I have no idea who you are and what you're doing here, but you need to leave. I said, "Just get Tony."
She looked at me, shocked as if I would have the gaul to say in notorious. Mob boss's name outloud. I looked at her and said, "I'm pressed for time." Get him out here now. She walked into a back room. A minute or 2 later, she stepped out of the back room and said he would see you now. I said thanks. Was that so hard? As I walked past her into tony's office. Tony's office.
It was extravagant, to say the least. It had Brazilian rosewood paneling and a solid oak desk. Where in a small but fat balding man sat behind the desk. He looked at me and said. You must be Elizabeth Comstock. I presume, and I said you'd be correct. How did you guess that. I say. then he said, "Because there's only 3 people that have the gaul to walk into my office." Like they own the place without a trace of fear on their face. One of which is in a warehouse 5 miles from here. That would be white, by the way. and the other one, probably torching some village in Africa. I smiled with a predatory smile on my face. And said, "Well, you're half right." As for where Walter is, is anyone's gas? He then said, "You know what's funny.He said you'd be in. When he stopped in and had a plate of chicken fettuccine alfredo. When he was shaking me down for protection money, can you believe the gaul of that man. What he didn't say is why you would be in. I then replied, "I have business with you one small task, and I'll be out of your hair.
He even looked at me and said alright. I'll bite what's the job?
I want you to send some men and shoot up a safe house. In about 4 and a 1/2 hours.
And why would I do that?He replied I reached my hand into my pocket and pulled out a solid gold bar, and set it on the table. I would pay. Handsomely, of course. Of course, he said.
I also want you to give something to white. When he comes for the reckoning that he's owed for this little favor, I reached into my other pocket and pulled out the key. Make him do whatever job you want for it. I don't care. In my mind, I thought. I've long stopped caring. Of what happens to those who get in my way, civilians are just cannon fodder anyway. The mission comes first. Always, your people and your team come second.Thats the only thing Walter and I disagree on. Walter believes that you should try to bring your people back. No matter what, I guess he grew a, conscious after killing the thousands of people that he has. Oh well, I guess we'll have to try to break him of that. You know what they say if a hero lives long enough. They become the villain. I guess that's true, cause that's true of me. I almost had a twinge of regret for what I'm about to put that girl through, but then I thought, nah. If she is going to survive, what's coming. She's gonna have to get a hell of a lot stronger. After all, alienating one's kid is not easy. Especially?
If you're being blackmailed into it. Some people may call me cruel. But it's people like us who keep the balance. Otherwise, the world would have completely collapsed into utter destruction long ago. This was all running through my head. While Tony was mulling over what I offered, he looked up and said, "I'll do it."Are there any other stipulations? I said, "Yeah, one. You can't tell white where you got that key." He just nodded and said," Yeah, I'll accept. " Excellent. Nice doing business with you and tata I replied. then turned and walked out the door. Before I got to the threshold, he burst into laughter, saying you've been spending too much time around Walter, and it shows.I turned, then gave him a predatory smile and continued on my way. as I was heading for the front door. The chef stopped me and handed me a sandwich wrapped in paper. He said a gift from Mr. Walter, he said you most likely haven't eaten in a while, and he said to keep your blood sugar up. I just nodded and said thanks and asked if he'd been paid for sandwich, he said yes, Walter always pays in advance. I said, "Have a nice day." I made my way to the car and then headed to 2025. After all, I have to get ready for my daughter's engagement party.