Chapter 4 - chapter 4

Lilith's pov

As I began to stir with an extremely pounding headache.I thought to myself.This isn't the floor I thought I was collapsing on. I fluttered my eyes open to realize.I was in a small parlor laying on a couch with a blanket draped over me and an I V in my arm. I sat up and looked around and saw 2 men.And a woman chatting quietly at a table in the dining room. One of the men sitting at the table noticed I was sitting up and said, "Look who's awake.He was wearing a sports jacket.A button-up shirt slacks and sandals.

 I asked, "Who are you people?" As I didn't recognize any of them. The man chuckled and goes.I guess you didn't recognize me after all. As I'm in human form and not a wolf. I replied back to him, "Where wolves aren't real?"

He then replied back. Neither are walking talking planes. I looked at him stunned. I thought everyone knew us vehicles girls could change form. All vehicles have a human form unless they're a hollow machine. Even some regular machinery have a human form if they have a personality that is. He replied that may be true of where you came from.But you're in a completely different dimension now from where you left.

 He then asked what do you remembered. I replied, "I remember walking to an important meeting at the office, stepping through what I thought was a mist cloud."

And ending up in a dark warehouse. Being stared down at through the barrel of a shotgun and a growling wolf. He then asked me if I knew what year it was. I replied it's 1958," "It's august eleventh 1958," to be exact. He chuckled and said actually it's 1956. To be exact, it's april seventeenth, 1956. I looked at him stunned. How could it be two years prior. I thought to myself. Then he reiterated and said, "I'm not in the dimension I left or my own timeline." As far as they can gather, someone Wanted me here, Wanted me to be a distraction for whatever white and walter had planned.

 I asked who was white and who was walter. White is the other man you met last night. He repiled. He is the founder and commander of our order. I mockingly asked what order that was. He replied in a dead, serious tone. Covert United Legions Taskforce. Or the C.U.L.T. for short. I'm only telling you this because you are in the need to know as of right now. I was about to say something in a mocking tone. As the man looked away from me.

 Then he yelled, "Get down before tackling me to the floor." Just moments before bullets ripped through the front of the house. It felt like an eternity but must have only been a few seconds. Then I here. A sneering voice comes from outside. Yelling, this is just a warning. Tell that lunatic to stay out of our business. Or we'll kill you all next time. Then I heard car doors slam and engine fire up. And a car driving away. The man sat up, looked forward, and said dam that was close. The woman poked her head from around the corner and said. Where the hell is he? The man replied. Oh, you know him. Just out for a fucking stroll.

Just a few minutes later, we hear a loud horn, a screech, and a crashing sound. The man let go of me and said while sitting up. That was a hell of a lot sooner than I expected. I just looked at him dumbfounded. What do you mean sooner than expected. He just laughed and said white is one thing, but he's never late. He handles things at the right time. Not a moment sooner, not a moment later. The man said.

White's pov

 I was sitting in the driver's seat of my 53 El Dorado tailing, a 49 Chevy suburban. Thinking really? They actually tried that shit. Well, it looks like we're gonna have to do things the hard way. I was gonna let them go about their lives, but it looks like i'm just gonna have to put them in the ground. Attacking me is one thing, but attacking my people. Is a complete another thing entirely. I slid the thompson sub machine gun and box of grenades across the seat closer to me as I pulled up a long side. Prepareing to use them.

 The complete look of utter shock and horror on the driver's face. Was priceless he knew he and his men were dead. I rolled down the electric window. He manually rolled down his crank.

I said. We can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way it's your choice.

 But I'm not the one that's gonna be dying here today. The driver of the suburban yelled fuck you and slammed his foot on the gas petal in an effort to escape, not watching where he was going right into the path of a semi truck. That collided with the vehicle rolling it 8 times

I just looked on with a dead pan expression on my face. Then said. Well, that takes care of that and I guess I'm from glad I'm from a time with seat belts. I already knew those Patsy's in that truck were dead. I knew in my mind. There was only 1 person capable of pulling something like this off on a random Tuesday, so I decided to go pay him a visit.

 Walter pov.

 I put the b model Mac into reverse. Pulled away from the scene of the accident, thinking I'm always cleaning up for this fucking idiot but what can he do? He hasn't had the experience I had. By the time I had exited the street I was on. I was already in 12 gear. That poor little Detroit was screaming. Oh well, I'm gonna make that idiot. Pay me back for burning this rig. But I gotta make the evidence disappear somehow. Just then, my communicator buzzed. I answered it. Elizabeth purd on the other end of the line, darling. Is it done yet? Yeah, those 4 idiots you had sent to shoot up the house are dead. I insured it myself. Excellent tata and abruptly ended the line. Bitch I thought. She only ever calls me when she needs something or a good dicking. I set the brakes on the rig. Pulled the thermite charge out of my backpack, ignited it, and threw it in the rig and walked over to my truck, a 1948 dodge power wagon. I drove through a rift back to headquarters. I pulled into building D hanger 9. I parked the rig and made my way to R&D. when I got there, specter and Phantom. We're arguing over how to run the setups on the car. I asked what was going on and why the hell those 2 were down here. specter replied that We're getting the car's ready for a multi mission operation. We found a nest. I said, "Go grab my chevelle and grab jacks 429. We're taking that nest. You're stopping that shield generator. It's time for shadow and whisper to ride again. Specter and Phantom got a grin on their face and said is it time for the DNE to ride again.I said "yeah it is."