Chereads / Magus Bloodlines. / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9. A Fated Decision.

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9. A Fated Decision.

Gavin looked around at his gathered friends and family. He wasn't sure what to do. There was a chance he could find out about his family through blood tests. But he could also find trouble and danger with that. He didn't know who killed his family or why. 

He looked at Erza's concerned face, her brow wrinkled in worry. "What do you think?" He asked her softly. 

"I think..." She paused to consider the options. "I think I would do it if it was me, even knowing there is risk or danger, I would try finding out what happened and why," she said. Both Aria and Lyla nodded their heads in agreement. 

Mrs Johnson bit her lip as she spoke up. "I'm not sure." "I don't want my baby taking such risks by himself," she said, teary-eyed at the thought. 

Erza spoke up and rubbed her back reassuringly. "He won't be by himself. He had me by his side. "I'm not going anywhere." She declared, a fierce determination came from her voice.

Gavin smiled at her. She was a fierce, loyal friend and partner. "I'll do it, hand me the tablet", he said, as he reached out to Dr. Aliza for the tablet to sign his consent to do the blood tests. 

"Great, I'll have a nurse come in right away to draw some blood and see if we can't figure anything out from it", she said as she took the device back and quickly left the room. 

"I don't know about y'all. But I'm exhausted. "I think I want to try sleeping around a bit," Gavin said in-between, yawning as he rubbed his eyes. Erza smiled. It was nice to see that he was still the goofball she loved after that terrifying transformation and display of ferocity. She had to admit it to herself. She was worried that he might not be himself when he awoke after that. 

The nurse came in shortly after and grabbed some blood samples and went off to check if there were any matches on file. Gavin felt exhausted. Mentally and physically drained. The last 48 hours felt like one roller coaster after another with surprises.

 First, his childhood crush agreed to date him. 2nd. He was a werewolf. 3rd. He was adopted. 4th. His family was slaughtered when he was an infant. 

He felt powerless to fight the changes in his life. But he made a promise to himself. He would find the truth. And he would protect Erza no matter the cost. 

At some point, his parents, Lyla and Aria, left the room. Only Erza stood by his side while he slept. She barely ate the last 2 days. Barely slept. Only exhaustion made her pass out a couple of hours earlier in the afternoon. 

Erza heard his gentle snoring as she went to stretch out on the cot the hospital provided. The door opened, and Mr Johnson walked in with a tray of food and set it next to her. "I know you haven't slept or eaten anything since he got here. So you need to eat, child." He said gently as he heard her stomach growl at the smell of warm food. 

Erza smiled appreciatively as she pulled it over to her while she sat up. On the plate was some serious carb food. Mashed potatoes, some pasta with a red sauce, and some garlic toast. Enough for a food coma. "Thanks Mr Johnson. I feel like I'd pass out eating all this food." 

Mr Johnson laughed good-naturedly, as he smiled down at her. "You know, Gavins' mom and I always noticed the way you two are around each other. So sweet and honest. I thought this was going to happen a long time ago, honestly. We sure are glad to see you two finally be honest with each other and yourselves." He said gently as he took a seat next to the cot. 

Erza blushed and shuffled around her food on the plate. "I never imagined we'd be dating. If you'd asked me a week ago, I'd have said no way in hell." She chuckled and took a bite of food. 

Mr Johnson nodded in understanding. "Love is funny that way. We can be blind to what's most obvious at times," he said. "Just take good care of him." He said as he stood up and headed out the door.

"Mr Johnson", Erza called out before he reached the door.

He paused and looked back. "What is it, Erza?" he asked.

"Do you know anything about Gavin's bloodline, heritage, or anything about his family?" Erza asked, as her eyes began to glow an ominous yellow. 

"I wish I did. I only knew what it looked like when we found them. Half a dozen bodies were scattered on the ground. We presume it was his mother that wrapped her body around him to try to protect him. But I can't know for sure. "All we knew was we saw this child alone, too young to care for himself, and took him in and raised him as our own." Mr Johnson replied sadly. 

"I will do what I have to, to help him with this. More importantly, I'll protect him at any cost", she promised to both Mr Johnson and herself. 

"I know you will child. He has surrounded himself with a wonderful group of people." 

Suddenly, the door opened and a short young woman rushed in. She had a red hoody on and jeans. Her long wavy brown hair fell down her back as she rushed to Gavin's bed. 

"Gavin!" She cried out as she saw him hooked to monitors and equipment. 

"Tessa?" Mr Johnson called out in surprise. "What are you doing here?" He asked her.

"I heard what happened from Mrs Johnson and came as soon as I could" she replied as she noticed Mr Johnson and Erza on the other side of the dimly lit room. 

Erza walked over and rubbed the young girl's back. "He's okay, Tessa. Worn out. But okay" she told her. 

Tessa stiffened slightly and glared at the older girl. "It's your fault he's here in the first place you bitch," she snarled at Erza and shrugged her touch off. Tears pricked Tessa's eyes. 

Erza was stunned at the hostility. While she'd never been friends with her, she knew Tessa was close friends with Gavin and understood why she was worried. But not to this level of hostility. 

Mr Johnson walked over and cleared his throat. "She is the reason Gavin made it to emergency services Tessa. I'd lower your tone a few notches", he said, trying to defuse her anger.

"She's the reason he was put in danger. She's the reason he was hurt." Tessa argued 

Erza bristled at this level of anger and said quietly, "If you want to argue and yell, we can take this in the hall. But do not wake him up" she growled low in her throat. Her eyes shone yellow in the dimly lit room. 

"No, I'm sure that won't be necessary", Mr Johnson said as he stepped in between the girls.

"Oh, I think it is necessary," Tessa growled. She refused to back down. Erza put her friend in danger. He's in the hospital hooked to all kinds of machines because of her. 

Erza sighed and walked towards the door. "Then let's make this quick before he wakes up", she said as she waited in the hallway.

Tessa followed behind her, leaving Mr Johnson in the room with Gavin. This kitty was going to have one hell of a come to Jesus meeting.