Gavin's sleep was a disturbing and rough one.
Once he managed to fall back asleep, his nightmare began. He didn't know where he was. All he could make out was a dark, dimly lit room. He could hear the soft buzz of a single light humming from the ceiling above him. The smell of mold, mildew and rust filled his nostrils. He looked around in his dream, trying to make any kind of heads or tails of this place.
He heard a female scream in the distance, not too loud but not too close either. He didn't recognize the sound as anything he knew. But he could tell the person was in extreme pain. He couldn't explain how he knew, he just did. He continued looking around the room. He saw a simple single metal chair in the middle of the room. It was old, covered in brown rust. Chains hung off the arm rests and each leg. It was obvious the purpose of this room and chair. Keeping someone locked down. He swept his eyes over the rest of the room, and he saw a simple singular door on the far end. He slowly crept towards it as he heard another ear-piercing scream, followed by deep maniacal laughter. As he crept towards the door his foot kicked an object on the ground and sent it clattering a few feet away. He looked down to see it was a broken piece of pipe. He reached down to pick up the pipe, and got a feel for its weight in his hands in case he had to use it in a fight. Better to be armed with something than nothing at all.
He put his ear to the wall, and couldn't hear anything on the other side of the door. The metal was cool and wet to the flesh of his ear. He slowly opened it wide enough to see the hallway had a few lights lit up, but no movement caught his eye. He left the room and shut the door behind him as he walked down the barely lit hallway. His feet felt cold on the stone floor. He looked down to see he had no shoes on. He checked his body and noticed he only had on a pair of jeans.
Okay, this is weird, he thought to himself.
A loud bang followed by another scream echoed down the hall. He was getting closer to the origins of the sound.
He peered around the corner and saw a guard standing outside a single door. The screams came from the room ahead. He backed around the corner the way he came. He had to figure something out. Some way to get the guards attention to come this way.
He went back to the corner and checked to see if the guard was still alone. He stepped back into the shadows provided by the low light and smacked the pipe against the metal walls, causing a loud bang, the sound echoed up and down the area.
Sure enough, the guard came around the corner a few moments later with his rifle raised. The slick polished gunmetal shining in the dim light. He didn't notice Gavin in the shadows until it was too late. Gavin swung the pipe and hit the guard in the back of the head dropping him with a thunk.
He reached down to grab the man's rifle and checked it. It had a fully loaded magazine and he thumbed the safety off. He may have only used guns once before, but he remembered the quick lesson Erza had given him when handling a firearm. He lifted the rifle to his shoulder and continued down the hallway towards the door where the screams came from.
He opened the door and his heart dropped. His blood started pumping fast and his heart began to race as adrenaline started to spike in his body. Hooked to chains from the ceiling were 3 female forms. Each of them dangled from the ceiling with their feet barely touching the floor. Their arms were raised above their heads by a slick metal chain. One with white fur. Red fur. And brown fur. All 3 were beaten and blood ran from all the wounds on their bodies.
He knew these 3. They were Aria, Lyla, and Erza. Movement caught Gavin's eyes as someone came in from a side door and began taunting the victims. The man had short military cropped black hair, and a thin long scar along the left side of his face from his temple down to his cheek.
"This has been so much fun, getting to know you girls. But I think playtime is over. We have to send a message. That you disgusting shifters don't belong with normal humans." The man said as he cocked back a pistol and aimed for their heads.
Gavin screamed in fury and raised his rifle and pulled the trigger. He had to protect the females. He had to save them. He was expecting recoil and noise from using the firearm. Only the rifle didn't do anything. It wouldn't fire. Gavin tried again and again, but no bullets came out.
Arias' cat-like head snapped back, then forward, blood trickled down her forehead.
"That's one," the man giggled with satisfaction. He was practically dancing with glee over the sight of her lifeless body as blood pooled at her feet.
Gavin growled in rage and indignation as he ran forward and tackled the man from behind. He struggled to beat the man and grab the gun from his hands. "How dare you attack these girls!" He growled as he punched and slammed the man's hand down on the ground.
"Get off me kid" the man grunted and used his larger size to push and more correctly throw Gavin off of him. Other guards came into the room and grabbed Gavin from behind.
"You seem to know these animals" the first man said in mock concern. "You can watch them die like animals." He said as he fired a second round and Lyla's head snapped back, blood pouring down her red fur.
"No! You bastard!!" Gavin screamed and fought. He tried everything he could to get free and save at least one of them.
Erza groaned and weakly raised her head to look at Gavin. "You failed us. Get stronger next time" she said softly as the man's cackling laughter preceded a third round hitting her in the head and it too, fell forward, pouring blood down her bloodied white fur.
A primal rage settled over Gavin. He threw his head back and roared in pain, anger and loss as he felt that unfamiliar heat build up in his body. His body grew and contorted in size and length. Black fur grew on his body, his arms elongated. His mouth formed a wolf-like snout. He let out a baleful, mournful howl. It sounded like a banshee of death itself was in the room.
"Oh shut up, you disgusting animal" the man said before he pointed the gun and fired a fourth and final round between Gavin's eyes.
While Gavin was having this dream, Erza and Tessa stood outside his door.
Erza knew the girl was angry, worried and scared. So she let her say her peace without interruption. But damn was it hard to bite her tongue under her onslaught.
"He was only there because of his feelings for you. If he hadn't been with you that night, he wouldn't have gone and wouldn't have been in the damn hospital!" She shouted and pointed her finger in Erza's face.
Erza bit her tongue to keep from lashing at the stupid twit. "He refused to stay home. I tried to keep him there, told him it was probably nothing and that I'd be back shortly," Erza told her, trying to make her understand she was as pissed and worried about him as Tessa was.
"Exactly. He's not the type to stay back when someone is in trouble. You know that!" Tessa snapped back, tears fell down her tired face.
"What would you have had me do: tie him up on the chair? Stun him unconscious. What?" Erza demanded. "You know how stubborn and determined he is. He would have gotten free somehow and still gone to the studio. At least this way, I could watch his back and he mine. I might not have made it out of there if it wasn't for him", she answered the girl. Tears filled her eyes but Erza refused to let them fall.
Tessa seemed to have lost some of her anger when she looked at Erza. She was thin, like she hadn't eaten in a couple of days. There were deep bags under her eyes and her clothes looked a mess and her hair was so disheveled.
She waited a moment as she realized Erza had been genuinely afraid and worried about Gavin the last few days.
"You are right. About all of that with him. I'm sorry Erza, I was just so angry and worried something could have easily gone way worse," Tessa admitted and backed off.
"Its..." before Erza could say anything more, she was interrupted by a scream that came from Gavins' room.