#prolonge Story by author lee
She is Runa from the lost kingdom of Asshtei. Her home was destroyed sometime ago by savages from the north, and her kind was scatter around the world in search of refuge. But the warrior of shadow has bestowed her with powers beyond her imagination. She have been tasked with finding revenge for those who did this to her people, and bringing back her people to their glory days.
The savages who did this to us will try to stop me. Among them is a man named Kale, a demon shadow cursed by the gods and forsaken by the goddess. But they say that the forsaken ruins is where the forbidden love begets from.
When the forbidden bonds grows between us, fostered by our hidden identities. When the strange affection threatens to turn the world upside down, will we turn against each other, sword in hand, to settle the old scores? Or will we stand side by side and choose the path of love?