As the Boy was in the middle of the forest it didn't take long before a lone monster found it.
It was wolf a forest wolf.
The wolf was alone when it noticed the thing lying a few meters ahead of it.
It didn't look like any creature instead it looked more like normal human child. The wolf had indeed seen normal human children before when foolishly human crossed this forest.
The wolf was of course careful it didn't immediately pounce on the Human child. It wouldn't have been alive all these years if it wasn't a bit cautious.
The wolf circled the human child for ten minutes before it decides it had to eat the child.
It was going to be a very delicious meal the wolf thought. The wolf has been hungry for a few a days now, if it was a normal beast it would've died. Thankfully the wolf was demonized beast.
As the wolf slowly approached the Human child, wolf felt something.
It was enough to completely stop it in it's tracks. This dread wasn't the type of fear one felt when facing a strong predator.
It was type of fear the wolf in all of its life never felt before.
The earth it self shifted beneath the wolf, forming into something else.
The wolf still paralyzed from fear didn't know what was going on.
Suddenly an earthen spike grew from the ground and directly Pierced the underbelly of the wolf, the wolf still barely alive was howling in pain before it could howl further another rough spike went through its thick skull, permanently killing the beast.
The wolf now lay dead, blood flowing freely through its skulls and underbelly, soaking the ground.
The ground swallowed the remains of the dead creature, moments after the scene was back to what it was before.
No one would be able to tell that a wolf just died here.
The Radiant Godly being watches from its divine Domain.
The godly being saw everything, it saw when the child was born, when the father of the child sentenced it to death without thinking twice and upto know the Radiant being saw everything.
The Radiant being made a motion that mortals would consider as a Sigh.
The being knew that something like this was indeed possible.
However the Radiant being had hoped, that this kind of thing wouldn't have happened.
Perhaps the Radiant being should have Reincarnated his apostle in a common family. The reason he did not, was the God wanted his apostle to know about the world's situation and to grow stronger very quick.
Which is why he reincarnated the Child into powerfull family.
The Radiant being also knew why the Talent Orb couldn't pinpoint his apostles power.
It wasn't because he didn't have any, it's because his power was greater than what the machine was capable of sensing.
The Radiant being knew things would get troublesome now, but the Being did what all he could in the situation. If his followers downfall was inevitable than, it would be by their own hands.
He had helped them enough, it was time for fate do the rest.
With a one final look at the Child's situation the Radiant being left, he resumed his Divine work. After all, a God is always busy.
The child, aroused by hunger started to cry.
But there was no one to listen to it's cries.
The child kept crying for Food, five minutes passed before something happened.
It was subtle. Reality it self shifted. Right above the crying child Golden sparks were forging to create something.
Matter it self was being manipulated by an unknown hand.
Soon enough the golden sparks coalesced into something, something tangible.
It was bottle, the kind that was used to store milk to feed a baby.
Miraculously enough milk itself began coming to existence inside the bottle.
The winds shifted, the bottle being brought closer to the mouth of the Baby.
Seeing the weird protrusion, the child now half crying, began to chew before it began to suck it.
Milk rushed forth inside its mouth. The child kept drinking before it could no more.
Surprisingly enough the bottle never ran out of milk.
Just like this an entire Year passed inside of the Forest.
In the first month, various monsters tried to eat the child, but they all died.
A snake spotted the child from a tree, greedy it tried to eat the child. Only to get shredded by sharp gales of wind.
A large bear hearing the sound of human child, came to eat it.
Seeing the child was unguarded the bear pounced wanting to eat the delicious meal.
Sadly for the Bear, the moment it's claws got closer to the child it got ignited into flames.
Not even the ashed were left as they were swept away by the wind.
Another Monster, a Shadow Panther.
Wanted to eat the child. But this monster was wise as it saw what happened to others who tried the same.
The shadow panther after much caution and days of stalking finally struck. It went into action while another monster, a gorilla also wanting to eat the child.
While the Gorilla died gruesomely with all the blood inside of its body getting drained.
The panther was just a arms reach from eating the child.
However it couldn't, the very shadows it could control from the moment it was born, now rebelled against it.
The shadows came alive, they turned into tendrils. They killed the panther by pulling out it's limbs one by one.
The First month went like that.
The upcoming months were much peacefull. The spot where the child was, now stood a small House. It was made up of wood and lots of vines.
It mimicked the houses of Humans not too opulent in nature. It was however enough for the child.
The monsters in the forest after many months realized a new Danger zone was created.
Whichever monster dared to go near the House died in the most deadly way possible.
Even the most powerful monsters from the center couldn't go near the house.
Like this, the child now a year old lived somewhat of a peaceful life.
5 Years Later...
The child now a boy was seen roaming through the Forest.
The boy was Jack, he was reincarnated in this strange world.
He didn't have much memories of these five years but he did know what happened to him.
He learned soon after when he got consciousness. That he had been abandoned by his birth parents because of not having talent.
The boy Jack, knew that he did have talen but they simply couldn't realize it. The Radiant being who sent him here, one day sent him a vision.
In that vision Jack learned a lot of things and his main objective.
If Jack was being honest, after what happened to him he didn't wanna help Humanity anymore. But due to his good nature, he eventually decided to help them but it would be on his own terms.
Now Six years old Jack was starting to learn more about his powers or as the Radiant being said, his Divine Blessing.
Jack was currently sitting on a Wooden tree, on a thick branch.
His looks were very different from his previous life. He had blond hair and blue eyes like most Western Europeans. He had decently handsome face, not enough to be called supremely handsome but good enough.
During his life in the forest Jack learned a lot of things. Most of them being things like how to survive without a Fan or an AC. Other things like how to keep oneself company without getting crazy.
Most of the time Jack talked to himself, though it did indeed looked like Jack was getting insane, but it couldn't be helped he was all alone in a forest, filled with Blood thirsty Monster that wouldn't bat an eye to kill him.
However, not everything was boring. The reason why Jack dissent just go outside the First onto human territory is because of his family.
Anyone would realize who Jack was just by taking a look at his hair or Eyes. Without solving these issues Jack didnt wanna go back to civilization.
But Jack was hopeful that maybe his features weren't that rare. Anyways Jack decided that he's stay in the forest till he was seven and than he'd go outside.
Now, for the fun part.
Jack was in deep concentration, while hanging from the Log, he suddenly Twirled his Finger and spray of Water left his finger.
The water jet easily cut through thich wood. Showing it could easily cut through human flesh.
This is what Jack did when he got Bored. He had his blessing which allowed him to do some very extraordinary things.
From what the Radiant being told him, there wasn't anyone else with his power in this entire planet.
But Jack decided he would make that Judgements when he goes exploring.
Right now Jack continued focusing, Suddenly Energy transformed into various elements on his Hand.
Fire burst from one of his finger, staying still as candle flame.
From another finger chunks of earth materialized, first they were dirt, than they got rougher and than they transformed into stone.
The varioud pebble sized stones were floating serenely.
On a another Finger Gusts of wind were playing. Soon a mini tornado formed.
Finally a Blob of water constantly rotating was on a another finger.
Together in his hand four different elements were being Manipulated by him all while he was hanging from a tree. Each element playing on his fingers their forms flickering, like naughty children.