Chereads / Consumed Love / Chapter 3 - 3

Chapter 3 - 3

-Dad, it's not my fault that Stiles doesn't pay attention! - I yelled when he blamed me for taking him out of school early.

-I shouldn't go for the early one- I complain

-I should if your teachers call me, when neither you nor mom answer -

-I'm busy working!!! -

-You always are!!! And mom is never with us!!! -

-Don't talk about your mother, she's sick!!- he shouted

-She doesn't look like she is when she yells at Stiles!!- I said and seconds later I felt my cheek hurt when I brought my hand to her and it burned at my touch.

-daughter I/- try to continue

-Andy...- Stiles interrupted entering the kitchen

-What's up, puppy? - I said, giving him a warm smile while wiping away some treacherous tears.

—You said we would watch Star Wars -

-Sorry puppy, I can't do it now, go up and put on your pajamas, I'll be up in a minute...- I said covering my red cheek

After losing sight of Stiles, dad spoke again.

-Your mother is sick and I work all day, I just ask that you take care of your brother- he said softly.

-Good night....- I finished to go up to Stiles' room


-Dad got mad because I didn't go to school?- I asked.

-No, he got mad because I missed math class...- I said

-Your cheek is red! - he said.

-I hit the door- I apologized

-And you expect me to believe it? - he asked looking at me

-Yes, that's what I hope...- I said giving him a smile

-I love you Andy...- he said

-And I love you, puppy, and I will always take care of you- I exclaimed.

Then we fell asleep hugging each other, it was as if he thought that his sister would disappear the next morning and vice versa...

 The next morning

I was back at school, sleeping when someone tapped my shoulder.

-You should pay attention...- he warned

-And you should mind your own business Hale- I said.

-I'm just being nice...- he said in a gentle tone

-Mr. Hale, Miss Stilinski, do you have anything to say to the class? - said the teacher.

-no/no- we answered at the same time


-Hey can I ask you a question? - I asked

-No, why are you talking to me about all this? - I said, the only times we talk is to insult each other

-I'll do it anyway- he said

-What did you talk about yesterday with Peter? - I finish.

-Peter? - I asked, trying to remember who he was.

-Yes, uncle- he said.

-ahh loud, blue eyes...yes- I paused

-It's not your interest...- I finished to lean back on my backpack.

-Why do you ask?- I finished.

-I wonder about you- he said


What? But he would ask about me, we don't even know each other.

One way or the other...

Classes have already ended, I was about to get on my bike when I saw a beautiful car parked outside the school, I was stunned looking at it

-Nice car, huh? - said a girl next to me

-It is...- I said

-I'm Page- he said extending his hand

-Andrea - I finished to shake her hand

"And I'm Derek," he said in surprise, putting his hand on ours.

-Get out of here, hale...- he ordered

-Oh come on Stilinski, why are you so aggressive- he said

-Oh, you don't want to meet me, aggressive - I warned.

-Forgive my nephew, he's a bit loud- said the blue-eyed man behind him

-Sorry, my uncle, he should stay in the car when he picks me up- she complained.

-I have to go - Page informed and then left.

-I'm leaving too...- I said

-We can take you if you want, - said Peter to which Derek and I looked at each other doubtfully.

-Thanks but no thanks, I have to go get my brother and I'm bringing my bike - excuse me

-We can put it in the trunk-" I looked back at Derek for him to say something, but he just looked at me, exhausted.

- Please, we don't bite! - he said, to which Derek gave a laugh that I didn't understand.

-Okay Hale, thanks - I said as I got into his car, which was a nicer car on the inside.


- Cute, isn't it? - Peter asked Stiles who was surprised.

-Yes it is, right Andy? -

-yes, it is, puppy-

-and where to?-

-at the end of the street on the left, -

When we got home, Stiles didn't want to get out of the car.

-Stiles please. Come down- I begged for the second time

-But it's very nice in here-

-If you want, I can take you to school tomorrow...- Peter interrupted.

-No, thanks...Stiles come down now or there will be no dessert for dinner - I warned to which he obeyed

Peter walked us to the door as he "wanted to make sure we got in"

-Thanks for bringing us...-

-No need to, whenever you want I can take them wherever you want-

-it won't be necessary but thanks-

A horn sounded, it was Derek waiting in the car

-goodbye nameless girl-

-Bye Derek uncle- I said with a smile not knowing that in a few minutes it would be erased.