Habían pasado un par de semanas desde que había visto a Peter, no es que lo haya estado buscando, soy una persona ocupada //ok no//-Derek, puedes alejarte de Paige por 5 segundos, me molestan- me quejé.Después de la supuesta salida de helado, Paige y Derek se volvieron "cercanos" según ellos, yo lo llamo coqueteo //diferentes puntos de vista//-¿Eres celoso? Andrea- dijo Derek.-¡Serías ridículo, solo quiero estar con mi amigo sin ti!- aclaréDespués de interminables despedidas, finalmente se fue.-Una salida a tomar un helado, ¡ajá! - Me "quejé" con Paige.-Era solo eso--Sí, claro, ¿por eso no le quitas los ojos de encima ni un segundo?-No estamos saliendo, es agradable cuando lo conoces--Créeme, lo conozco desde hace bastante tiempo y es de todo menos agradable- dije.-Bueno, tú y tu odio son así - afirmó-No los odio, simplemente no me gusta Derek--Yo tampoco tengo ya nada en común- dijo una voz detrás de mí-Pedro, ¿qué haces aquí?--Estudio No- *Qué gracioso*, fíjate en el sarcasmo-Bueno, tengo que ir con Derek- aclaró Paige.- Ya ves, me estás cambiando por ese- dije dramáticamente....-¿Y bien?- empezó Peter, rompiendo el silencio que se había formado.-¿Qué haces aquí?--Estaba de paso y quería venir a saludar--Por supuesto, y no odio a tu sobrino--Sé que Derek era un alborotador... --Lo fue?!, lo sigue siendo- dije y me eché a reír-Recuerdo que hace un año, cuando te puso chicle en el pelo- ahora era él el que se reía-¿Cómo lo sabes?--Mi hermana lo castigó durante una semana-. . .-Me tengo que ir, mi clase está a punto de empezar...--esperar...--Si te propongo algo, aceptarás--¿A quién vamos a matar?- le dije y él me miró divertido.-Nadie... todavía- dijo y yo sonreí-Lo que sea, no vayas a tu clase, y vamos a tomar un helado--Lo siento, mi padre me matará si se entera--He won't, it will be fun-Fun is what people my age do, right? Have fun, but I can't...-I'm sorry, I can't-*He took my hand and dragged me to the exit*-Peter! Nooo! Let me go, let me go to class- I said laughing-No, I'll kidnap you today--That scares me even more,--Come on angel, it will be fun I promise--Don't tell me that!!!, and I won't go anywhere with you --like an angel, angel - he said mockingly-Stop it Hale, I have to go to class or Harris will send me to detention again --I won't let you go until you say you'll come with me--idiot, it's okay-We went to his car and he drove without telling me where we were going.-Will you tell me where it is?--No--Now I think you're going to kidnap me--don't give me ideas- I'd better shut upWe arrived at a small ice cream shop, and ordered, then we got back in his car and he drove off again.-Hey hey, you said just an ice cream- I complained.-I also said you would have fun-Now we were in the forest, near a small lake.He stood on the edge of this and took off his jacket and tennis shoes.-wo What do you think you're doing?-let's go for a swim--Oh no, daddy, I'm not going in there--Oh yes you will angel -he clarified and took off his shirt//God, that nickname "daddy" really suits him// I say, no, what am I thinking?!!-Are you really going to do it? It must be freezing.- We will do it - Corigio-I already told you I won't do it--How could they not miss class? - he exclaimed with amusement.He approached me and removed my jacket. I stood still, studying every feature of his face, gazing into those deep blue eyes, while he removed my blouse, leaving me only in the small tank top I was wearing underneath.He stopped for a moment and looked at me, as if studying my body, his hand traveled from my arm to my waist... I could feel my body bristle and my heart race.It was something inexplicable, I wanted to push him away but at the same time I wanted him to get even closer.-Thanks for helping me...- I said breaking the silence and tension-It's a pleasure to be of help - he said and walked away.I took off my boots, I was wearing short shorts so I decided to leave them on.I approached the water and it was indeed freezing.-I'll get hypothermia if I go in there- I complained.He came closer again-Do you trust me?--No--Perfect- he said, he took my hand and we jumped.Well the jump and he practically dragged me with him-Idiot, it's cold- I complained between laughs, while trying to wet it more.-If you trusted me, I would have been kinder --I took it in two ways - I confessed with a laughWe swam for a while, we played, I tried to submerge the other, we forgot I forgotof the world for those hours //hours that I didn't notice passed//We were waiting for our clothes to dry, while I took out a book and started reading to pass the time.-Smart girl, what are you reading?-Pride and Prejudice--How could I not have suspected it!--a dominant woman, with her own character and goals...very appropriate for you--because you said so?--It's what you are,- he said and once again our eyes met and we got into a fight about who would be the first to push her away.It wouldn't be long until I returned my gaze to the book and he let out a small laugh.After a few minutes, the clothes were better, so that was when we decided to leave. When we returned to the car, I put my book away and took out my cell phone to check the time.-Shit!!--That?--Stiles, he's already out of school, I had to pick him up,--You can call the school and say you're late..-