[Fuyu looks at the blur and sees the glowing golden ruins]
Fuyu: just like an entrance exam huh.
[Fuyu taps the ruin and it makes a bubble noise]
Fuyu: Is this actually real? It sounds like something out of a dream or a movie.
[Fuyu taps two ruins together and it makes a loud beep noise]
Fuyu: ugh, what's up with this thing?.
[Fuyu paces back and forward trying to think of a way to crack the ruins]
Fuyu: So pressing the ruins doesn't work, so what does?.
[Fuyu gets frustrated and punches the blur and it makes a loud beep noise]
Fuyu: oh come on!.
[Fuyu hears rustling in the bushes]
Fuyu: Who's there?
???: hide!.
[Fuyu looks around frantically]
Fuyu: hide?, from what?.
???: just do it.
[Fuyu turns around and a masked man wearing a black tactical outfit wielding an axe is approaching her]
Fuyu: Who are you?.
[Fuyu backs up against the blur with nowhere to run]
???: run!.
Fuyu: I can't!.
[the masked man gets closer]
???: run you fool!!.
[Fuyu tries to run but the masked man trips her]
Masked man: you shouldn't have ???,Thank you for finding her.
[the masked man swings his axe missing Fuyu]
Fuyu: Oh no, I can't die.
[Fuyu quickly gets to her feet and tries running but the masked man grabs her arm and forces her against the blur]
Masked man: stay still, this blur should've been gone a long time ago.
[the masked man backs up and quickly swings the axe with precision cutting Fuyu]
Fuyu: [cough] stop i..it.
Masked man: [laughs] thanks again girl, it's all I needed.
[Fuyu slowly bleeds out as the masked man leaves her, the ruins begin accepting her blood and the once golden ruins turn crimson]
Fuyu: I..i can't die.
[Fuyu closes her eyes and everything turns white]
[end of entrance exam arc]