[beginning of the welcoming arc]
[Fuyu opens her eyes and she's sitting at an office desk]
Fuyu: w..what is this place?.
[a businessman with red hair stops at Fuyus desk]
Sho: Welcome, glad you could make it today.
[Fuyu looks at sho confused]
Fuyu: What is this place?.
Sho: oh sorry i forgot to introduce myself, im sho osaki.
Fuyu: oh im, Fuyu kuramoto.
[sho smiles]
Sho: Nice to meet you Fuyu.
Fuyu: So where am i?.
[Sho laughs at Fuyu's question]
Sho: You're at work silly, where else would you be?.
Fuyu: oh.
[Sho becomes serious]
Sho: do you remember how you got here?.
Fuyu: No, that's why I was asking.
[Sho becomes unserious]
Sho: ok, i just need that report done by the end of the day.
Fuyu: what report?.
Sho: the one on that griffin that attacked the other day, we need a damage report and an estimate of how much the damage will cost.
Fuyu: ok, how do i do the estimate?.
Sho: You'll go to the scene and expect the damage of course.
Fuyu: ok.
[Sho leaves Fuyus desk]
Fuyu: what is going on?
[Fuyu looks at all of the paperwork on her desk]
Fuyu: griffins, i have a job i had no idea about, what is going on?.