Chereads / <Teen wolf> violet emery / Chapter 11 - Alison problem

Chapter 11 - Alison problem

Chapter 10


Violet and the others could be seen at lunch talking about random things when Lydia noticed that Alison didn't sit with us when she saw Scott 

Lydia: that's all your fault you know Scott why couldn't you just tell her that you were a werewolf instead of lying to her family 

Scott look shocked and said

Scott: Lydia what are you talking about werewolves aren't really 

Stiles: yeah lydia what are you talking about 

Danny: oh really so violet and malia are lying then 

Violet: I already told them yesterday after all I want them in my pack and they are my only other friends other than malia and you don't lie to your friends 

Scott: how could you tell them about this it's dangerous 

Malia: no Scott what's dangerous is you two hanging out with them and getting them dragged into your messes I mean you both are the reason Lydia was bit in the first place 

Stiles: what how are we to be blamed 

Violet: well you have the biggest cr

Stiles: no no no don't finish that sentence 

Violet whisper to stiles 

Violet: why how you going to snag her if she doesn't know you like her your a big bad werewolf now do you think she would care for Jackson when you could just become captain of the lacrosse team 

Stiles: wha eh really 

Malia: no she isn't that vain stiles but she might give you a chance who knows 

Lydia: what are you whispering about 

Violet: just that stiles has the biggest crush on you 

Lydia: wha eh I don't know what to say 

Danny: hahahahahaha so anyway would you bite Jackson 

Violet: I wouldn't because it turns you into what you think you are it reacts alot on how you view yourself and Jackson has a lot of vanity is arrogant gets jealous of others and to me he looks and feels like he doesn't even know who he is and I don't know what that would create 

Danny: what really so what would I Become 

Violet: I don't what do you think about yourself 

Danny: I don't know 

Violet: you would probably become a werewolf 

Scott: let's get back to how it's my fault that Alison is avoiding joining us 

Lydia: really Scott all you had to do is tell her 

Scott: what am I to tell her on our first date that I'm a werewolf 

Lydia: no but you two have Been dating for like 5 months now you could have told her in that time frame heck violet Danny and I have only been friends for a few weeks and she told us she was going to tell Alison with us but she can't now because her psycho aunt 

Violet: yeah I'm pretty much they kidnapped Derek we I haven't heard from him for a couple days now 

Stiles: what really what would she want with him 

Malia: she will and is torturing him for info on the alpha 

Scott: do you need to say this in front of them (and points to Lydia and Danny) 

Lydia: what violet told us about all this yesterday I mean she is planning to turn Danny after the full moon and she offered me a spot in her pack 

Stiles: how your human I didn't know humans can be a part of packs 

Violet: yes humans can be a part of packs but Lydia is a supernatural just not a were creature anyway what are we going to do to save Alison from her aunt 

Scott: we tell her about what Kate did 

Malia: do you think she would believe us after Kate told her about the supernatural and we don't want her to tell her aunt about the rest of us 

Scott: then I will tell her 

Violet: what and let her no you know who the alpha is so she can tell Kate they would just capture you to lure out the alpha then 

Scott: so how are we going to help her then 

Violet: we don't know let them play out whatever they are doing until Alison sees her aunt for what she is 

Scott: we can't do that we might not get Alison back then 

Malia: what do you want us to do Scott she won't listen to you and she has know her aunt longer than the rest of us 

The bell rings 

Violet: well Scott if you figure out how to do it tell us and we will help you do it but see you tomorrow 

Violet and malia go of to the rest their classes 

Lydia: bye see you guys later 

In history class violet and malia spot Alison and sit behind and and the side of her to talk 

Malia: so Alison what was this emergency about that you couldn't come to girls night 

Alison: sorry about that my aunt was sick with food poisoning and she was at the hospital 

Violet: oh that's alright is she well now 

Alison: yeah she's doing better 

Malia: oh that's good to hear do you want to join us after school at violets to study 

Alison: no sorry I can't I have other plans all weeks sorry 

Violet: that's alright Alison nothing to worry about we still get to see you at school but how come you didn't sit with us at lunch 

Alison: oh well Scott and I broke up again 

Malia: oh you should have told us we wouldn't have sat with him then 

Alison: no it's alright 

Violet: yeah but you had to sit on your own and we knew you first so of course we would have sat with you but what did that idiot do now didn't you two only get back together the other week 

Alison: it is to do with all the lying he said he wouldn't lie anymore but he still was 

Violet: oh that dick well we have something to tell you two but you can't tell your family about it 

Malia: "..." 

Alison: oh what is it 

Malia: you promise not to tell your family 

Alison: yeah I promise 

Violet: alright we didn't tell you at first is because we only just got to know you and it has been a couple weeks since then and we were going to tell you last night with Lydia and Danny and we have come to trust you 3 but we are a werewolf and a werecoyote and we have nothing to do with the alpha running around and killing people 

We got in town way after everything kicked off we didn't even know there was one doing the killings until much later 

Alison: you can't be serious right now can you 

Malia: we are that's why we don't want your family knowing about us they already kidnapped an innocent werewolf to know who the alpha is when he doesn't know 

Alison: how do you know he's innocent his eyes are blue 

Violet: yeah but that doesn't always mean to say they did it on purpose I've met some werewolves with blue eyes because they crashed with humans in their cars and the human didn't survive blue only means you feel guilty about it and we know why derek's eyes are blue 

But we can't tell you as that is not our secret to tell anyone else we already told Scott with derek being their as Derek has helped Scott throughout the months since he was bit but Scott got him thrown in jail and looks at him as a monster when he isn't and not all werewolves are monsters that need to be killed we are still humans 

Alison: oh alright I won't tell my family about you two it's nice to know you trust me so much to tell me this 

Malia: come now Alison we have only know you for about 3 weeks but we treat you like a sister 

Violet: and don't be two hard on Scott because on your first date when he ran off he was shot with an arrow bye your dad and then on the Monday after he sees you with the hunter who shot him I'm surprised he actually dated you cause I sure wouldn't that's just a ticking time bomb 

Alison: what! My dad shot him 

Malia: from what I heard your dad didn't see him it's probably why you were dating him still your dad only found out when you did 

Alison: oh that's good 

Ring ring ring 

Violet: bye Alison see you tomorrow 

After school violet and malia go home and do some homework and workout and go for a long run around the property