Thanks for the support from: Scarlet_mars, Alkole, KratosDragon, Sweetness, Joshua Stadt, Cracked, Madao, xtengorix, Devin Drenovas, Mightyowl1767, Niov1234, Smoking_ash12, Somebody, IL-MATTEO, Godphaze, Zengoun, Ozev, Wolfpack Studios, Redwing641, Joe Thigpen, Derrick Porter
'I need more power, I need to be powerful, I can't continue going like this.' I thought while drinking my large coffee, which I had to order after having stayed inside the coffee shop for more than I could without buying anything, it tasted like shit, but gave me a neat buff to my int and per so worth it.
My previous anxiety had vanished after more than 2 hours, no other weird women came to ask me how my day was, because no, I am not that handsome, and I am fucking sure of it.
Looking back at the options of the perks I could buy, I clicked on the Mana Eyes, finalizing my decision with absolute certainty, what I need is to understand mana to use it better, while having more health or mana, being harder to kill, or even better senses sounded useful, I don't need useful things, I need power.
After gaining the new perk, before activating it, I pushed Int, Wis, and Per to 20. I spent the remaining 5 on Vit, pushing it to 15 and severely improving my survivability.
I closed my eyes, feeling a new power, a new way to control mana, push its way inside my mind, turning my eyes into Mana eyes, required such fine control over mana and knowledge over the human eyes that I would most likely never be able to replicate its creation, or maybe I will.
When I opened my eyes, my brown eyes turned a deep blue, and a thread of mana came out from the tail of my eyes. Luckily, no one seemed to notice the change, or maybe they weren't able to.
Going outside, I looked at the streets filled with an endless quantity of mana, all coming out of the people, each with their own color and shade, dark red, bright purple, dark green, I am looking at a painting made by nature.
Following my instincts, I felt one cloud of mana notice my stare, and it became lively and happy to finally have someone notice it, to finally have someone care for its existence.
Seeing its readiness to be used, I was more than ready to cast a spell right in front of everyone, but I stopped myself and instead headed for a park where not many people visited, the mana closely following behind me like a pet.
When I was sure no one was watching, not even cameras, I willed the mana that had until then followed me to manifest itself into a physical form.
I felt an enormous pull on my mana reserves. The pure fact that mana was being turned physical made my mana completely dry. Seeing this, I stuffed my mouth with food I had stolen from the cafeteria, drank 10 water bottles, and began meditating while continuing to focus on the mana evocation.
My mind was burning, my veins felt like they were on fire, the cloud of mana pushing the limits of the control I had over it by becoming even more lively when it started forming.
By the time the being had formed, my mana had reached 0 for the first time, the worst migraine of my life threatened to make me faint any second, while my body shouted for rest.
But then the newborn touched me and my mind felt sharp again, my mana felt stronger than before, my once again full of life, finally feeling alive again, I opened my eyes to see what I had summoned.
A scaly being no bigger than a house cat, licking my hand with its bifurcated small tongue. Its delicate wings shimmer with iridescent scales, catching the light like a living gemstone. Piercing golden eyes that glow with happiness. Its tail curls playfully around my wrist, and when it breathes, instead of roaring flames, it puffs out tiny sparks or wisps of smoke.
I had summoned a Dragon.
You have created the spell: Mana Familiar Lv.MAX
Mana Familiar Lv.MAX
Effect: Even if you had the mana, only if a being made of pure mana were to recognize you, would you be able to summon one, doesn't require any further mana usage after the first summon, can be summoned or stored inside your mana pool where it will rest, if killed it will return into your pool where, after 24 hours, will regenerate fully.
Cost: Based on the potential of your summon
Due to the lack of mana and the eagerness of your new familiar, your HP have been converted into mana, pushing you down to 100 HP.
You have stipulated a contract with an infant Dragon, grow alongside it to unlock the full potential of your familiar.
Your familiar has felt your struggles and used its mana to help restore your HP and MP.
The dragon stopped licking my hand and instead jumped on my shoulder, laying there like a cat and hugging my neck, its tiny claws not even sharp enough to leave a mark on my skin.
" You are very cute, you know that?" I said, petting the dragon's head. The dragon pushed its head with fervor against my hand, craving more cuddles.
'I will have to think of a name for you, for now though, it's better if I return to the mansion.' I thought, and then petted the dragon one last time before storing it inside my mana pool, where I felt it relax and swim in it.
Happy with the mental image I got up from the ground, noticing a piece of paper fall from my lap.
*Congratulations for your new familiar, you should pay more attention though on where you do such a thing, I won't always be there*
That made my blood freeze. I looked around to see if someone was watching, but no one was there, not even small animals. So, who had left the message?
'Thank you, I guess.'
A new piece of paper appeared right in front of my face.
*You are welcome*
... I will not question the floating piece of paper and instead head back.
AN: Another thanks to everyone who has supported my Patron, and thanks to those who will in the future
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Without the spaces