Making her way to Dimitri's office she noticed people staring at her in shock and whispering among themselves. *He must have passed everyone up for this much gossip to happen.* Lily thought ascending the stairs in the main hall as Nina stopped in front of two double doors. The guards hesitated to let them through unsure of who Lily was.
"We are sorry, Miss. All personnel must have a pass or be of high enough rank to continue beyond this point." One of them said looking her over never having seen her before. "This is Princess Lily. Mate to Prince Dimitri. She has every right to pass through here." Nina explained appalled that they would question her status.
"I am sorry, but unless you have been through here before we can not let you pass." The other guard explained again letting some known dignitary through. Nina was irritated, but Lily just shook her head making a request to the guard. "If you could simply go and get the Prince this would easily be solved."