Sae awoke to the distinct feeling of being watched. Groggily, he blinked himself awake, his body still heavy with sleep, and found himself under the intense scrutiny of Shidou Ryusei.
Shidou was lying beside him, naked and beaming down at him.
"Morning sunshine!" he chirped. "You look so cute when you sleep Itoshi Sae!"
Shidou was the very picture of unbothered, hands resting lazily behind his head, like being naked in a strange place beside Sae was nothing out of the ordinary. His tanned skin glistened with sweat. His bruising and cuts stood out on his skin in the bright morning light. It heavily contrasted with his right side; his arm still covered in layers of white bandage. Sae's eyes travelled down his body, taking in his muscle definition, the blonde snail trail leading down to his rather large cock, lying soft against his thigh. Sae quickly snapped his eyes away as he felt heat rising to his cheeks.
"Why.. are you naked?" he asked, working hard to keep his tone even.
"The hospital gown was sweaty and disgusting, so I threw it off somewhere over there." Shidou waved dismissively toward the crumpled gown lying on Sae's floor.
Shidou laughed teasingly. "Ahhh, is it bothering you Sae-chan? I know I'm irresistible. It's ok, you're allowed to look."
Sae's jaw tightened. He could hear the smirk in Shidous's voice as he avoided his gaze. He could feel the anger simmering in him. This fucking brat. He forced himself to wrestle down his anger and control his emotions.
"I prefer to talk to people whilst they are fully clothed", he drawled, keeping his voice cool and flat. "Perhaps you could oblige."
"Nahh," Shidou replied, his grin so wide Sae could see his abnormally sharp canines. "Seeing you so flustered is way better."
Sae ground his teeth, whipping his head around to meet Shidou's eyes, which were glinting with delight. God this demon got under his skin, and it only made him angrier that Shidou had rightfully deduced that he was indeed bothered.
"Put some clothes on. Now!" he barked, dropping all pretence.
Shidou just sniggered, holding up his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. God, such a prude Sae-can!" he laughed as Sae seethed silently beside him. "What clothes can I put on?"
Sae stood and stalked over to the wardrobe, ripping out a pair of shorts and a T-shirt.
Shidou whistled appreciatively, "Ooooh Sae-chan, all your stuff is so organised."
Sae ignored him, blood pounding in his ears as he whirled around and threw the clothes at Shidou with some force.
"You can borrow something; your clothes are covered in piss since you wet yourself." Sae threw at him, nettled and intending to find something to wound him.
Sae was irritated at how Shidou remained unbothered, incapable of shame. He merely laughed loudly, his cheeks flushing pink as he turned his face away from Sae's.
"Ah well, shit happens, or in this case, piss", he sniggered. "Thanks for the clothes lashes, mind if I shower first?"
"Knock yourself out", Sae grit before storming from the room.
Sae splashed cold water on his face in the kitchen in an attempt to regain some composure. Jesus, get a grip, he scolded himself. Why was he so angry in the first place? It was just Shidou. Since when did he let emotion dictate his actions? Who was he, Rin? He scoffed, smirking to himself. No, that wasn't him. He wasn't the emotional one. He needed to get the fuck over whatever this tantrum was right now. He was just grumpy and sleep deprived after having to babysit the fucking demon all night. He just needed to take a breath and push through this.
Only then did it dawn on him that perhaps a post-concussed Shidou should not be showering alone. He gathered himself, rolling off all expression, and took a deep breath before he marched into the bathroom.
Shidou was standing by his basin, naked, wincing as he gripped the sink tightly. Sae's clothes were crumpled on the floor, making his eye twitch. Shidou straightened up, eyes widening upon seeing Sae, throwing him a weak smile. Sae smirked inwardly. Well, it seemed Sae wasn't the only one trying and failing to seem unbothered.
Sae took in Shidou's appearance, covered in bruises. He had undone the bandage on his right arm, displaying a nasty gash, or was it multiple, multiple lesions, bright and red, glistening darkly in the bathroom light. He observed the slight shaking in Shidou's arms and legs as he gripped the basin so tightly Sae could see his knuckles whitening. His expression, his injuries, Sae couldn't even appreciate his perfect ass that was right in front of his face.
Sae felt. He didn't know what he felt. Anger at Shidou for acting like he was fine and being a menace when he clearly had bigger issues to deal with. Pity that the demon was obviously hurting. Curiosity. Unease. An ever-increasing urge to know what had happened. Anger again, that someone had hurt Shidou so seriously and obviously put the demon through hell. It was all so frustrating. Sae wasn't used to feeling so many things all at once. He wasn't used to feeling anything at all without being able to tuck it away. He didn't even really understand what he was feeling now. All the layers of it just swirling into default anger and frustration.
He and Shidou stared at each other in a stalemate. Shidou's smile had vanished. His shaking had stopped as he removed his hands from the bathroom sink, turning to face Sae fully. He stood rigid. Tense. Coiled. His expression drawn. Sae sighed, breaking the silence.
"I know I said knock yourself out, but I'd really prefer if you didn't. I do not want to have to deal with this hassle a second time, so do you need help?"
Shidou stared at him, eyes wide, his expression slackening. He appeared to unwind. A second silence trickled between them before Shidou extended out his arm to Sae tentatively, as though Sae were an animal that might bite if provoked. Sae hesitated, but took it, offering support to Shidou as he guided him into the large walk-in shower. He continued to offer his arm for support and balance as Shidou washed.
"Aww, such a good nurse, Sae-chan", Shidou giggled as Sae rolled his eyes. The earlier tension vanished as Shidou's tone was cheerful.
Sae had no idea what had made the demon so tense in the first place or what had rectified it, but he'd ponder that once the demon was clothed and out of his house.
Sae stared straight ahead, unbothered, unmoved, untouchable. It was the perfect opportunity to rectify the morning's outburst and show no response to his nakedness. To resume his usual demeanour —notoriously unrattled. However, Shidou did not push him any further as he cleaned, slowly but without complaint. He showered awkwardly, keeping his wounded arm out of the shower, carefully ensuring it didn't get wet. Perhaps he'd sensed that he'd pushed Sae just a little too far, as he remained a model patient throughout the remainder of his shower, and whilst getting clothed. Or perhaps he was just in too much pain to continue poking at Sae. Sae deposited him back on the bed as he left to take his own shower.
It reminded Sae of just how easily he'd dissipated the tension between them after the incident in the locker room. So skilled at creating and also at diffusing tension when he wanted to. Sae let the water soothe him, as if washing the feelings away. Despite his better judgement. Sae's thoughts drifted back to the locker room.