The sounds of silverware scraping against porcelain plates filled the dining table as the Dunphys, Johnsons, and Michael enjoyed their dinner. As they all ate, light conversation was exchanged among the adults.
"Right?! It's such a great house!" Phil said with a significant smile as he spoke to Jefferson and Sasha. "I would have loved to have shown it to you, but unfortunately, I got the flu. I had no choice but to ask Gil Thorpe to handle the sale." Phil's expression turned sour at the mention of Gil Thorpe.
"I'm sensing you're not a fan of our realtor." Jefferson chuckled between bites. "Some bad history between you two?"
"You have no idea," Claire said, exasperated.
At the far end of the table, Mathew savored the dinner Claire had prepared, his mind buzzing with thoughts. How can I make a lasting impression on Claire and Phil? He pondered, taking a sip of water. What do I know about Claire? She's strong-willed, and she has some unresolved issues with her father. But how can I turn that to my advantage?
"So, Mathew, I heard you just moved to LA. Where are you from?" Michael said with a wide smile. His eyes stared intently at Mathew. Off beside Michael, Alex looked back and forth between Michael and Mathew with a frown.
Oh, no… Mom was right. Alex thought as she leaned her forehead into her hands.
"I'm from Chicago," Mathew answered with a friendly grin. "It's a big jump from LA, I'll tell you that. It's so warm and friendly here. During my runs, I get more waves than glares here."
Michael laughed as if he just heard the funniest thing ever. Luke turned to him with a confused expression. "Was that supposed to be funny? Should I laugh, too?" Luke asked Alex.
"No. Don't laugh."
"Got it." Luke nodded and continued to eat.
"That explains your athletic physique! What else do you do?" Michael asked as he leaned on the table.
Well, this is weird. Mathew thought as he turned to look at Alex with a look that screamed, 'Is he normally like this?' Alex smiled nervously and shrugged.
"Ah, well, I also box," Mathew said. Before Michael could speak, Alex quickly cut in.
"Hey, Dad! Why don't you show us one of your magic tricks?!" Alex said. From the head of the table, Phil grinned and nodded enthusiastically.
"Great idea, Alex!" Standing up, Phil ran into his office to grab some of his gear, much to Claire's dismay. Alex avoided her mother's pointed look by glancing off to the side.
"Hey, Matt. Do you plan to be a professional boxer someday? Is that why you box?" Luke asked with an excited smile. "Oh! Oh! Like Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao?!"
Luke's question grabbed everyone's attention, causing them all to turn to look at Mathew. Sasha smiled as she saw her son's unsure look, only to offer him an encouraging nod.
"A pro boxer? I don't know. I've never thought about going pro. I mostly box because it's great exercise... and it helped knowing how to fight back home." Mathew said as he rubbed the back of his head. "Besides, it's not easy becoming a pro. Boxing can be a pretty demanding sport."
"Don't count yourself out, Son. I think you have what it takes." Sasha smiled while Jefferson nodded in agreement.
"Your mom's right, Matt. You've been boxing ever since you were a kid. If anyone has the potential to go pro, it's you." Jefferson said. But deep inside, Jefferson hoped his son would one day follow in his footsteps and work in tech.
Hearing his parents' support, Mathew nodded in thanks and wondered if he should seriously consider pursuing going pro.
"Thanks, Mom and Dad. I appreciate your support. But... I'm not sure if that's what I want to do with my life. At least not yet," Mathew's voice was tinged with uncertainty as he voiced his thoughts.
"See? Your folks believe you can do it." Luke poked his remaining scraps of food. "Still, I'll let you think about it. When you're ready, I'll be willing to be your manager. For the right price, of course."
"Luke!" Claire gave her son a look. "Manners!"
"It's fine, Mrs. Dunphy. You know what, Luke? I'll let you know if I do decide to go pro." Mathew smiled in amusement. Satisfied by his answer, Luke continued eating his food. He was already imagining how he and Mathew would take over the boxing world due to his outstanding leadership.
"Okay! Now, before I begin, I'm going to need a volunteer!" Phil said once he returned with some of his gear.
Of course! Phil loves magic! Mathew thought with wide eyes and quickly stood up. This is the perfect way to gain a good impression!
"I'll do it!" Mathew said, walking over to stand next to Phil, who was ecstatic. From there, Phil began performing a series of card tricks that impressed the Johnsons and Michael.
Claire, despite her initial embarrassment at having her husband perform what she thought were silly tricks, eventually joined everyone in clapping and cheering for Phil and Mathew.
[Event: Dinner with the Dunphys.]
[Task: Make a good impression with Claire and Phil Dunphy.]
[Progress Update: Phil has a great impression of you!]
[Completion: 1/2]
Once the brief magic show was over, Mathew walked into the family room with a large smile as he saw that he was halfway done with his task. Even though he jumped at the opportunity to be in Phil's small magic show to gain a good impression, he ended up having a good time. During the performance, he also earned a new skill as well.
[ You have learned a New Skill! Magic!]
Just before he sat down on one of the couches, Mathew paused in front of a picture frame. It was of the entire Dunphy family. Phil, Claire, Alex, Luke, and an older girl with long, brown hair.
Haley. Mathew thought. He had utterly forgotten she was part of the famous sitcom family.
"That's my older sister, Haley," Alex said as she stood beside him. Her hands were grabbing the sides of her pants tightly. "She's currently in college. That's why she's not here."
"Is that so? You two look alike." Mathew smiled at Alex, causing her to blush and brush a strand of hair behind her ear at the unintended praise, at least from her perspective. Alex always thought that her older sister was very pretty. So, to hear someone say that she looked like Haley was a huge compliment. "So… do I have to tell you?"
"Uh, tell me what?"
"That your boyfriend plays for the other team," Mathew whispered as he looked over at Michael. The aforementioned young man was talking animatedly over Sasha's fashionable outfit. Alex winced and looked over as well.
"Yeah… I know. At least, now I do." Alex sighed and rubbed her forehead. "It's a… long story."
"Well, window buddy, we have a long night," Mathew said with a grin as he motioned to the backyard.
Alex nodded with a slight flush, and the two exited the house by heading to the back porch. Sasha and Claire noticed but chose to ignore it. Both mothers exchanged a brief, knowing smile.