Seeing his friend get knocked back, Chase yelled in anger and tried to tackle Natalia. Cursing to herself, Natalia barely managed to dodge the tackle. Not one to give up, Chase's left arm swung out and struck Natalia. Luckily, she was able to raise her right arm to block the hit.
Roger shook his head and turned to his four other friends. "The hell are you doing?! Get her!" He yelled in anger as his nose began to bleed.
Despite the unfair situation, all four teenagers only hesitated briefly before moving in to attack Natalia. Seeing them all rush her, Natalia growled but kept her guard up.
"Fuck you! I'll take you all on!" Natalia yelled through her fear.
Drake grinned at his opportunity to show Natalia just how much of a man he was. With an unexpected jerk, Drake lurched forward and crashed onto the floor painfully.
With a groan, he turned back to see Mathew sticking his foot out from where he tripped Drake with an annoyed expression. Drake's other three friends all stopped in their tracks and turned to Mathew.
"Nuh-uh. You four butt out of it." Mathew looked them over as he raised his guard. "I'll dance with you instead."
Natalia's eyes widened as Mathew gave her a quick smile before he rushed one of Drake's friends. Natalia wasn't able to wonder what Mathew was doing there because Roger was swinging a wild punch at her head. Which she quickly ducked under.
[Boxing: 41]
Mathew's boxing stat was at 41 points. He was still several points off from being at an athlete's level, but he was confident he could take down four untrained teenagers. Especially considering that none of them had any proper stances or tells of them being experienced in any discipline.
The best way to fight multiple opponents is to strike fast and hard. Mathew thought as he rushed the closest opponent. With a snap, Mathew launched a punch into his opponent's nose. Sending his head snapping back with a yelp.
To finish him off, Mathew landed a powerful hook into the side of his head. Knocking him out.
"Gotcha!" Right before his opponent could fall onto the hard cement ground, Mathew was able to grab him by his jacket. With a shrug, he then let the teenager go onto the floor. "Who's next?"
"Man, fuck this."
"Yeah. I ain't fighting him. You saw 'em moves?"
Mathew watched the two of Drake's companions run away without looking back. Standing to his feet, Drake glared at their retreating backs but then focused his attention on Mathew.
"Who the hell are you?" Drake growled as he raised his hands. Fully intent to smash his fists into Mathew's face.
"Me? Who the hell are you?" Mathew said, much to Drake's annoyance.
"I asked you first!"
"Don't you know it's rude to ask for someone's name before giving yours?"
"Fuck this!" Drake yelled and made a mad dash at Mathew. Mathew exhaled slowly and quickly moved out of the way of Drake's wild punch. Grunting, Drake began to rain several punches at Mathew. All of which he avoided with practiced ease.
As Mathew skillfully dodged to the side, he caught a glimpse of Chase lunging toward Natalia, his grip tightening around her waist from behind. With her arms trapped firmly beneath Chase's powerful hold, Natalia found herself helpless, unable to fend off the looming threat posed by Roger, who was advancing swiftly towards her, a menacing look etched on his face.
A wet smack filled the air as Roger landed a vicious punch onto Natalia's stomach. She gasped out in pain before Roger grabbed her by the hair and delivered a violent smack across her face.
In his distraction, Mathew dropped his guard. Seeing this, Drake smirked and crashed his fist onto Mathew's nose.
A sharp pain erupted on Mathew's face as tears sprang up in the corners of his eyes. Okay. Enough games!
Mathew's face erupted into a cold rage, surprising Drake. With razor-sharp movements, Mathew slid into Drake's personal space and smashed his right fist into Drake's chin. Jolting his head back.
Without a moment's hesitation, Mathew sprinted toward Roger. Chase, realizing the urgency of the situation, opened his mouth to shout a warning, but before he could utter a sound, Natalia swung her head back with force, connecting sharply with his face and leaving him momentarily dazed and silent.
Jumping into the air, Mathew landed a Superman punch on Roger's head. Launching him to the floor.
"GAH! Ma nose!" Chase screamed as he grabbed his bleeding nose.
"Fuck your nose!" Natalia spun around and unloaded several punches into his body and face. Chase was unable to defend himself due to her unrelenting strikes. With a roar, Natalia knocked Chase out with a powerful left hook.
"Piece of shit." Natalia spat on Chase's body as he rolled on the floor.
Natalia glanced at Mathew, who was dabbing at his bloody nose with the back of his left hand, the crimson smudges contrasting starkly against his skin.
Beneath him sprawled Roger, his once-bright left eye now a deep crimson, rapidly swelling into a bruised, ominous purple that hinted at a painful impact.
Mathew exhaled heavily, his breath shaky, before turning to Natalia with a smile.
"So… you box?"