"Your Highness, it's time to go!" said the knight, Melty.
"Ganyun, Filo will see you!" she said and left.
I went to the room Naofumi went to.
"Naofumi, Melty didn't do anything to you, but you talked to her like that!" she said, she was so angry at him for talking to Mel like that.
"You know, she's kind of right!" the bald guy who was standing next to me supported my words.
"I understand you, but it was her sister who did this, and she has nothing to do with it!" I added.
"Dad, why were you so rude to Mel?" asked Filo, the shield hero, while holding Raphtalia and me by the hands.
"Listen to Filo…"
"I swear to the gods, Naofumi, if you forbid her to play with Melty, I'll beat you up so badly that even your own mother won't recognize you!" I growled at him.
"Sorry…" the Knight said when he entered the shop.
"What did you want?" I asked the people who arrived.
"Well… we'd like to accompany you during the wave!" he said, and all the people who arrived with him bowed to us.
"We want to help you, we were touched by how you fought the last wave! And each of us, Mr. Hero and Mrs. Hero, wants to support you!"
"I don't mind, and Naofumi has no say in this!" and as always, the Shield Hero threw an irritated glance in my direction, but remained silent.
"Really?" the guy asked.
"Yes, but you're not afraid…" I told them and smiled.
"You know, I killed many knights, and the church even called me a demon! So I'll ask again, aren't you afraid?"
He swallowed, but I saw the determination in his eyes.
"No! I was there when you killed those knights, and I know why, and what they wanted to do to you! And the fact that you're a demon… Even if you are a demon, it doesn't change the fact that you saved many people during the wave!"
I just laughed and answered him.
"Okay, when the time comes, I hope you won't change your mind!" I said to which they nodded at us and left.
"Hey bald boar, Raphtalia needs armor!" I said to the bald man.
"Oh my god, girl…" he wanted to say something but fell silent.
In the end, I bought new armor for Raphtalia.
"Um, uncle, there are stars next to the levels, what do they mean?" - yes, like Naofumi, I also saw stars in the interface, but of course I didn't have them, for obvious reasons.
"Does this mean you are ready for an upgrade? You need to go to the hourglass!" - he said, to which Naofumi nodded to him, and I paid him and we went to the church.
This can't go normally, can it…
And of course, the so-called "sisters" looked at me with apprehension.
"We would like, sorry, a class upgrade, Naofumi said!"
"15 gold!" - one of them answered, with a trembling voice
"Okay!" - I told them, and threw a bag of coins.
"That should be enough…" - the nun nailed me
"Excuse me, your group is forbidden to conduct promotions!"
"Oh, it seems your daddy is afraid? I don't give a shit what you forbid!" - I said walking up to the nun and grabbed her by the throat, lifting her off the ground.
"Maybe I should be what you think I am? A merciless demon!"
"Ganyu, let's go!" - Naofumi told me, putting his hands on my shoulder.
"Tch!" - I clicked my tongue and unclenched my hand.
As I left the church, I couldn't contain my disappointment.
"Naofumi, why do you always stop me?" - I growled at him.
He flinched, but still answered.
"Ganyun, many in this church are innocent…"
"Yes, yes, I know, I already felt like I was losing control a little!" I said with a sigh, since I really didn't want to kill everyone in the church.
I really am very different from Ganyun from the game…
"Well, where to next?" I asked the shield hero
"I think I know. Who can help us with the promotion!"
And of course, we came to that scum trading slaves.
"Unfortunately, we do not provide such services! But you can conduct a promotion at a dragon clock in another country!
"There are others?" - is he really a bit slow-witted, did he not think that there were other dragon clocks? If so, then there would be wars for them, but there are none at the moment. And only waves of disaster
"That's right, I usually charge for such information, but for you I'll share it completely free of charge!"-to which I rolled my eyes.
"If we talk about the most suitable countries for promotion, then these are the mercenary country of Zeltopyl and the half-human countries of Shvedveld and Sherdfriedan! I would recommend Sherdfriedan!"-he said pointing to the map
As a result, our next goal was to visit another country.
A couple of days later, we came across a city that was battered.
"What a sad city!"-said Filo as she pulled the cart
"Nothing surprising when the local nobility is very greedy!"-I said shrugging my shoulders.
"Yes, I heard that the local lord is very mean!" Naofumi added
"Yes, the fee was too high!" I said, remembering how much money we paid to enter this lord's territory.
"Maybe the city was attacked by a wave?" Raphtalia asked.
We didn't stop in this ill-fated city, but simply drove past it, and of course, along the way we met people whom Naofumi helped, or rather sold everything they needed.
A few days later, we returned to the capital again!
"There are 27 hours left until the wave!" said the shield hero as we walked around the city!
"Ganyun, I'm hungry!" said Filo and pulled my sleeve, I couldn't help myself and picked her up.
"Filo, you're so cute! As soon as we find a restaurant, I'll cook you a delicious lunch!" I said and noticed Raphtalia pouting.
"And you too, Raphtalia!" I told her.
"Don't even think about pouting, it will look disgusting!" I told the shield hero.
We found it, and they kindly provided me with a kitchen, which I immediately used and cooked a delicious lunch, for 4 servings and brought it out to my comrades.
And of course, I noticed the emo goth, who was sitting and drinking.
I simply ignored him and walked over to our table.
"Wow, this looks delicious!" Filo exclaimed
I nodded at her words.
"The secret ingredient is love!"
To which Naofumi choked.
"Are you sure it's love and not the hearts of your enemies!" I simply rolled my eyes at his joke
"What do you want?" I asked the approaching emo goth.
"What? Did the dragon bite your tongue off and leave it to rot?"
"Yes, the plague was spread from the corpse of the dragon you killed!" Naofumi said, and then added
"We got rid of its remains!"
"No way…" the sword hero said
"Then go check it out yourself if you don't believe me!"
"Because of you, many people died, and you still call me a demon!" I told him sarcastically.
In the end, we left the sword hero to sort out his thoughts and went to meet those people who wanted to go with us on the wave.
Well, none of them refused this idea…