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bloody ice

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The weather was cold and rainy. A wizard was walking down the street when he noticed a child with white hair, blue eyes, and skin whiter than snow abandoned in front of a church. He was astonished that such a gifted child in magic had been left there. Quickly, he picked up the child and flew away on his broomstick. Four years later...

Chapter 1 - The wizard shows up.

The weather was cold and rainy. A wizard was walking down the street when he noticed a child with white hair, blue eyes, and skin whiter than snow abandoned in front of a church. He was astonished that such a gifted child in magic had been left there. Quickly, he picked up the child and flew away on his broomstick.

Four years later...

The wizard had discovered the child's talent early on. At the age of three, he gave him a wooden sword to practice with and keep him entertained.

The wizard discovered that the child had the power of ice, but not ordinary ice. This ice never melted, and when it shattered, it turned into "Ku."

"Ku" refers to inner energy, something you use to control your surroundings. The little boy trained in both heat and cold, winter and summer. As he grew older, his understanding of life became clearer.

One day, while the boy was training, he saw the wizard talking to a magical orb. The wizard said, "In two years, the 'Ku' essence from this child will create the Ice Wolf."

The boy overheard this and began to think about what he needed to do to survive the next two years. He was a clever child and considered stealing the wizard's magical book. After some thought, he decided against it, thinking, "No, that's wrong. I'll just take one page from the book." He spent two weeks pondering this decision because, after all, he was only a five-year-old child.

He spent the next year perfecting his plan to steal the page. By the time he was six years old, he was ready. One night, when the wizard was asleep, the boy quietly got up and moved cautiously, hearing the sound of his own footsteps.

He slowly opened the door to the wizard's room and searched through the pages of the book. He found the page about ice, tore it out, closed the book, and quietly returned. However, the wizard saw him and asked, "What were you doing?"

The boy replied, "I came to take the sleeping potion."

The wizard warned, "Next time, wake me up. Don't touch my things." He handed the potion to the boy and said, "Go back to sleep and don't disturb me."

The next day, when the wizard went out, the boy read the page in his mind, fearing that the wizard might suddenly find out. He realized that this was one of the most powerful ice spells, and breaking it required a high level of skill.

When the wizard returned, the boy quickly hid the page. The wizard called, "Come inside."

The boy went in and held the page in front of him. The wizard was stunned. The boy recited the spell, and the entire house froze. The wizard's muscles turned to ice, and he became a frozen statue, though he remained alive due to the energy of "Ku," but in the agony of the cold...

The boy left the place.

یک هفته بعد او موفق شد از خانه یخ زده فرار کند و سرانجام از دست جادوگر فرار کرد. به آرامی، او شروع به احساس ضعف کرد، اما این فقط یک نقطه ضعف نبود، بلکه "ضعف کو" بود.

"ضعف کو" به این معنی است که انرژی Ku از بدن شما تغذیه می کند و با هر قطره خونی که استفاده می کنید، احساس می کنید تمام بدن شما در حال سوختن است.

زمانی که از جنگل خارج شد، سقوط کرد و از حال رفت. چند روز بعد پیرمردی او را پیدا کرد. وقتی وون از خواب بیدار شد، دید که در خانه ای گرم است.

او ترسیده بود، فکر می کرد جادوگر از یخ جدا شده است. اما بعد متوجه پیرمردی شد که کنارش نشسته بود و احساس آرامش کرد.

پیرمرد: پسر جوان، اسمت چیست و اهل کجایی؟

وون هنوز کاملاً به او اعتماد نداشت.

وون: "اسم من وون است و از روستای فقیری هستم که ویران شده است. من به دنبال سرپناهی هستم."

پیرمرد: خب، من فقط یک پیرمرد تنها هستم، اگر می خواهی می توانی اینجا پیش من بمانی، اما یک شرط دارد.

وون: شرایطت چیه؟

پیرمرد: من شاگردی می خواهم که بتواند مهارت های من را به ارث ببرد.

به نشانه احترام و تشکر از او تعظیم کرد.

پیرمرد می خندد: "هو هو هو! خوب است که یک دانش آموز قوی و جوان داشته باشی."

پیرمرد مشت محکمی به شکم او می زند.

وون: "چرا به من گفتی؟"

پیرمرد: باید با دردهای زندگی آشنا شوی.

وون: "من خراب کردم، نمیخوام..."

پیرمرد: "اسم من هیروشی هیرویا است."

وون: حتی اسمت را هم نپرسیدم!

هیروشی: "خفه شو و بمیر. من استاد اینجا هستم." دوباره با مشت به شکمش می زند.

وون: "اوووو، چرا دوباره منو زدی؟"

هیروشی: "باید مرا استاد صدا کنی."

برنده شد: "باشه استاد."

هیروشی: "خوب. حالا برو بخواب. فردا تمرینات زیادی داریم."

برنده شد: "باشه استاد."

وون به خواب عمیقی فرو رفت و شروع کرد به خواب دیدن...